Virginia Unemployment Rate - Seasonally Adjusted (click here)
The unemployment rate in Virginia is a stagnant as the rest of the nation, otherwise McDonnell would be running for president as well.
The reason the Republicans were somewhat successful yesterday in Virginia is due to the face McDonnell has been CRYING "Poor me" in regard to judicial appointments.
The lowest rate of unemployment in Virginia occurred from September to Noverember 2000 of 2.2%. January 2008 the unemployment rate was 3.3%. Ocober 2008 the rate was 4.8%. By Janaury 2009 it was 5.7% and it kept climbing to an all time high of 7.2% in January 2010. Below the national average, of course, but the pattern is the same as every other state in the nation.
The current unemployment rate in Virginia is 6.5% with a low between January 2010 and the current rate of 6% in May of this year. The unemployment rate, its pattern and stubborness is as lackluster as the rest of the nation and even more profound when one considers the all time low in recent years was 2.2% in 2000.
I rarely quote the Washington Times as they are 'creative' at times, but, just the same there was this:
McDonnell wants action on judicial appointment (click title to entry - thank you)
By David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell on Thursday sent a letter to leaders in the Virginia General Assembly telling them to move quickly on selecting judges for state courts, including the Supreme Court, as he is prepared to do it himself should they adjourn their special redistricting.
The legislature has been mired in a partisan gridlock over judicial appointments as they remain in a special session called to re-draw congressional district lines. Mr. McDonnell wrote that House conferees have agreed on new lines, but the Senate will not acquiesce....
This was on his Twitter feed yesterday evening with the statement "Voter Turn Out is Low."
Link: Find Your Local Polling Center (click here)
No one has more riding on the outcome than the governor, who reaches the midpoint of his term in January.
By Michael Sluss
...Republicans have waged an all-out effort to gain control of the Senate, fielding candidates in 36 districts and waging aggressive, well-funded challenges to several Democratic incumbents — including three who represent parts of Southwest Virginia. The fates of incumbents John Edwards of Roanoke, Roscoe Reynolds of Henry County and Phillip Puckett of Russell County may determine whether Democrats keep the Senate majority they won four years ago. More than $4 million has been spent in the fights for those three seats.
No one has more riding on the outcome of Tuesday's vote than McDonnell, who will reach the midpoint of his four-year term in January. A Republican Senate could give McDonnell the legislative muscle he needs to enact policy reforms in state government, public education and the state employee pension system that Democrats have blocked....

Ran into my good friend Governor Doug Wilder at my polling place this afternoon! Polls are open until 7pm - please get out and vote! (from