Collins Dictionary defines quality of life as the general well-being of a person or society, defined in terms of health and happiness, rather than wealth.
There are elements to the understanding of quality of life; health, self-esteem, goals and values, money, work, play, learning, creativity, helping, love, friends, children, relatives, home, neighborhood and community.
There can be surveys regarding the quality of life from -6 to +6. Negative being dissatisfied and positive being satisfied. Then a person can define where they are most unhappy and move out of that area.
A problem occurs where a person or community doesn't have the clear understanding of satisfaction and/or the resources to make change.
Politico conducted their own study on quality of life. In their assessment the "Right to Work" laws impacted that quality of life.
Politico quality of life study. (click here) They used standard data in their assessment.
This past election there were referendum in some states that are basically Democratic issues. The ballot measures passed while the election did not necessarily include the Democratic candidates. It is likely the lack of attention of ads encouraged the issues to pass. The reality that Republicans were elected in states obviously more liberal than conservative lends itself to a 'throw the bumbs out' movement rather than party choice.
I could go from state to state and assess the quality of life of the people in a similar way I focused on Louisiana. But, the Red States out number the Blue States in difficulty of life and opportunity and the result on happiness.
This is a population density map from 2000. (click here)
The Red States also exhibit some of the least dense areas of population in the country. Is it that Blue State population density brings life's harshness into clear view by many more people than Red States? Maybe. But, when it comes to the federal government the entire of the USA has to be examined and not just one state in particular to set policy.
The approach to governance by the political Left and Right is starkly different. The next two years can be productive if the Republicans want to solve problems rather than cause them. But, for Republicans to pretend they have the answers for all Americans is hideous and ridiculous. The Red States profoundly lack the quality of life in comparison to the Blue States even though as in the example of Louisiana receives a lion's share of federal monies.
I would suggest the next two years be harmonious in solving the problems of minorities, civil rights and equitable treatment for women in the work place. I would like to see the Red States redeem themselves rather than play politics for the benefit of cronies. Let the pay to play elections be reformation to the ills of our people rather than a slash and burn priorities that will only harm the country, especially the poor. There better be upward movement to preserve and build the Middle Class over the next two years without compromising the climate.
There are elements to the understanding of quality of life; health, self-esteem, goals and values, money, work, play, learning, creativity, helping, love, friends, children, relatives, home, neighborhood and community.
There can be surveys regarding the quality of life from -6 to +6. Negative being dissatisfied and positive being satisfied. Then a person can define where they are most unhappy and move out of that area.
A problem occurs where a person or community doesn't have the clear understanding of satisfaction and/or the resources to make change.

Politico quality of life study. (click here) They used standard data in their assessment.
This past election there were referendum in some states that are basically Democratic issues. The ballot measures passed while the election did not necessarily include the Democratic candidates. It is likely the lack of attention of ads encouraged the issues to pass. The reality that Republicans were elected in states obviously more liberal than conservative lends itself to a 'throw the bumbs out' movement rather than party choice.
I could go from state to state and assess the quality of life of the people in a similar way I focused on Louisiana. But, the Red States out number the Blue States in difficulty of life and opportunity and the result on happiness.
This is a population density map from 2000. (click here)
The Red States also exhibit some of the least dense areas of population in the country. Is it that Blue State population density brings life's harshness into clear view by many more people than Red States? Maybe. But, when it comes to the federal government the entire of the USA has to be examined and not just one state in particular to set policy.
The approach to governance by the political Left and Right is starkly different. The next two years can be productive if the Republicans want to solve problems rather than cause them. But, for Republicans to pretend they have the answers for all Americans is hideous and ridiculous. The Red States profoundly lack the quality of life in comparison to the Blue States even though as in the example of Louisiana receives a lion's share of federal monies.
I would suggest the next two years be harmonious in solving the problems of minorities, civil rights and equitable treatment for women in the work place. I would like to see the Red States redeem themselves rather than play politics for the benefit of cronies. Let the pay to play elections be reformation to the ills of our people rather than a slash and burn priorities that will only harm the country, especially the poor. There better be upward movement to preserve and build the Middle Class over the next two years without compromising the climate.