This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
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No one is dying on my behalf. I am home and will not eat meat coming from "hotspots." April 28, 2020 By Kaitlan Collins and Maegan Vazquez President Donald Trump (click here)is expected to sign a five-page executive order under the Defense Production Act to compel meat processing plants to remain open amidthe coronavirus pandemic. Trump had highlighted the order during an Oval Office meeting withFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantisthat was opened up to reporters. "We're going to sign an executive order today, I believe, and that'll solve any liability problems," Trump said on Tuesday. The President is expected to sign the order after some companies, such as Tyson Foods, were considering only keeping 20% of their facilities open. The vast majority of processing plants could have shut down -- which would have reduced processing capacity in the country by as much as 80%, an official familiar with the order told CNN.... The USA food supply has become less safe under Trump and now Americans are dying because of the Trump administration's disastrous deregulation. Deregulation and denial causes a far greater problem and does not solve them. The USA needs to go on a diet of healthy foods, not contaminated food. 20 April 2020 By BiBi van der Zee, Tom Levitt and Andrew Wasley The US government (click here) is accelerating controversial regulatory rollbacks to speed up production at meat plants, as companies express growing alarm at the impact of Covid-19 on their operations. Last week Smithfieldshut downone of the largest pork plants in the country after hundreds of employees contracted the coronavirus. The plant in South Dakota – whose outputrepresents4–5% of US pork production – isreportedto be the largest single-source coronavirus hotspot in the US, with more than 600 cases. In response, the companysaidit was “critical” for the meat industry to “continue to operate unabated”.
Now it has emerged that as a wave of plants announces closures, US meat plants are being granted permission to increase the speed of their production lines. This comes despite warnings that the waivers for higher speeds on slaughter and processing lines will compromise food safety.... Food workers state: "If one gets sick, we all get sick." (click here)
NASA has a sterilization unit. The White Room was a sterile room so germs didn’t go into space. This is not new technology. The implications of that is huge. The only thing it can’t sterilize is a person that is a a carrier. For that reason the testing and mitigation still has to go forward. COVID-19 test needs to be required for a marriage license. Attorney General Barr is propagating SARS-CoV-2 by restricting states and cities from protecting their citizens. Currently, Greensboro, North Carolina is providing free masks to use by their citizens. Greensboro is doing it in expectations of their use. Wearing a mask in public is illegal in N.C. The state legislators only convene twice a year. They are expected to change that regulation to accommodate the current virus emergency. North Carolina is not enforcing the very silly law at this time. I don’t know a wintertime that doesn’t demand a scarf or face covering with cold temperatures. It is a silly law. Bill Barr does not have jurisdiction over a national HEALTH emergency. He is trying to assault the states with basically quarantine orders entitled “Stay at Home.” Any state or local health department is operating within their authority to carry out quarantines no matter what they are called. BEST PRACTICES are required by state or city governments. Barr is CYAing his with Trump. If he wants to enforce a parking ticket, Barr can still do that as a hero among the streets and people in quarantine. People could be making decisions about the future in the state of depression and/or in expectations of defeat of control of the future due to SARS-CoV-2. Both are unhealthy ways of thinking about the future. It has been months and not years the USA has been coping with this virus. Everyday there is more and more hope that the future is being returned to the people. We now have NASA’s sterilization unit and Rutgers’ RELIABLE testing. Those are huge. Tomorrow is still ours.
March 18, 2020 the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal was banished by China.
NASA engineer (click here) Mike Buttigieg works on the Aerospace Valley Positive Pressure Helmet, a device that was successfully tested by doctors at Antelope Valley Hospital in California.... Bridenstein had brought with him three examples of technology (click here) that agency employees have been developing in the six weeks or so since the pandemic entered the U.S. in earnest and the four weeks since the agency launched the NASA @ WORKprogram to crowdsource its pandemic response activities. Typically, engineers atNASA's Armstrong Flight Research Centerin California work on technologies related to aircraft; lately, some have instead developed an oxygen hood in partnership with commercial suborbital spaceflight companyVirgin Galactic. The new device provides the oxygen pressure COVID-19 patients require while protecting healthcare workers from infection, Bridenstine said. Another technology on display builds on NASA's dedication to spacecraft sterilization andplanetary protection, preventing contamination of other worlds. "We took that technology to sterilize a spacecraft and we said how do we use that to sterilize the inside of a room, and that's what this device is," Bridenstine said. "It will fog the room and every surface in the room will then be sterilized. No coronavirus."...