I am allowed to have my days. Today was one of those sad days. The family is making plans for the holidays to 'make it through'. See, my Father loved Christmas time. And. Well. It isn't going to be the same and we have to start new traditions. I should do a presentation on my Dad, but, I will have to scan in photos. So, I'll see. He didn't die well under Hospice care and everyone should know about it. As a matter of fact, if he was given the comfort care he was promised and we expected, he would see at least one more Christmas with us.
So, I have a presentation in mind and I will carry it out next weekend, but, the tone is somewhat like this.
There were demonstrations in Great Britain this week due to the draconian cuts in government spending. Basically, the Conservative Party is shutting down the government. You don't thinks so? Let me convince you.
Edinburgh student Andrew Burnie in London for the anti-cuts protest this week (click title to entry - thank you)
Student protests set stage for winter wave of unrest (click here)
Millbank occupation caught police badly prepared, and fuelled belief on Labour's left and among unions that direct action will bring results
Sunday 14 November 2010
But as the arguments about the limits of legitimate protest raged, a more supportive analysis of the possibilities of direct action began to emerge from elements of Labour's left and in trade union circles. "Just shows what can be done when people get angry. We must build on this," said the Labour MP John McDonnell on Twitter....
I don't know who Cameron is trying to kid here, but, there is no POOR folks that are going to be able to afford to purchase government assets. It will all go to Plutocrats that will exploit the masses and maintain their march into impoverishment and/or will witness the end of civilized society with the loss of Britain's Brain Trust and Middle and Lower Middle Class. The Royal Family has to speak out on behalf of the citizens of Great Britain or suffer the wrath 'of the commons.'. The promises of wealth for all is nothing more than propaganda and/or foolish ideological beliefs. Cameron should be impeached.
Ministers have been urged to privatise vast swathes of the public sector including libraries, schools, hospitals and even prisons and police stations, and transfer them to community ownership.
In a move designed to trump Margaret Thatcher's mass sell-off of council housing in the 1980s, a new report urges the sweeping transfer of state assets.
The call by centre-right think-tank ResPublica backs a radical extension of the former Prime Minister's right-to-buy policy to cover community assets and services, including leisure centres, roads and ports.
The report will be launched by Local Government minister Greg Clark in a sign that the proposals are being taken seriously in Whitehall, according to the think-tank.
Under the plans, local community groups would be given a right to buy state assets, and even keep profits from running them.
The report warns that as spending cuts become more severe there will be an "unprecedented mass divestment" of state assets including libraries, swimming pools, community halls, council offices, courts, police stations, prison buildings, roads, ports and Whitehall assets.
It states: "Public assets can and, wherever desirable, should become community assets, owned mutually or by individual shareholders or stakeholders in association with communities.
"These public goods can, if properly directed and organised, capitalise both civil society and the bottom 10% of society which currently has negative net wealth."
It added: "We have an unprecedented opportunity to lay the foundations for a truly popular and meaningful 'Big Society' by simultaneously capitalising civil society and spreading ownership.
"More importantly, we have an opportunity to achieve a bottom-up prosperity that builds resilient and independent communities capable of providing individuals with sustainable exits from poverty and entrances into wealth and well-being."
Ministers have been urged to privatise vast swathes of the public sector including libraries, schools, hospitals and even prisons
Warning, Will Robinson, Warning!