Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's the "Threat Threshold" stupid.

Foreign nationals are brought on by companies for many reasons. Espionage is sometimes part of it. It worked out well for Mr. Chalibi from Iraq when the USA decided he was a good guy with a gun. 

I don't know exactly why companies took an interest in the Uncle. But, it was Russia. Russia has lots of secrets any company wants to know about. Russian oil is coveted by others that should not be coveting those assets.

The point is sometimes knowledge of the language, culture, people, etc. can be invaluable. The young men were brought to the USA for an opportunity to live a better life and get away from a volatile region of Russia.  If you were their uncle wouldn't you want to remove them from such dangerous potentials in their young lives? Of, course. It is very unfortunate it all didn't go well. It just seems given all the factors that played into the Boston bombings there would have been better interventions.

The final reality is more likely, all those monies spent on a huge intelligence center to consolidate all this information and provide reasons for agencies to 'talk to each other,' will prove to be nothing more than a huge waste of money like the Embassy in Iraq.

The PROBLEM surrounding September 11, 2001 wasn't really about sharing information. The FBI had one terrorist scoped out. The CIA knew there were problems with the al Qaeda network and issued a warning to the President. The REAL problem that has lead to all these folks running amok in the USA is that the THREAT LEVEL was never lowered enough to actually find the REAL TARGETS OF INTEREST. 

Until the Threat Threshold is lowered and these folks can actually be stopped before they carry out their plans against Americans, we can spend trillions upon trillions more and the same would continue to exist and occur in our society.

The information has to be disseminated to local authorities that have competencies to work with FBI and CIA. I might add, that when there are more people in the USA law enforcement community qualified to 'make the trip to Quantico,' the larger the pool for qualified agents. 

Currently, we have an FBI Director that was begged to stay for lack of a 'qualified other' to take the position or should I say 'willing' to take the position. If the pool of candidates were larger from across the entire country making their way up the ladder, we would have many qualified leaders for any of the intelligence departments. It is time we did this while adding competency to our nation and standards of intervention to stop this hideous paradigm we all face.

Now, why would Russia know something about the Tsarni boys?

The Boston Bomber can't afford a lawyer? Right? I am sure his Uncle could. At least according to a silly old blogger.

Halliburton MONEY sponsored the families move to the USA. Why would Russia be interested? Anyone's guess, right? "W"rong.

Business Wire [New York] 15 Apr 2005: 1.
Big Sky Energy Corporation, (click here) (OTCBB:BSKO) (NASDAQ:BSKO) (the "Company") Announced today that Mr. Bruce H. Gaston has been appointed as the Company's Chief Financial Officer, replacing Mr. Tom Milne, who will remain a Director of the Corporation. In addition, Mr. Ruslan Z. Tsarni joins the management team as the new Vice President, Business Development & Corporate Secretary....

...Mr. Ruslan Tsarni, a U.S. citizen, has over 10 years of professional experience in oil and gas legislation and corporate law. Previously, Mr. Tsarni served as Corporate Counsel of Nelson Resources Limited Group of companies, as well as Managing Director of several of its operating subsidiaries, responsible for all matters relating to corporate governance and placements and filing requirements under the securities regulations of Toronto Stock Exchange and AIM. He worked with financial institutions and banks on raising funds for acquisition and development of the assets operated by Nelson's subsidiaries, as well as managed legal and administrative matters for all such subsidiaries. From 1999 to 2001, Mr. Tsarni worked as Head of Legal Affairs of Golden Eagle Partners LLC where he developed downstream and upstream oil and gas businesses in Kazakhstan and served as Managing Director of its wholly owned subsidiary Tobe LLP. From 1998 to 1999 Mr.Tsarni worked as Senior Associate with Salans Hertzfeld & Heilbronn providing legal advise to major multinational companies on different aspects of Kazakhstan legal issues on development of mineral resources, corporations, taxation, currency, customs, employment, banking, bankruptcy and trade marks. From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Tsarni served as a consultant for Financial Markets International LLC and Arthur Andersen LLP contracted by USAID for projects aimed to develop securities markets in Central Asia, where he trained corporate governance and corporate finance principals to state and private companies....

Tsarni served USAID for two years. Why didn't Russia engage in detailed information with the FBI? To begin that is not really heard of. Tipping off another government to prevent tragedy is an acceptable form of communication, but, cooperation beyond alerting the USA...hmmmmm....that would mean Russia would have to give up it's sources. I don't think so.

Posted on  by Daniel Hopsicker
...At a time when vast natural resources (click here) and enormous fortunes were ‘in play’  during the economic free-for-all after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 24-year old Tsarni was already a ‘player.’
Its long been an open secret that USAID is often used overseas to house CIA and other US intelligence operatives.
Oddly enough, just six months ago the country competing with the US for influence in the region, Vladimir Putin’s Russia, unceremoniously kicked USAID out of Russia for, Putin spokesmen alleged, encouraging his political opposition....

...Out on the ragged bleeding edge of the former Soviet Union, Ruslan Tsarni had a decade-long business relationship with Halliburton, the multinational juggernaut run by Dick Cheney before  he became Vice President of the United States....

Russia can't possibly believe they can block attempts to stop such use of Sarin.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, secretary-general of NATO, expressed concern over the Syrian crisis spilling over borders [AP]

Rasmussen also said that NATO was concerned about the risk of the conflict spilling over Syria's borders.
"I can assure you that we stand ready to defend, protect our allies, in this case Turkey, as a neighbour of Syria. We have all plans ready to ensure effective defence and protection of Turkey," he added.
"The situation in Syria has dramatically deteriorated," Rasmussen said. "This continues to pose a threat to regional stability."

There is a lot on the line. But, Europe cannot allow mass murder in Syria. If there was a release of Sarin gas and it was used as a weapon against the people, it cannot be ignored.

There are also reports Israel intercepted a drone from Lebanon. If that is true, then it is a shot over the bow of the west. Lebanon does not want a war next door.

But, if the drone didn't belong to Lebanon or any Lebanese group, then there are still Iranians working out of that country. At the beginning of this month an Iranian spy was found there, too. So, more than likely it is the same group. They don't care if it shot down over Israel so long as it can transmit pictures back of any preparedness to launch missiles.

More than likely it was an Iranian drone. The entire region is in flux and Europe wants to be careful. I don't blame them. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in knowing what the options are Hagel is looking at.

...Meanwhile, NATO wants to restrict its role (click here) strictly to that of defending its member Turkey, and to avoid any thought of military intervention in Syria, for which NATO has no mandate. It's stationed defensive Patriot missiles at the Turkish-Syrian border, manned by German troops....

Buy the leases from the Interior Department and put up wind turbines

See the entries below

There are regulatory changes (click here) that can occur to facilitate wind production permits rather than oil and gas permits. The Cabinet Secretary would have to request the BLM and Ocean Energy Management to find the needed changes. But, it is doable.

Courts could be accessed to provide the opportunity for wind when these lands were not offered for alternative energies.

The reason I mention the courts is because leases for 2012-2017 have already been auctioned. But, if there is an INEQUITY of LAND USE of public lands AND/OR there is more profitable and more wind potential of these lands then it is possible the government will have to redraw the maps to accommodate the best outcomes of alternative energies.

There is no reason alternative energies should be provided with inferior areas of exploration any different than the petroleum industry. If anything there should be a preference for that energy source over carbon emitting fuels.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar spoke at an oil and natural gas lease sale conducted by the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management at the Mercedez-Benz Superdome Wednesday.

Updated: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 6:53 PM
The first oil and natural gas lease sale (click here) in the central Gulf of Mexico area where the Deepwater Horizon exploded two years ago attracted more than $1.7 billion in high bids from energy companies, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Wednesday at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. The lease sale, the second the U.S. has held in any region since BP's Macondo well erupted in April 2010, killing 11 rig workers and causing one of the worst environmental disasters in the nation's history, put about 39 million acres -- or 7,434 tracts -- up for bid, from as close as three miles to as far as 230 miles off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama....

The USA Military demands some of the lands from BLM be used for their purposes. The national security of the USA can't be deterred if the oil and gas are required by the USA. While abroad the USA military purchases their fuel needs, so the amount they need at home is limited to their overall capacity globally.

Buy the leases from the Interior Department and put up wind turbines

See the entries below

The best part of the George W. Bush Library is the Prairie Grass Park.

In this Monday, Oct. 29, 2012 photo, (click here) former first lady Laura Bush, center, talks with Herb Sweeney, right, landscape architect, and Mark Langdale, president of the George W. Bush Foundation, during a tour of the Texas interpretation of the White House Rose Garden at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas. A 15-acre park at the upcoming George W. Bush Presidential Center will recreate a Texas prairie, complete with a wildflower meadow, a special blend of native grasses and even trees transplanted from the former president's ranch. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Prairie Grass was promoted during the administration as a viable option for American Farmers to produce ethanol. He has right to the legacy.

...The park's landscaping, which was just completed this month, recreates the kind of prairie landscape that would have existed in the area before the city was here, said Mark Langdale, president of the George W. Bush Foundation.
The wildflower meadow should include Indian paintbrush, evening primrose, and, of course, Texas' beloved state flower, the bluebonnet, when it blooms next year....
The theme is NATIVE plants and grasses. The attack on invasive species in the USA began with vigor under the administration. Native plants are a wonderful reality for any state in the nation.

Everyone in the pool!

Congressional leaders in both parties (click here) are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.
The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said....

Seven more explosions in Alabama. Three human beings critically injured. Why do any of the ports, including the Port of Louisiana receive any funds from the federal government or receive services from the US Army Corp? Close the port.

We can't continue to throw good federal money after bad. This is outrageous. The state structure of Louisiana is designed to be a blood sucker off the federal government to give the petroleum industry a comfy nest within the state. ENOUGH!

Tug boats maneuver around the Carnival cruise ship Triumph on the east side of the Mobile River earlier this month. On Wednesday two fuel barges on the river exploded, rattling windows and blowing open doors in communities nearby.
AP Photo/, Bill Starling

A year doesn't go by that the people of the USA aren't dumping millions and millions into Louisiana. MOVE THE PORT. Louisiana doesn't deserve it. 

This is outrageous. PATHETIC ! Louisiana is a parasite. 

Firefighters (click here) from Mobile, Ala., and U.S. Coast Guard crews responded Wednesday night to four explosions and a fire on fuel barges in the Mobile River....
Louisiana is so dense in petroleum interests it should have a floating rescue armada that puts the US Coast Guard to shame, but, that isn't happening is it?

Louisiana's politics screams CONSERVATIVE so much and so frequently it sounds like a gay legislator that votes to destroy gay rights. Same thing. Louisiana exists on federal money. Enough, already. The Governor doesn't have to get his head off the pillow when an emergency like this happens because he knows the reputation of the waterfront of Louisiana is well known to the US Coast Guard. I don't want to carry the state on the back of the federal government anymore.

"Sequester Louisiana!" it will solve the dilemma with the national debt. No lie. In ten years we won't have to worry about the level of debt to the nation anymore.

Louisiana has vast resources made available to the petroleum industry. The industry is well established there. The people of Louisiana live in poverty paid for by the federal government. Eighty percent of Louisiana's Medicaid is paid for by the federal government PRE-Affordable Care Act. Like, what? And the people of that state are suppose to believe and be brainwashed to believe Jindal would never accept federal monies for Medicaid. Yeah. Right.

Close the port, I am tired of lives hanging in the balance of incompetents in the Louisiana State Government. I don't want anymore Louisiana deaths on my hands. I want NO federal money feeding these dangers to human beings. If the people of the USA are supporting the people of Louisiana through the federal system I want either an end to the dangers as supported by STATE REGULATION AND INSPECTION AND PLENTY OF STATE FUNDING AND/OR no more federal dollars to the state government. I do not want my taxes to go to the deaths in Louisiana supported by NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER currently supported by the state government.

I want out! I want out of all of them. They don't care about people in the Gulf States that have sold out to petroleum industry. They have deregulated every aspect of decency and they don't deserve the monies they get from the federal government.

Gulf of Mexico Fact Sheet (click here)

End the pipelines!

These are the wind maps of the USA. Some of the best places in the country to place wind turbines that would also return shrimp beds and fishing lie along the Gulf Coast. The reason it is not being done is because of the plans for the pipelines and refineries.

From the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. It replaced Minerals Management Service. If the Gulf Coast wants to continue to deprive the people of a decent quality of life then they can do it by themselves.

Offshore Wind Energy (click here)

Offshore winds tend to blow harder and more uniformly than on land. The potential energy produced from wind is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed. As a result, increased wind speeds of only a few miles per hour can produce a significantly larger amount of electricity. For instance, a turbine at a site with an average wind speed of 16 mph would produce 50% more electricity than at a site with the same turbine and average wind speeds of 14 mph. This is one reason that developers are interested in pursuing offshore wind energy resources. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides a number of maps showing average wind speed data through its Resource Assessment & Characterization page and through National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) MapSearch. 

Apr. 24, 2013 9:44 PM  
Local governing bodies (click here) have filed suit against BP, Halliburton and Transocean for tax and tourism revenue they say they lost as a result of the 2010 oil spill.
Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, school districts in both counties, the city of Pensacola and the Downtown Improvement Board filed the separate suits last week in federal court in Pensacola.
They say they they lost money after the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20, 2010, which dumped 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, soiled more than 1,000 miles of shoreline and ravaged the coast’s ecosystem....

...None of the governing bodies, except for Escambia County and the county’s school district, has received any money for to compensate for lost revenue after filing claims in the past three years, Barr said.

Escambia County settled a claim with BP in early 2011 for $1.84 million in lost revenue and tourism taxes. The same year, the Escambia County School District settled another claim for about $363,000 for money lost between May and September 2010 from local option sales tax revenue.

The suits were filed around the same time the state of Florida became the fourth state to sue for damages from the oil spill. Their suit was filed against BP and Halliburton in U.S. District Court in Panama City....