Wednesday, September 03, 2014

I don't see Michigan moving forward with this mess until all the questions and studies are complete.

The citizens of Michigan don't need to be so desperate for an economy that it settles for health problems. That is an outrageous state of affairs if that is what Snyder is considering for the state. That state is beautiful. It has some of the sweetest people on Earth and they love their land. This so called 'idea' is another bad one and a complete analysis has to be conducted.

Above background levels of radiation exposure, (click here) the NRC requires that its licensees limit maximum radiation exposure to individual members of the public to 100 mrem (1mSv) per year, and limit occupational radiation exposure to adults working with radioactive material to 5,000 mrem (50 mSv) per year. NRC regulations and radiation exposure limits are contained in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20

There is no conversion unit from picocuries to millirems. (click here)

Radioactivity Units for Conversion (click here)

The word picocurie normally is used in conjunction with the level of contamination. I am not playing games, there are different words for different states of the radiation. There are conversions of picocuries to becquerels, but, not rems or millirems.

The International System of Units (or SI units) includes the gray, sievert, and becquerel: (click here)

  • The gray is the SI unit used for absorbed dose (see Section 2.2).
  • The sievert is the SI unit used for the dose equivalent and for the effective dose equivalent (see Section 2.4).
  • The becquerel is the SI unit used for radioactivity (see Section 2.3). 

There is already cancer projections from nuclear activity in Van Buren

Van Buren County has more than their fair share of grief from radioactive activity and or it's disposal. They need nor should have anymore. There is too much water in Michigan to even consider such a landfill. 

Michigan has so much water within it's borders the state should be exporting trash yet alone import it. Michigan landfills are a mess. They bring everything under the sun to dump in Michigan, including the petroleum garbage out of the Gulf of Mexico. This is the last state that should be accepting garbage for landfills to be perfectly clear.

A Nuclear Regulatory Agency inspector makes his rounds in a breaker room inside Palisades nuclear power plant.

August 19, 2013
By Yvonne Zipp

COVERT TOWNSHIP, MI – A new study (click here) from a controversial group alleges there is a link between Palisades Nuclear Power Plant and an increase in the death rate and cancer rates in Van Buren County....

...Between 2003 and 2010, Van Buren County's cancer rate also was 12 percent higher than the state's rate -- the highest among Michigan's 34 most populated counties, according to the study. Mangano said that, during the 1970s, the county's rate of cancer was 10 percent below the state rate, showing a climb of 22 percent over three decades. The study was commissioned by Beyond Nuclear after a May incident, in which about 80 gallons of highly diluted radioactive water was released into Lake Michigan....

The petroleum industry's radioactive garbage is being dumped in a landfill next to a water way into Belleville Lake, Michigan.

The image to the left is the topographic image of natural areas and the image below illustrates in pale blue the lakes, rivers and streams that connect to Belleville Lake.

September 2, 2014

...The owners of the Wayne Disposal landfill, (click here) between I-94 and Willow Run Airport in Van Buren Township, filed an application with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality last October, seeking a hike in the radiation limit of materials it accepts and stores from the current 50 picocuries per gram up to 500 picocuries per gram....

...Of the 17 hazardous waste landfills nationwide capable of accepting TENORM as Wayne Disposal does, Crumrine said, accepting waste up to 500 picocuries “is not a new practice.” But he couldn’t name other sites taking TENORM waste at such levels....

I'd want all questions answered and studies done by the universities in Michigan of the radioactivity within the states lakes and waterways. This is not funny business.

The state universities can come up with a map of radioactive levels in waterways and I betcha there will be patterns. While they are at it, they can test for petroleum pollution which means all the heavy metals and a variety of chemicals and radioactive components. It should be interesting.

To begin with picocuries to measure radiation is not widely used in nuclear science anymore. Secondly, the public has a right to know the dangers and ALL the inspections to date of the facility and exactly how this is being contained, IF it is being contained. The state, county and local municipalities in the area need to hire a third party from outside the State of Michigan with no interest in the outcome of the testing, to test ground water, lake water, any waterways near the facility and sediment from all the locations as well. Residents need to test their drinking water as it relates to any seepage or drainage. That has to be done immediately to find the baseline for this facility and it's ability to prevent contamination. I guarantee there is seepage and contamination already.

The water quality standards in Michigan lack for protection from radiation and chemicals. If this landfill has been accepting any radioactive material, NO ONE is checking for seepage and water contamination.

...From 2001 - 2010, 866 lake basins (click here) from 729 public access lakes were monitored for baseline water-quality conditions and trophic status.  Lake water quality assessment surveys were conducted during spring turnover and summer stratification periods. The surveys were coordinated with the DEQ Water Resource Division's watershed permitting cycle.  Water quality parameters monitored include nutrients (various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), chlorophyll a, water clarity (Secchi depth), color, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, specific conductance, pH, alkalinity, hardness, and major ions such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride....

State of Michigan (click here)

10.5 Radioactive Waste Disposal

Discuss disposal options for radioactive wastes with the RPS Unit staff by calling 517-284-5185.

Water quality monitoring at Belleville Lake is absent of any radioactivity.

Water Quality Belleville Lake (click here and page down)

Well, the darn stuff has to be transported from all over the country and might even be flown in to the waste site in Michigan. That means it is going to be rolling on roads near the cities and towns.

Every thing you wanted to know about transportation of radioactive waste but was afraid to ask (click here).

And then there are the employees:

Title 10, Part 19, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 19), (click here) "Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers: Inspection and Investigations," provides instructions to radiation workers. Specifically, 10 CFR Part 19 requires that all individuals who, in the course of their employment, are likely to receive a dose of more than 100 millirem in a year, must receive adequate training to protect themselves against radiation. Also, these individuals have the right to know the amount of radiation to which they have been exposed. In addition, radiation workers have the right to ask the NRC to conduct an inspection if they believe their working environment has safety problems.

The best band of brothers ever witnessed.

Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 11:36 pm
BAGHDAD — A coalition of Shiite militias, (click here) regular Iraqi army units and Kurdish forces, backed by U.S. air power, on Sunday broke a long siege of Amerli, a town in northern Iraq that for weeks had been surrounded by Sunni extremists who threatened to slaughter thousands of Shiite residents.
The U.S. airstrikes on positions held by fighters of the Islamic State near Amerli, about 105 miles north of Baghdad, were carried out Saturday night in conjunction with airdrops of supplies to the town’s thousands of besieged residents. The U.S. operation was supporting a ground offensive led by Shiite militia fighters, many of whom once fought fierce battles against American soldiers.

“ISIS militants have fled as our heroes in the Army and the volunteers are progressing at Amerli,” said Qassim Atta, the Iraqi military spokesman, according to a report on state television Sunday. ISIS is a former abbreviation for the Islamic State.

Security officials said Sunday that Amerli, a cluster of villages whose population is dominated by Shiite Turkmen who are considered infidels by the Islamic State, was not fully liberated but that the combined forces had cleared several villages from the militants. Fierce fighting in the area was continuing Sunday afternoon....

Get used to unusual bedfellows. 

...First, the U.S. military sent warplanes and drones to destroy millions of dollars of U.S. equipment that had been abandoned on the battlefield by the Iraqi army and seized by the Islamic State. Now, the United States has provided air support for several Iranian-backed Shiite militias that are leading the fight against the Islamic State in Ameril with the help of Kurdish peshmerga forces and Iraqi army units.

Both the United States and Iran, while not coordinating operations in Iraq, are nevertheless on the same side in the conflict against the Islamic State....

End of discussion. 

The USA is needed for support BECAUSE of the nation building for ten long years that resulted in NOTHING but a land of dangerous munitions and hardware. Everyone in Congress must be very proud they caused the deaths of 100s of thousands for the sake of American arrogance.

As far as I and most Americans are concerned it was the obligation of the USA to destroy the war machine we left behind that caused the deaths and entrapment of so many people.

From here on all the USA has to do for the next two generations is continue to apologize for the invasion in the first place.

The words go like this, "The USA apologizes for the arrogance of a former President and will continue to apologize to the people of this region for the rest of it's constitutional existence." 

Thank you Costco. I am quite sure Costco can well afford to update it's refrigeration units.

September 3, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO – Costco Wholesale Corporation, (click here) one of the nation’s largest retailers, has agreed to cut its emissions of ozone-depleting and greenhouse gases from leaking refrigeration equipment at more than half of its stores nationwide. 

In the settlement announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Justice, Costco will pay $335,000 in penalties for federal Clean Air Act violations and will fix refrigerant leaks and make other improvements at 274 of its stores, which EPA estimates will cost about $2 million over the next three years. 

“Because of this settlement, Costco will cut its future greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to nearly 200 million pounds of carbon dioxide, supporting our efforts to cut greenhouse gases nationwide,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “Investing in better equipment and maintenance to stop wasteful refrigerant leaks is good for our environment and good for business.”...

Costco not only pays better but pays overtime as well. Costco doesn't find profit in short changing their employees. Costco employees have longevity and loyalty to their employer. (click here)

September 1, 2014

It’s not unusual to find people making the point that WalMart pays its workers quite a lot less than Costco does. Something which is true, they do. Costco pays around $20 an hour and WalMart more like $10 an hour on average. So the observation itself is obviously true. Unfortunately we then get people leaping to a conclusion, which is that we could reduce inequality, poverty even, if only we could force (or persuade) WalMart to offer its workers the same sort of deal those at Costco get. While attractive that’s not actually a plan that would work in reducing either poverty or inequality. The reason being that the two employ entirely different labour policies. And if we forced (or persuaded) WalMart to pay those higher Costco wages then we would be forcing (or persuading) them to take the other half of the Costco labour policy, which is to employ very much less labour in relation to sales....

If China wants to advance it's Middle Class it should recruit Costco to open stores that customers love with a living wage pay scale.

January 20, 2013
Costco ( COST ) (click here) is the largest warehouse retailer in the U.S. with over 400 warehouse clubs across the country. Apart from the U.S., the retailer also operates around 170 international stores in countries such as Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and Korea. With over 50% revenue contribution, Costco U.S. is the most important business segment for the retailer, followed by its international operations. In 2011, Costco generated around $90 billion in revenues, significantly more than its direct competitor, Wal-Mart's ( WMT ) Sam's Club. Since Costco provides merchandise at discounted prices, its margins remain quite low (in the range of 10%).

Even with a stock price low today of $121.11, brokers are changing their options from neutral to buy. Costco has a stock market target of $126 within the year.

Costco Wholesale Corporation Stock Quote & Summary Data (click here) 

Costco won cheers and congratulations from it's patrons for endorsing the minimum wage when President Obama first proposed it. 

Open carry laws are ridiculous. This man stated, "I am asserting my rights." So what!

Of course this is a Caucasian man with open carry of an assault weapon. He was successfully talked down before any escalation. Every young black man in the country wants to know why they are provided the same method of law enforcement. 

The fact this is an assault weapon is more than proves the level of discrimination, fear and/or hatred exhibited to Michael Brown, Jr. He was completely unarmed. He posed no threat to anyone while this man posed a threat to everyone and had traffic blocked by the officers.

Law enforcement gets into some extreme circumstances quickly. That is unfortunate and there needs to be changes to this level of threat to our society so that not every person's life isn't placed in danger for jaywalking.

What has a spleen got to do with anything?

This is a diagram of the human spleen and it's LYMPHATIC system. This common organ to any living being has many functions. It is a really neat organ, if there are neat organs. It stores blood cells in the case of an injury. It acts as the bodies first transfusion with rapid blood loss. It also stores platelets with the red blood cells to send out clotting triggers.

It is not vital in that if something goes wrong with it and it is severely damaged in auto accidents, it can be removed. As a matter of fact the spleen when severely injured can cause extreme blood loss.

But, the tissue within the spleen known as "white pulp" is comprised of lymphatic tissue, hence, it's affiliation with the body's defense mechanisms. It has stored within it immune cells known as macrophages, T lymphocytes, and B lymphocytes.

The spleen of mice is the first place cells were collected to produce Z-Mapp's monoclonal antibodies. 

The mice antibodies are then introduced to cancer/viral cells called hybridomas.

The hydridomas are then introduced to a HAT medium which is made with all kinds of human enzymes. It is here the mice characteristics are converted to human genetic characteristics. The positive cells are then harvested as monoclonal antibodies. 

This is an expensive procedure because of all the necessary parts of the process. But, basically ZMapp is a genetically engineered treatment classified as passive immunity. It is a transfusion of antibodies the human immune system was unable to produce for whatever reason.

Just a little food for thought. Ebola comes from mammals. The earlier outbreak was believed to be contracted by hunters of primates in Africa, but, his outbreak is believed to be contracted by bats. Bats are the only flying mammals known. Ebola likes the internal body environment of mammals probably because of the constant body temperature.

For those wondering why isn't this used for HIV; it is most likely because it is unsuccessful against a virus that attacks T lymphocytes. Ebola is a hemorrhagic virus. It is different than HIV. I am sure this technique was already investigated for HIV.

Mapp Biopharmaceuticals needs whatever support is required to continue to develop and produce its miracle drug.

ZMapp is an intravenous composed of three separate monoclonal antibodies. I am quite certain it is very expensive to make and grants, donations and government support is required. But, this has to go forward while other measures are investigated as a vaccine. 

ZMapp is passive immunity. If there was enough of the drug to go around it would wipe out the current epidemic before it spreads any further. That would be the best outcome for a very expensive medication. 

I did note during the address by Nancy Writebol she was treated with an anti-malarial drug before the ZMapp was administered. It might be interesting to at least administer anti-malarial medications in the meantime to find it's effectiveness in the absence of ZMapp. 

Vaccines are funny things. Anti-virals can stimulate the immune system even if the target of the anti-viral is not being treated. I can't help but wonder if the anti-malarial stimulated the immune system 'enough' to bring about a better outcome.

”Whitenicious” Entrepreneur, Dencia (click here) has launched an appeal to raise $1,000,000 for the purchase of Z-Mapp - the experimental Ebola drug made in the US for Africans who are affected by the Ebola epidemic.
Although the manufacturers of Z-Mapp have said that the current stock of the drug is finished, Dencia is bent on raising the funds maybe to encourage the manufacturers to produce a new batch to help fight the virus.
In the video, Dencia shares her childhood health struggles as well as her current fears that Ebola is “just a flight away”.

Israel moves the line again, Palestine needs peacekeepers on The West Bank.

September 2, 2014
By Emily Harris
U.S. U.N. and Palestinian officials (click here) have criticized the decision. The land at the heart of the dispute hugs the line separating the West Bank from Israel and reaches in toward Palestinian villages.

It is a dispute over land in the West Bank. Over the weekend, Israel declared nearly 1,000 acres of the West Bank to be Israeli state land. This clears the way for more Jewish settlement in an area Palestinians say should be part of their future state. U.S., U.N. and Palestinian officials all criticized Israel's decision....

The ink isn't dry on the ceasefire when Israel begins it's aggression again. If Egypt is brokering the ceasefire, it needs to demand Israel end it's aggression into Palestine. Palestine is not the problem. It is Israel and it's demand for more and more land that is the problem. Israel creates it's own problems, as well as issues for The West. Currently, the UK is demanding all products imported from illegitimate Israeli settlements be labeled as such to provide the correct morality for UK citizens.

September 2, 2014

HEBRON (Ma’an) — A group of Israeli settlers (click here) chopped down grape vines on Palestinian agricultural property in northern Beit Ummar on Monday, a popular committee spokesman said Monday.

Muhammad Awwad said the settlers destroyed seven grape vines in the Wad Abu al-Rish area near the illegal settlement of Beit Ein.

The vines belong to Hammad Abd al-Hamid Jaber al-Sleibi, Awwad said.

In 2013, there were 399 incidents of settler violence against Palestinians and their property in the occupied West Bank, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Over 90 percent of investigations into settler violence by Israeli police fail to lead to an indictment.

More than 500,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in contravention of international law.

It's here. Flu vaccines are required.

September 2, 2014
By Greg Knowler
Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety (CFS) (click here) has banned the import of poultry meat and products into the territory from Salem County, New Jersey, following an outbreak of avian influenza in the U.S. state.
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) issued a notice of the the “low pathogenic H7 avian influenza” outbreak, prompting the immediate banning action by the unit of Hong Kong’s Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
A CFS spokesman said about 150,000 tons of poultry meat, 8 tons of chilled poultry meat, and 600 million eggs were imported into Hong Kong from the U.S. last year....

Better than Bush

September 1, 2014

If we can believe the news coming from Iraq, it seems President Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel have accomplished more in the past few days than Dick Cheney and George Bush accomplished in seven years with thousands of troops and Army generals who were failures.

The air strikes directed by President Obama and carried out by Secretary of the Defense Hagel have aided the Kurds and Iraq troops to gain positions in Iraq. This was accomplished apparently without any loss of troops or material.

There should have been no Iraq war in the first place, but this may be the way to settle it once and for all.

President Obama brought all the troops home that were in Iraq, now there seems a need to do the same in Afghanistan.

Glen L. Stanley, Huxley (click here)

Tom Watson annouced the Captain's Picks for the Ryder Cup later this month.

Watson's moves come on the heels of European captain Paul McGinley's picks: Stephen Gallacher, Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter. They join Rory McIlroy, Henrik Stenson, Victor Dubuisson, Jamie Donaldson, Sergio Garcia, Justin Rose, Martin Kaymer, Thomas Bjorn, and Graeme McDowell.
The Ryder Cup (click here) takes place Sept. 26-28 in Gleneagles, Scotland. Europe has won seven of the last nine meetings, and is a favorite again this year.
Ryder Cup: Captain Watson picks Keegan Bradley, Hunter Mahan, and Webb Simpson to complete Team USA heading into the 2014 Ryder Cup matches at Gleneagles.
Jack Nicklaus, Course Designer
The first hole at Gleneagles is slightly downhill and a slight dogleg to the right. There’s a bunker on the right side of the fairway, which should not present a great problem for most of the players in The Ryder Cup. However, if you hit the ball in the rough, the green is a relatively narrow one protected by a bunker in the front and a grass hollow behind it.

Europe has to move in a meaningful manner to break this hideous occupation of eastern Ukraine's gas fields.

September 3, 2014
By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels

The European Union (click here) will strike at the heart of Russia's economy by extending sanctions to block all investment in the country's oil companies unless Vladimir Putin pulls invading Russian troops out of East Ukraine.
EU ambassadors have begun work in Brussels today on drawing up new economic sanctions building measures agreed at the end July and including political moves to hit the Russian President's prestige by stripping Russia of the right to host the 2018 World Cup.
Along with American sanctions, the EU measures, to be agreed by Friday unless Russia withdraws its military, will force President Putin to run his economy on a war footing placing a huge burden on state finances to stave off economic collapse at a time when the Russian rouble is hitting a record low.
According to a confidential three page document, seen by the Telegraph, all state-controlled Russian oil and defence companies will be banned from raising funds in European capital markets, cutting key sectors of Russia's stalling economy off from investment.

It looks as though NORAD will be paying attention to aircraft on September 11th.

Some sources in Algeria believe there are 11 commercial aircraft missing from the Tripoli International Airport. Oddly enough, the USA recognizes only Tripoli as the capital of Libya, but, eastern Libya is more stable.

August 11, 2014

...The militias (click here) controlling the main airports in the west are extremely unlikely to allow flights by jihadists. It is also very unlikely that aircraft could have been taken from Tripoli International Airport without the knowledge of the Zintan militias that control it. Some aircraft belonging to Ifriqiya were evacuated with Zintan permission early in the fighting, but any that remained are highly likely to have been damaged, while Tripoli International Airport's infrastructure is also currently unusable. Misratah and Mitiga airports are now the only two functioning international airports in Western Libya....

...FORECAST All this means that the threat of an 11 September 2001-style attack is probably not credible. However, the reports of Algerian and Moroccan military alerts and air defence battery deployments do signal an increased risk of shootdown of unidentified aircraft that have come from Libyan airspace.

Ukraine ceasefire announcement was premature. Russia identifies the civil war as a political crisis.

September 3, 2014
...“The country (Ukraine) needs (click here) a new military doctrine with a clear definition of who is an aggressor and who is a threat. Russia should be acknowledged in the new doctrine as an aggressor-nation and is the only one that is a threat to the territorial integrity and national security of Ukraine,” Yatsenyuk said during a government session.
On Tuesday, Russian Security Council deputy head Mikhail Popov said Russia will update its military doctrine by the end of 2014 to reflect new security threats, including the expansion of NATO, US missile shield plans and the political crisis in Ukraine....

Basically, Russia is already viewing Ukraine as a wayward possession of Russia with an illegitimate government in Kiev. Russia doesn't view this as a civil war. Russia is viewing it's action within Ukraine as a policing problem. Russia sees Yanukovych as the legitimate President. The comments about taking Kiev in two weeks is a valid statement and not off the cuff comments in a bar room with friends.

Russia and The West, including Ukraine and it's request to be a member of NATO see these circumstance very differently. 

Russia is acting very inconsistently between it's actions and it's political stance on Ukraine. If Ukraine were under siege by a illegitimate government why annex Crimea? I would think Crimea would simply be included within the borders of "The Russia state of Ukraine."

There is a reason Russia wants to possess at least the Donets Basin which is where Donetsk is located. Russia is conducting not just an invasion but a war for control of the gas fields. This is a war for Ukraine to maintain it's independence from Russia to the point the Donets Basin delivers gas to it's people. Talks between Ukraine, Europe and Russia are scheduled for next week. Russia wants to be able to state it has control of the gas fields in eastern Ukraine to force the outcomes in it's favor. This has little or nothing to do with Russia Speaking People so much as power over the people of Ukraine and ultimately some of the energy needs of Europe.

September 1, 2014

...The existing compromise offer envisages (click here) the start of a stage-by-stage settlement of Ukrainian Naftogaz debt for Russian gas under an exact schedule.
A new ministerial meeting, involving Russia, Ukraine and the European Union, is due in Brussels on September 6, the source said.
The parties will discuss the schedule for Ukraine’s repayment of debts for already supplied Russian gas and a compromise gas price option for a period of 12 months....

This is the Norwegian port of  Kårstø in Rogaland where tankers prepare to transported to the market in Europe. 

Good-bye Russia. Natural gas as export from Ukraine provides the country with SOLVENCY to assist the end of it's over bearing Russian debt.

There is more to the civil war in Ukraine, but, the reason Russia wants to occupy the eastern region is to keep Ukraine under it's thumb and incapable of autonomous governance. Russia wants fiscal dependency of Ukraine so when any further elections come around the people will be discontent enough to vote Yanukovych back into leadership. That is not going to happen, the leadership in Ukraine is more than capable of leading it politically and into a safety zone with NATO. 

Russia is viewing NATO as an expansionist empire and is changing it's military assessment to match that description. In changing it's military assessment, Russia no longer a trading partner or ally to any country of The West and explains all to well why it abandoned Syria and why it is breaking treaties. Russia needs new leadership that removes the isolationist movement of the current government. It is an old world communist agenda which cannot keep up with the modern world.

...Norwegian gas (click here) is important for the European energy supply and is exported to all the major consumer countries in Western Europe. In energy content, the gas export in 2012 was about ten times that of the normal Norwegian production of electricity. Norwegian gas export covers close to 20 per cent of European gas consumption. Most of the exports go to Germany, the UK, Belgium and France, where Norwegian gas accounts for between 20 and 40 per cent of the total gas consumption....

Europe needs to install alternative energies with only gas supplements to it's energy future.

President Obama is taking the heat for a Bush bill that passed in 2008.

The bill provides indulgences for young children to have them remain in the USA as a protection from Kiddy Porn, etc. So, when the Republicans claim the Executive Order protecting Dreamers in the USA is the problem they are blatantly lying. President Obama has been conducting measures to stem a southern border crisis, but, he is hamstrung by the law in administering his authority. The Republicans seized on the Executive Order regarding the Dreamers to deflect their direct responsibility for a larger problem.

President Obama needs to consider all the blunders the Republicans have made to date in regard to immigration when choosing the focus of his next Executive Order to protect undocumented workers and Dreamers.

It is a fact these immigrants are necessary to the labor force in the USA. It is also true The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will provide relief for the working poor citizens in the USA and there will be job openings as a result as parents and students will have more time to be parents and students with the ACA in place. The Republicans are complaining there will be more job openings as a result of the ACA, which of course will require Wall Street to be more competitive in pay rates to obtain laborers for their companies. But, Republicans are complaining about more job openings and the lack of personnel to fill them while at the same time demanding any undocumented workers are to be exported. There is no rhyme or reason to the Republican rantings as it is nothing by Republican hubris and disinformation.

June 29, 2014
By Rick Green
Procedures for helping (click here) young unaccompanied illegal immigrants are based in part on legislation approved by Congress in 2008, yet some lawmakers who did not object to the measure then are against the procedures now.
Gov. Mary Fallin and Rep. Tom Cole, R-Moore, were members of the U.S. House when the bill passed without objection.
The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 also passed the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent and was signed into law by President George W. Bush.
The act was mainly intended to help human trafficking victims, but one part had provisions for unaccompanied illegal immigrants under age 18.

The legislation said they must “be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child.” The U.S. Health and Human Services Department is to provide for their custody and care while deportation hearings are under way. The department is to attempt to find a parent or a sponsor in the United States while providing free legal representation and a child advocate....

The facts are straight forward and simple. The USA has moved forward in finding relief for the working poor in the ACA and any job openings that occur need people to fill them. Any undocumented worker is exactly that a worker. They aren't here to be tourists. The undocumented workers are important to the USA, unless of course, the Republicans actually want wage labor to increase it's costs due to high demand for workers rather than reasonable demand for workers.

11 million undocumented workers are a lot of people in the labor force even if only half are working as spouses and fathers to the other half of the yet legal USA citizens.

...Cole said housing the young people with family members already in this country or through foster care is “de facto amnesty.”...

Now, either Tom Cole believes in his vote in 2008 or he doesn't; which is it? Oh, wait, I forgot. The real Tom Cole practices the Republican Rhetoric of "Which ever way the wind blows."

Mr. Timberlake is a presidential hopeful in Kenya. Today, he was arrested for his son's murder.

In June of this year, (click here) we reported to you that the famous Couple, Esther Arunga and Quincy Timberlake, were held for questioning over the mysterious death of their three year old son, Sinclair Timberlake. Little was heard from the couple after their arrest and release, until today when Kenyans, and the world at large woke up to the news that Quincy Timberlake has been arrested and charged with the murder of their 3 year old son. The boy is alledged to have had serious internal injuries that may not have been the result of the “simple fall” he had on the stairs while playing with his younger brother.

The reason this is an event at all is because he is a member of a political party whereby the leadership always finds themselves in jail when announcing a run for president. I don't doubt the boy is dead, and Mr. Timberlake a suspect, it is just that the members of this political party are always suspect.

September 2, 2014
By Christina Silva

...Mr Timberlake, (click here) a former Kenyan political activist who co-founded the Platinum Centraliser and Unionist Party, fled his home country with his wife to escape political persecution.

During the lead-up the ballot, Mr Timberlake was arrested numerous times and placed under house arrest by Kenyan police.

He later declared he would contest Kenyan elections in 2017.

"Our lives were in danger," Mr Timberlake's wife Esther Arunga told Kenyan newspaper The Standard in 2012.

"Some powerful people in government were doing everything to make sure that our political bid would never work. At the same time, we were undergoing traumatising scrutiny and attacks from the press. It was so unbearable."...

This is his politics:

Timberlake addressing Australian Labor Party Convention in Sydney

Message from Quincy Timberlake: (click here) To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. We need a new kind of politics in this country – a politics where people unite because they want to do something, not because they want to be someone. We need to reverse the relationship between politicians and people so that it’s the people demanding respect from politicians, not the other way around.

President Poroshenko delivers a ceasefire to Ukraine. Details anticipated.

September 3, 2014

Kiev: The office of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (click here) says he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have reached agreement on a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine.

The brief statement on Wednesday gave no details and there was no immediate reaction from the Russia-backed separatists whom Ukrainian forces have been fighting since April.

Mr Putin's spokesman said earlier that the Russian President and Mr Poroshenko had found in a recent discussion that they "largely share views" on ways out of the crisis....