Miller states the Supreme Court Decision "Citizens' United" drove their focus. There isn't anything else to understand. This was an attempt by the IRS to stop fraud.
The only reason the conservative groups became a focus was because there was an overwhelming number of applications with SPECIFIC verbiage. As the IRS struggled with the new paradigm they were trying to find a way to centralize any fraud.
Basically, 'the process' was the problem. The IRS office turned to 'keywords' to find any trace of fraud. Unfortunately, conservatives use keywords in their political verbiage and it was coincidence that brought conservative groups into focus.
The truth is, this is laughable. It was the dovetailing of two truths. The IRS was seeking to stop fraud due to the decision by the Supreme Court which would induce the use of 501(c)4s by using keywords. Conservative groups use keywords to promote their agenda. Hence, the conservative groups ranked the highest with keywords and the list was made. It was a circus after the Supreme Court ruled.
So, true to form, rather than seeing the truth for what it is, conservatives are now claiming there were victimized by President Obama. Why not? Why not simply project every government action to President Obama after all "President" and "Obama" are keywords. I don't need to hear anything else.
I think Tax Reform is definitely in order.
The only real question that remains is why were the little guys questioned while Rove, Norquist and Koch got away with it. The reason being given is that the IRS corruptly picked on the little guys because they could not afford legal representation. Now, I know for a fact that is not correct; on conservative talk shows leaders of these smaller organizations have lawyers. And Rove was being probed. As a matter for fact his organization had to publish their donor lists. I don't know about any probe of the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity and Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, but, that should be examined by the IRS in the face of all this mess.
The APPEARANCE of the lack of equity in the IRS dealing with larger conservative 501(c)4s is a complaint in the conservative political vapors. There needs to be equity throughout the 501(c)4s across the political spectrum. I think the best way to CHANGE the PROCESS is to start at the financial statements and start with the top donor draw and work down.
A process based in financial income is very valid. Statistically the larger the money draw from a donor pool of any political base will result in a greater chance of fraud. Statistically it is a better and more defensible process for the IRS.
A centralized process to incorporate the Supreme Court decision is the problem here. Obviously, the IRS is struggling to centralize the process. This process is important, it effects the country's elections. The findings of the IRS in regard to this change in paradigm due to the Supreme Court directly impacts the individual. The process needs to be perfected. Chasing down fraud in regard to effecting elections is important. There is a limit on the FTEs at the IRS.
The only other factor dictating the IRS process is they are looking for a repeat of donors that exceed the legal limit by any donor. Basically, the Koch Brothers are notorious for seeking to increase the number of conservative organizations to justify higher spending for their voter penetration. That is a fact. The entire of the Tea Party Movement is contextualized within monies from the Koch Brothers. But, starting at the top will expose DOLLARS and not just NUMBERS.
I think the political 501(c)4s are going to need a reporting process of donors and expected donors in the application process and then followed up by semi annual or annual reporting to find out where the fraud exists.
Special demands in applications is NOT new. The IRS has an entire process for churches that is not required for simple charitable organizations. It is justified and correct. There is no reason why political 501(c)4s can't have a special demand to stem fraud and abuse. Seriously.
Have a better day.