Monday, November 07, 2011

Thank you Ms. Allred and Ms. Bialek. It is appreciated.

The report by Ms.Bialek was not subtle, it was not a misunderstood gesture or comment.  It was quite frankly sexual assault and not harassment.  Attempting to cause a woman's upper torso to move in the direction of a man's genitials is not harassment, that is assault. 

There was no consentual relationship between Mr. Cain and Ms. Bialek.  No history, no advances.  He considered himself priviledged and 'in control' without anyone questioning him in regard to his actions.  Her perspective employment was on the line.  That's sincerely hostile stuff.  That was a lot more than groping. 

...Sharon Bialek (click title to entry - thank you) said Cain made the unwanted advance after dinner in Washington when she asked for help finding a job after she was laid off by the National Restaurant Association, which he then headed.

Bialek, who identified herself as a registered Republican and single mother from Chicago, put a public face on a growing problem for Cain's campaign. The 65-year-old candidate quickly denied her account, saying all allegations of sexual harassment against him were "completely false."...

Seems as though vulnerable women are more challenged to find gainful employment than they ever expected.

The Seimic Activity in Okalhoma is far too big to be caused by hydraulic fracturing. Sure. And my name is Marie Antoinette and I was only born yesterday.

The only nearest geological fault to Oklahoma is The New Madrid fault.  The map to the left is a quake that occurred because of the fault in 1995   The fault had a large 'felt' area but the damage area didn't come close to Oklahoma.  The epicenter if the Oklahoma Seimic Activity was due to slippage anywhere at the New Madrid Fault would not have been beneath Oklahoma. 
The New Madrid fault system, (click here) or the New Madrid seismic zone, is a series of faults beneath the continental crust in a weak spot known as the Reelfoot Rift. It cannot be seen on the surface. The fault system extends 150 miles southward from Cairo, Illinois through New Madrid and Caruthersville, Missouri, down through Blytheville, Arkansas to Marked Tree, Arkansas. It dips into Kentucky near Fulton and into Tennessee near Reelfoot Lake, and extends southeast to Dyersburg, Tennessee. It crosses five state lines, and crosses the Mississippi River in at least three places.

The New Madrid fault come nowhere near Oklahoma at all.  This is the fault most geologists become concerned with when there are major quakes like the one in Haiti.  Additionally, the seimic activity in Oklahoma has skyrocketed in the number of quakes since 2009.  There was absolutely NO NATURAL DISTRUBANCE to cause such an escalation in seimic activity.  The Petroleum Industry is guilty on all counts.  Just that simple.  A region cannot sustain the kind of subterranian activity with such frequent activity without disruption of the area.  So, in Oklahoma yesterday, the combined distrubances  in such a short period of time of hydraulic fracturing came to roost.  Denial won't do anyone any good.

...In the past, earthquakes have been linked to energy exploration and production, including from injections of enormous amounts of drilling wastewater or injections of water for geothermal power, experts said. They point to recent earthquakes in the magnitude 3 and 4 range -- not big enough to cause much damage, but big enough to be felt -- in Arkansas, Texas, California, England, Germany and Switzerland. And back in the 1960s, two Denver quakes in the 5.0 range were traced to deep injection of wastewater.
Still, scientists would like to know if human activity can trigger a larger event. The National Academy of Sciences is studying the seismic effects of energy drilling and mining and will issue a report next spring.
"This is an area of active research," said Rowena Lohman, a Cornell University seismologist. "We're all concerned about this."...

So, let's see a 5.0 quake in Denver was due to hydraulic injection, BUT, the 5.6 in Okalhoma City is far too powerful to be from hydraulic fracturing.  It is possible for the gallon of milk to leap into the air IF the land was rolling enough in a verticle direction.  It would be possible for a gallon of milk to vibrate off the counter if the land was moving in a horizontal direction. 


But, some Stanford Geophysist that has done absolutely no validation decides he is qualified to close the books on the seimic activity in Oklahoma City as natural.


To his credit he does say thin though:

So, he admits there is seimic activity from hydraulic fracturing, but, only enough to knock a milk bottle off a counter.  That as is a lot of shaking to knock a gallon of milk from a counter, but, hey it is a gallon of milk and I am sure everyone in the nation at some time or another has knocked a gallon of milk off a counter without any seimic activity.  In order for a gallon of milk to fall from a counter, it first has to be vibrated to the end of the counter and then falls off OR it has to be literally jolted into the air to be displaced from the counter and over the floor to land there.  Either way, that is not minor seimic activity and a gallon of milk weighs over 9 pounds.

...The typical energy released in tremors triggered by fracking, "is the equivalent to a gallon of milk falling off the kitchen counter," said Stanford University geophysicist Mark Zoback...

So.  Whom is fooling whom here?