Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Moscow Mitch" is trading Black Lung Disease for Alluminum Potroom Asthma.

What are you dumping on the people of Kentucky "Moscow" Mitch, more hardship and illness; only this time they have to go to Russia to get money for their disability.

American Journal Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, (click here) 1994 Dec;150(6 Pt 1):1714-7.

Aluminium potroom asthma confirmed by monitoring of forced expiratory volume in one second.

Desjardins A., Bergeron JP, Ghezzo H, Cartier A, Malo JL.

Department of Chest Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, Quebéc, Canada.

Chronic airflow obstruction has long been seen among aluminium potroom workers. Currently referred to as "potroom asthma," it is debatable as to whether it is occupational asthma or nonspecific airway obstruction. A 35-yr-old male lifelong nonsmoker, with no history of asthma or atopy, was hired by an aluminium plant that had begun its operation in 1986. Preemployment screening, consisting of spirometry and a chest radiograph, was normal. During his 12-h shifts, he replaced 10 to 20 anodes (prebake type), spending 5 min each time close to open pots releasing hot fumes. The patient experienced episodes of cough and dyspnea, which were resolved during withdrawal from work in January and December 1991. He resumed work in the potrooms in March 1992, his dyspnea recurred at work and at night with 25% drops in peak expiratory flow rates (PEFR), associated with mild-to-moderate bronchial hyperresponsiveness (PC20 histamine, 1.0 mg/ml). After a chest physician's assessment, he was withdrawn from the potroom department. Assessment of the bronchial response to the occupational exposure in potrooms carried out in November 1992 revealed a pattern of dual asthmatic response, paralleled by a drop in PC20 methacholine from 5.1 to 0.7 mg/ml. A similar pattern was seen again during repeat workplace challenges 3 wk later. Spirometry obtained on control days was stable. We conclude that asthmatic reactions can exist among workers in aluminium smelters.                   

Moscow Mitch sold the USA out to a Russian oligarch.

Kentucky is getting Russia money along with it's pollution. Nearly a decade ago an American company Alcoa moved from the USA to Iceland because of it's pollution. I guess Moscow Mitch under the influence of Trump pandering to Russia can't get on a plane to talk to those at Alcoa to ask if they can find a way to come back to the USA.



The USA national security is at risk and "Moscow Mitch" doesn't care because Donald Trump doesn't care and his EPA never bothered to ask about pollution.

January 25, 2019

“What do you own when  you have sold everything?” (click here)

That’s the question asked on the poster for the Icelandic documentary Dreamland, being shown tonight (Monday, Jan. 25)  by Cinema Politica. at Concordia University.

The film seems like something Quebecers could relate to on many levels, since there are several parallels with our own situation.

In both places there’s a (perceived) need for energy, jobs, and a certain amount of development in the hinterland, to keep young people from leaving for the big city.

At the same time many people are reluctant to destroy (or seriously alter) the landscape to achieve  those ends.

There’s a big irony in that Iceland’s clean energy is now being used by a very polluting and energy intensive industry – aluminum smelting.

And as we know, producing hydro electric power means diverting rivers, building damns, flooding scenic spots, messing with the natural scheme of things in general.....

What happened? Drug bust gone bad? Domestic? What?