Young women have futures in this country, not burdens.
For eight long years, the zealots of the Republican Right Wing have done NOTHING but moralize over issues exactly like this, but, now that it is one of their own they want the nation to look the other way.
The child should have been married BEFORE Mommy took on the Veep Race.
It might play well in the back woods of Alaska, but, NOT the Lower 48. I worked hard when I raised by teens. I worked outside the home, but, I provided a lot of reasons for my children to participate in society in sports and activities where they valued their lives and their futures. This is nonsense. I realize pregnant teenagers are present everyday in this country and we have come a long way to provide room in High School classrooms and Child Care so they can finish their diploma or college paths, but, a future Vice President.
Sorry, this doesn't wash with me. I could no more expect any young woman to shoulder the burden of pregnancy than I would expect them to turn their backs on the promise of their futures. There is no way this should have happened to this young lady, no different than it should not have happened to any teen.
Since 1986, the rate of everything has dropped has dropped in the area of teen pregnancy. The pregnancy rate, the birth rate, the adoption rate and the abortion rate. To realize a woman that is supposed to be esteemed for the highest moral standards to uphold the dignity of women and their career choices is allowing the exploitation of her own daughter for political theater is unthinkable. A simple statement about the reality of her circumstances is all the American Public needed, not a Evangelical Parade of Champions.
I find the ludicrous nature of Sarah Palin disgusting !