April 16, 2007
Lancaster, New HampshireThe best indicator of any understanding of an area when affected by environmental threat or change are from the folks that live there. One of the arguments made 'against' environmentalists is that they proceed regardless of the public. It is not the case here and is getting to be less and less the case nationally or globally. When it comes to Human Induced Global Warming, the people that are aware of it understand it's source, scope and results.
What is so hard to believe is that some folks aren't aware of the issue. That is because the president never brings the 'verbiage' forward. Bush's lack of language on the issue is purposeful. Premediated. To realize how pathetic the White House has become, when I listened to a White House Briefing yesterday with the press corp, the words, "...I just don't know...I'll have to refer you to the State Department on that..." were the most frequently spoken words to any question in the room.
Referring to the picture above, the ground is so saturated that the trees are literally 'top heavy' compared to the anchor that is their roots. A wind and they just topple over.