Saturday, October 23, 2021

How many times does it have to be said before they finally "get it?" 63 years of FACTS and the build up of CO2 has changed for the worse.

The increase in emissions of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, was 28 percent higher after 1990 than the rate of build up before 1990.

From 310 ppm to 350 ppm took 32 years, but, from 350 ppm to 400 ppm took only  25 years.

Governance leaders in the world see the emissions as a long term issue that should not effect immediate governance. The rate of decline of the Earth's troposphere is increasing. It has never been a long term problem, it has always been an immediate problem.

If this were a long term problem until it ain't. 

What are ya goin' to do then, anyway?

The climate crisis is a moral and not an economic issue. If economies were all that was at stake, it wouldn't be an issue at all.

The Six Americas on climate.