Pastor David Floyd, (click here) appalled that a president of the United States had the soul-destroying gall to embark on a sexual relationship with a woman less than half his age, told his Alabama flock in 1998 that Bill Clinton had crossed the line and had to go.
As new allegations of sexual advances by Senate candidate Roy Moore on women less than half his age have peppered Alabama voters nearly daily this autumn, Floyd is telling his congregation that Moore is “an upright man” who should be forgiven for his sins and elected to office.
Floyd, who for 34 years has been the pastor at Marvyn Parkway Baptist Church in Opelika, says his evangelical theology has not changed in the past two decades. It’s just he knows Moore to be a more moral man than Clinton was.
“All of us have sinned and need a savior,” Floyd said. “Of course, moral character is still important. But with Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby, we’re talking about something completely different. You have to look at the totality of the man. That’s why I support Judge Moore. I’ve prayed with him. I know his heart.”...
The Republican Party are lined with extremists. White Supremacists, Pedophiles, and billionaires ready to sell out the country to communism if it will improve the USA economy.
Their constituency is undereducated, but, that fits the stereotype legislator. It is easy to be Republicans because they just have to be smarter than their constituency. Or. At least tricker.
They want laws passed to carry out their intimate love of a child. The Trump Republican will seek and take votes from any pervert in the country and now they expect their favor returned.
This is what they believe and they won't stop until the country accepts their estranged sexuality.
..."It will likely be DECADES (click here) before this society can have an honest, non-hysterical conversation about kids and sex," a pedophilia advocate who calls himself Eric Tazelaar told me earlier this month over Twitter direct message. Tazelaar claims to be a steering committee member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, and is concerned about the organization's future.
His fears aren't unfounded. NAMBLA, once a visible advocate of pedophilia, doesn't feature heavily into what I call the online pedo-sphere these days. Membership numbers and group activities are difficult to pin down, but based on online research and conversations with alleged former members as well as opponents of the group, both appear to have dwindled to nearly nothing....
Oh, yes, everyone other than the pedophiles doesn't know what real love is.
How many holy men have taken to the airwaves to claim they are sorry for their sins, Lord? How many?
When is this Republican horse shit going to stop!
The southern states have the highest poverty levels, the highest teenage pregnancy rates, the worst record with disability rates, the lousiest rate of union representation and the highest number of churches. When are these people going to be able to stand up to these lousy no goods and tell them to go to hell where they belong!
February 21, 2017
For the fourth straight year, (click here) Washington, D.C. is the most literate city in the United States, according to a recent study on literacy. The study, by Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), examined how well Americans used their literacy skills in the nation’s largest cities. Rounding out the top five were Seattle, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Pittsburgh.
CCSU ranked the cities based on six categories: bookstores, residents’ educational attainment, newspaper circulation, use of online resources, the library system, and periodical publishing resources. The most literate cities were largely in the Northeast, and they generally had a well-educated and well-paid population...
Republicans hide behind God and they all belong in hell!
The scum of the Earth vote Republican!
His fears aren't unfounded. NAMBLA, once a visible advocate of pedophilia, doesn't feature heavily into what I call the online pedo-sphere these days. Membership numbers and group activities are difficult to pin down, but based on online research and conversations with alleged former members as well as opponents of the group, both appear to have dwindled to nearly nothing....
Oh, yes, everyone other than the pedophiles doesn't know what real love is.

When is this Republican horse shit going to stop!
The southern states have the highest poverty levels, the highest teenage pregnancy rates, the worst record with disability rates, the lousiest rate of union representation and the highest number of churches. When are these people going to be able to stand up to these lousy no goods and tell them to go to hell where they belong!
February 21, 2017
For the fourth straight year, (click here) Washington, D.C. is the most literate city in the United States, according to a recent study on literacy. The study, by Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), examined how well Americans used their literacy skills in the nation’s largest cities. Rounding out the top five were Seattle, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Pittsburgh.
CCSU ranked the cities based on six categories: bookstores, residents’ educational attainment, newspaper circulation, use of online resources, the library system, and periodical publishing resources. The most literate cities were largely in the Northeast, and they generally had a well-educated and well-paid population...
Republicans hide behind God and they all belong in hell!
The scum of the Earth vote Republican!