This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, July 09, 2020
The US House can ask and/or subpoena anyone in Afghanistan with knowledge of the Russian assassination for money directive to testify and/or provide evidence of the program. I doubt the program was word of mouth. The US House could accept that testimony and/or evidence in or/and out of the sovereign country of the USA. An embassy perhaps. I remind one of the reasons the USA knows about this program as a matter of fact is because people in Afghanistan were willing to speak about the Russian money.
Joe Biden is amazing. He has held the same values for the country as long as I can remember.
Today, Former Secretary Colin Powell endorsed the Former Vice President Joe Biden for president. I can't believe I have heard from two of the greatest patriots of the USA.
One person dead and multiple farms damaged by Minnesota tornado.
July 9, 2020
A large tornado (click here) in northwest Minnesota killed one person as it damaged multiple farmsteads late Wednesday.
The tornado hit near Dalton, Minnesota, in southeastern Otter Tail County between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CDT. It moved through mostly open farmland, but three farmsteads suffered significant damage, according to the National Weather Service (NWS)....
2020 Deaths to date. (click here) Seventy-four deaths so far this season. A lot of big storms this year. Five of the deaths occurred outside of the "watch" area. This is an issue so that the prediction center can decide if adjustments are needed in the "Tornado Watch" areas. It points to the effectiveness of the program. The accuracy of the program is 96 percent. The three deaths outside the "Watch" area are from less than grade four. The rotations of Grade One and Four are spot on. The inaccuracy occurs from Grade 2 and 3.
Quite possibly the SuperCell is distributing straight-line winds as well. There was a new "front" type discovered by scientists. I think that came out early this year. Perhaps there is some of that accompanying the tornado rotation and spreads the danger to the periphery in lower rotation tornadoes.
In an attempt to save lives perhaps "the alerts" should include land areas, towns and cities within 100 miles of the tornado zone.
So far, the tornado damage in 2020 has been substantial.
My sincere sympathies to the people of Putnam County, Tennessee.
March 21, 2020
By Anita Wadhwani
Nearly three weeks after tornadoes (click here) tore through suburban neighborhoods in Putnam County, killing 19 people, residents are now contending with the widening national pandemic that county Mayor Randy Porter calls a "one-two gut punch."
"We had our guts punched with the tornado, and this came up," said Porter, who, like many in this small community, knew victims personally. Jessica Clark, 31, worked for the city government. Porter called her a close friend....
Three of the five deaths outside of the "Watch" area were in the Tennessee Valley as well. At time mark 0.10 it is obvious the turbulence went well outside the "Watch" zone.
2020 Deaths to date. (click here) Seventy-four deaths so far this season. A lot of big storms this year. Five of the deaths occurred outside of the "watch" area. This is an issue so that the prediction center can decide if adjustments are needed in the "Tornado Watch" areas. It points to the effectiveness of the program. The accuracy of the program is 96 percent. The three deaths outside the "Watch" area are from less than grade four. The rotations of Grade One and Four are spot on. The inaccuracy occurs from Grade 2 and 3.
Quite possibly the SuperCell is distributing straight-line winds as well. There was a new "front" type discovered by scientists. I think that came out early this year. Perhaps there is some of that accompanying the tornado rotation and spreads the danger to the periphery in lower rotation tornadoes.
In an attempt to save lives perhaps "the alerts" should include land areas, towns and cities within 100 miles of the tornado zone.
So far, the tornado damage in 2020 has been substantial.
My sincere sympathies to the people of Putnam County, Tennessee.
March 21, 2020
By Anita Wadhwani
Nearly three weeks after tornadoes (click here) tore through suburban neighborhoods in Putnam County, killing 19 people, residents are now contending with the widening national pandemic that county Mayor Randy Porter calls a "one-two gut punch."
"We had our guts punched with the tornado, and this came up," said Porter, who, like many in this small community, knew victims personally. Jessica Clark, 31, worked for the city government. Porter called her a close friend....
Three of the five deaths outside of the "Watch" area were in the Tennessee Valley as well. At time mark 0.10 it is obvious the turbulence went well outside the "Watch" zone.
The second most powerful person in South Korea next to the president is dead after canceling his office appointments for the day.
July 9, 2020
By Yoonjung Seo
Park Won-soon, (click here) whose daughter has reported him missing to police, speaks at an event in Seoul earlier this week
Seoul - The mayor of the South Korean capital Seoul (click here) has been found dead, hours after he was reported missing and police launched a massive operation to find him.
Park Won-soon was reported missing by his daughter on Thursday evening, according to a police official with knowledge of the case. Nearly 600 police officers and firefighters, along with three rescue dogs, were deployed to search for the mayor.
Park's body was found in the city's mountains seven hours into the operation, Seoul police confirmed in a text message early Friday to journalists....
He had high regard by the people. He was a hopeful for the presidency. "The Guardian" is reporting there was a sexual assault complaint signed against him by a city employee.
....A police complaint – allegedly involving sexual assault – was filed against Park Won-soon by a former Seoul city employee on Wednesday and local media said a television channel had been due to broadcast a programme on the previously unreported case on Thursday evening....
By Yoonjung Seo
Park Won-soon, (click here) whose daughter has reported him missing to police, speaks at an event in Seoul earlier this week
Seoul - The mayor of the South Korean capital Seoul (click here) has been found dead, hours after he was reported missing and police launched a massive operation to find him.
Park Won-soon was reported missing by his daughter on Thursday evening, according to a police official with knowledge of the case. Nearly 600 police officers and firefighters, along with three rescue dogs, were deployed to search for the mayor.
Park's body was found in the city's mountains seven hours into the operation, Seoul police confirmed in a text message early Friday to journalists....
He had high regard by the people. He was a hopeful for the presidency. "The Guardian" is reporting there was a sexual assault complaint signed against him by a city employee.
....A police complaint – allegedly involving sexual assault – was filed against Park Won-soon by a former Seoul city employee on Wednesday and local media said a television channel had been due to broadcast a programme on the previously unreported case on Thursday evening....
The USA has a long history of protecting children from disease, including a public policy that issues the polio vaccine.
July 7, 2020
By Spencer S. Hsu
The U.S. government told a federal judge (click here) Tuesday that it might separate detained immigrant families by continuing to hold parents after another federal judge ordered their children released because of the spreading coronavirus pandemic.
U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg of Washington, D.C., gave the Trump administration until Thursday to decide whether it would oppose a similar order releasing parents and set a hearing for Monday.
Boasberg held a hearing and set the schedule after U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee of Los Angeles ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on June 26 to release children from three family residential centers by July 17, a week from Friday....
The idea a child would be separated from their parents is still a level of cruelty, hence, incompetency of this administration. To DECIDE if children can be separated from their parents is a delaying tactic against a judicial decision. Trump's pathology is evident in parsing the words of a judge. CHILDREN BELONG TO PARENTS. The judge stated to release the children and he didn't mean to release them into the desert alone.
July 8, 2020
By Silvia Foster Frau
The federal government (click here) still hasn’t decided how to meet a federal judge’s demand to release migrant children from detention.
In late June, Judge Dolly Gee of California ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release all of its detained migrant children by July 17. It is up to ICE whether the parents, who are detained with them in family detention centers, will also be released with them....
Trump seems to attract the same level of pathology as he has, including the wives of those lacking an understanding of human rights.
July 8, 2020
By Claire Lampen
Under a ghastly (click here) Trump-administration policy that officially started in 2018, thousands of migrant children were separated from their parents at the border with Mexico. Large numbers of them were confined to overcrowded cages inside detention centers, without access to basic hygienic materials, enough food and water, or adequate medical attention, according to Human Rights Watch. Six children died in Border Patrol’s custody between September 2018 and May 2019 — a horrifyingly high number, particularly when you consider that the previous decade saw no fatalities.
In short, the Trump administration created a humanitarian crisis, but even that was not enough to move Katie Miller, the spokesperson for Vice-President Mike Pence and spouse to rumored white nationalist Stephen Miller. She reportedly told NBC News reporter Jacob Soboroff that the Department of Homeland Security dispatched her to the camps in a misguided effort to up her empathy quotient. According to Miller, it didn't work....

By Spencer S. Hsu
The U.S. government told a federal judge (click here) Tuesday that it might separate detained immigrant families by continuing to hold parents after another federal judge ordered their children released because of the spreading coronavirus pandemic.
U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg of Washington, D.C., gave the Trump administration until Thursday to decide whether it would oppose a similar order releasing parents and set a hearing for Monday.
Boasberg held a hearing and set the schedule after U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee of Los Angeles ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on June 26 to release children from three family residential centers by July 17, a week from Friday....
The idea a child would be separated from their parents is still a level of cruelty, hence, incompetency of this administration. To DECIDE if children can be separated from their parents is a delaying tactic against a judicial decision. Trump's pathology is evident in parsing the words of a judge. CHILDREN BELONG TO PARENTS. The judge stated to release the children and he didn't mean to release them into the desert alone.
July 8, 2020
By Silvia Foster Frau
The federal government (click here) still hasn’t decided how to meet a federal judge’s demand to release migrant children from detention.
In late June, Judge Dolly Gee of California ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release all of its detained migrant children by July 17. It is up to ICE whether the parents, who are detained with them in family detention centers, will also be released with them....
Trump seems to attract the same level of pathology as he has, including the wives of those lacking an understanding of human rights.
July 8, 2020
By Claire Lampen
Under a ghastly (click here) Trump-administration policy that officially started in 2018, thousands of migrant children were separated from their parents at the border with Mexico. Large numbers of them were confined to overcrowded cages inside detention centers, without access to basic hygienic materials, enough food and water, or adequate medical attention, according to Human Rights Watch. Six children died in Border Patrol’s custody between September 2018 and May 2019 — a horrifyingly high number, particularly when you consider that the previous decade saw no fatalities.
In short, the Trump administration created a humanitarian crisis, but even that was not enough to move Katie Miller, the spokesperson for Vice-President Mike Pence and spouse to rumored white nationalist Stephen Miller. She reportedly told NBC News reporter Jacob Soboroff that the Department of Homeland Security dispatched her to the camps in a misguided effort to up her empathy quotient. According to Miller, it didn't work....
The USA is to be protected from adverse priorities of legislators, the president and the Supreme Court.
The United States of America has the sovereign right to know if any elected official is involved with immoral, subversive and/or criminal behavior. If the Supreme Court is making decisions that assault the sovereign state of the USA there needs to be a Blue Ribbon Commission to investigate the decisions made by the Supreme Court and arguments made by the Solicitor General that assaults the USA sovereignty. President Obama would be a good pick to chair such a commission.
Did the Supreme Court uphold the rule of law?
In the case of SDNY, it did and would expect that to move quickly to the lower courts to obtain the desired records.
In the case of Congress, it did in that there is the separation of power, however, there is the US Constitution demands the president to send a copy of his/her tax records to the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, but, when it comes to Congressional subpoenas there need to be specific needs that can only be obtained from the tax records of the president that no other method of obtaining that information can provide.
I do believe the decision-making courts can satisfy Congressional requests because in the case of Trump there is no other method to obtain the information needed to resolve the issues at hand, namely "pass-through" banking at Deutsche Bank.
What I don't understand is why the Supreme Court bothered taking either of these cases in the first place, except, for the politics. The Supreme Court laid out rules to follow. As if the lower courts actually needed rules.
I think it is noteworthy to examine the current regulation regarding "Pass Through" banking. This is the FDIC of April 1995.
The FDIC is joining other federal regulators (click here) in urging U.S. financial institutions to immediately establish and maintain policies and procedures designed to guard against the possible improper or illegal use of "payable through" accounts. Also called "pass through" accounts or "pass by" accounts, these generally are checking accounts marketed to foreign banks that otherwise would not have the ability to offer their customers access to the U.S. banking system. The attached FDIC guidelines provide more information about these accounts as well as suggested internal controls and procedures....
This memo pertains to methodologies used in foreign banks to obtain access to monies for use in American banks.
In the case of Trump, the uniqueness of the Deutsche Bank records is that it is Russian oligarchs and NOT RUSSIAN BANKS that are providing the monies to Trump that will be accounted for and paid back through Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank is the only bank that carries this type of account for at least one American, namely Donald John Trump. That is a specific need by the US House Finance Committee to understand the mechanism of Deutsche Bank to allow monies from a Russian oligarch (private partner) to flow into an American's hands WHILE protecting that American from the leverage of the country of Russia to perform deeds that will compromise the USA national security.
Russian oligarchs are no different than any person of Russian citizenship, in that they are susceptible to the power demands of the country of Russia. It is very easy to make the delineation that when accepting loans from Russian oligarchs through Deutsche Bank is no different than accepting monies from Russia.
Then there is the real possibility that the Russian oligarch is simply a front for Russian government money.
January 21, 2020
A Russian government-controlled bank (click here) deposited at least half a billion dollars into the American subsidiary of Deutsche Bank around the time that the bank lent Trump his most scrutinized loans, according to exclusively obtained confidential bank records. As Trump received loans from the subsidiary, DBTCA, totaling over $360 million, Gazprombank sent $511 million in cash to DBTCA to be dispersed however the Russian bank directed.
Additionally, DBTCA had deep liabilities to the Russian government in 2013, according to the documents acquired by Forensic News. The documents show that financial entities in Russia were owed nearly $3 billion by the subsidiary in October 2013....
So, the information the House Finance Committee is looking for is unique and can only be satisfied by subpoenaing records belonging to Donald John Trump and making it illegal for any of this to exist in secret with leverage payable only by actions of a compromised federal official that happens to be president today.
As a reference in regard to confidentiality (no press leaks):
TITLE 26 / Subtitle F / CHAPTER 61 / Subchapter B / § 6103 (click here)
26 USC 6103: Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
Text contains those laws in effect on July 8, 2020
In the case of Congress, it did in that there is the separation of power, however, there is the US Constitution demands the president to send a copy of his/her tax records to the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, but, when it comes to Congressional subpoenas there need to be specific needs that can only be obtained from the tax records of the president that no other method of obtaining that information can provide.
I do believe the decision-making courts can satisfy Congressional requests because in the case of Trump there is no other method to obtain the information needed to resolve the issues at hand, namely "pass-through" banking at Deutsche Bank.
What I don't understand is why the Supreme Court bothered taking either of these cases in the first place, except, for the politics. The Supreme Court laid out rules to follow. As if the lower courts actually needed rules.
I think it is noteworthy to examine the current regulation regarding "Pass Through" banking. This is the FDIC of April 1995.
The FDIC is joining other federal regulators (click here) in urging U.S. financial institutions to immediately establish and maintain policies and procedures designed to guard against the possible improper or illegal use of "payable through" accounts. Also called "pass through" accounts or "pass by" accounts, these generally are checking accounts marketed to foreign banks that otherwise would not have the ability to offer their customers access to the U.S. banking system. The attached FDIC guidelines provide more information about these accounts as well as suggested internal controls and procedures....
This memo pertains to methodologies used in foreign banks to obtain access to monies for use in American banks.
In the case of Trump, the uniqueness of the Deutsche Bank records is that it is Russian oligarchs and NOT RUSSIAN BANKS that are providing the monies to Trump that will be accounted for and paid back through Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank is the only bank that carries this type of account for at least one American, namely Donald John Trump. That is a specific need by the US House Finance Committee to understand the mechanism of Deutsche Bank to allow monies from a Russian oligarch (private partner) to flow into an American's hands WHILE protecting that American from the leverage of the country of Russia to perform deeds that will compromise the USA national security.
Russian oligarchs are no different than any person of Russian citizenship, in that they are susceptible to the power demands of the country of Russia. It is very easy to make the delineation that when accepting loans from Russian oligarchs through Deutsche Bank is no different than accepting monies from Russia.
Then there is the real possibility that the Russian oligarch is simply a front for Russian government money.
January 21, 2020
A Russian government-controlled bank (click here) deposited at least half a billion dollars into the American subsidiary of Deutsche Bank around the time that the bank lent Trump his most scrutinized loans, according to exclusively obtained confidential bank records. As Trump received loans from the subsidiary, DBTCA, totaling over $360 million, Gazprombank sent $511 million in cash to DBTCA to be dispersed however the Russian bank directed.
Additionally, DBTCA had deep liabilities to the Russian government in 2013, according to the documents acquired by Forensic News. The documents show that financial entities in Russia were owed nearly $3 billion by the subsidiary in October 2013....
So, the information the House Finance Committee is looking for is unique and can only be satisfied by subpoenaing records belonging to Donald John Trump and making it illegal for any of this to exist in secret with leverage payable only by actions of a compromised federal official that happens to be president today.
As a reference in regard to confidentiality (no press leaks):
TITLE 26 / Subtitle F / CHAPTER 61 / Subchapter B / § 6103 (click here)
26 USC 6103: Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
Text contains those laws in effect on July 8, 2020
From Title 26-INTERNAL REVENUE CODESubtitle F-Procedure and AdministrationCHAPTER 61-INFORMATION AND RETURNSSubchapter B-Miscellaneous Provisions
American children and young people are not up for debate!
The Trump White House is lined with stupid people that do stupid things, like chronic lies and disregarding the words of Dr. Fauci. Enough of this. How does anyone believe we got to this horrible dynamic in the first place?
Trump has no power over the monies to schools, Congress does. I don't really see an entire budget being vetoed or not have enough to override a stupid veto. This is the most important decision the American people are going to make. The children are our future, they are our brain trust, the years ahead should be full of opportunity, enlightenment, and new goals to reach for. This is ridiculous to even conceptualize a debate about children. There is no debate. They are safe. Period. End of discussion.
Read that first statement.
Determined to reopen America's schools despite coronavirus worries...
Read it really, really well.
Determined to reopen America's schools despite coronavirus worries...
This is NOT a hyped, overemphasized WWF match. It is not children vs. the virus.
Any president willing and PLANNING on putting children into a group situation when there is a deadly and maiming virus that could be among them is more than stupid, HE IS PATHOLOGICAL!
July 8, 2020
Determined to reopen America's schools (click here) despite coronavirus worries, President Donald Trump threatened Wednesday to hold back federal money if school districts don't bring their students back in the fall. He complained that his own public health officials' safety guidelines are impractical and too expensive.
Shortly afterward, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would be issuing new guidance next week “that will give all new tools to our schools.” The recommendations will keep students safe, he said, but "the president said today we just don’t want the guidance to be too tough. ”...
Trump has no power over the monies to schools, Congress does. I don't really see an entire budget being vetoed or not have enough to override a stupid veto. This is the most important decision the American people are going to make. The children are our future, they are our brain trust, the years ahead should be full of opportunity, enlightenment, and new goals to reach for. This is ridiculous to even conceptualize a debate about children. There is no debate. They are safe. Period. End of discussion.
Read that first statement.
Determined to reopen America's schools despite coronavirus worries...
Read it really, really well.
Determined to reopen America's schools despite coronavirus worries...
This is NOT a hyped, overemphasized WWF match. It is not children vs. the virus.
Any president willing and PLANNING on putting children into a group situation when there is a deadly and maiming virus that could be among them is more than stupid, HE IS PATHOLOGICAL!
July 8, 2020
Determined to reopen America's schools (click here) despite coronavirus worries, President Donald Trump threatened Wednesday to hold back federal money if school districts don't bring their students back in the fall. He complained that his own public health officials' safety guidelines are impractical and too expensive.
Shortly afterward, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would be issuing new guidance next week “that will give all new tools to our schools.” The recommendations will keep students safe, he said, but "the president said today we just don’t want the guidance to be too tough. ”...
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