Thursday, February 13, 2025

Trump didn’t prove his case.

I know what the USA treasury needs to claw back. The 4500 personal trips by the Trump
family from the first term.

He is supposed to release monies to the states. The states proved their case. Trump said he obeys all judges orders. That is not the case here. These are states with States’ Rights as well. Trump needs to obey the judge. 

If Trump doesn’t have enough staff to carry out these responsibilities then that is his problem and is no excuse for ignoring a judge.

Write the checks, Don.

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It is completely unconscionable…

…that states are experiencing funding cuts from the federal government as tourist season continues regardless of sunshine or snow.

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Hissy fits have no clout.

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Just because Musk bought a president doesn’t give him any rights except visit the Oval Office and that may even be restricted by security clearance.

The Republicans need to find their backbones if they don’t want ethics reviews. This is all quid pro quo. Musk gives the Republicans money and they allow him to be dictator. That is racketeering.

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Why are they leaving?

This is corruption. If the New York mayor’s actions break the law the Attorney General should be enforcing the law, not averting it. 

This has happened before in the W. Bush administration (click here). I believe the attorneys were returned to work and their cases reinstated. The point is there is no walking away from the Rule of Law. Congress has to act in exposing the wrong doing of the Attorney General. We don’t even have to investigate this case, this is corruption. 

Pam Bondi wants to appear to be a just AG as the mayor is a Democrat. That is politics and not law. Pam Bondi is now in trouble. There are real consequences for her. The Florida bar, if they find her guilty, can pull her license. I realize the stupid governor will try to protect Bondi, but, he has no say in a peer review of Bondi’s incompetence.

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A bonding practice by Musk.

Know one’s enemy and hold them close. Musk joked about agriculture at the club meeting at the UAE, even stating government workers in the USA will be leaving for the private sector to pick agricultural commodities. 

There is a reason for that hubris. (click here)

The land in that picture is owned by a Wall Street company that leases USA land to foreign governments. The American people will never benefit by the agricultural practices there. It is so voluminous it is drying up aquifers that American farmers depend on. 

The water of major rivers and aquifers are being dried up by foreign governments unable to feed their people. It a sovereignty issue for the USA as well as foreign governments like the UAE.

Capitalism is weaponized

Why save Earth if spaceships will abandon it?

Bill Gates says the work week can be reduced to 3 days with AI. Musk says 3.5 days. Who in the USA can take care of their families on 3 days of pay?

Who in this country will look for work as a professional requiring years of preparation if all they do is survive rather than thrive? 

They lie to themselves and the propagate the lies to the American public. None of their agenda is realistic.

Changing the world order

H.W. Bush built national security on global financial stability. Good luck with that now.

All the changes to the FUNCTION of the USA will result in enormous changes in the global economy with the USA footprint shrinking. That is a national security risk. Additionally, the propaganda Musk is spewing will turn countries against the USA as a power playing busy body.

The truth? The more agencies’ personnel Trump purges is money in the one percent pockets. Will that prove to be wise for them? No. Musk wants the taxes into the USA treasury for his own while Republicans were lied to in their back rooms and they believe they have control in reaching their political ideology. 

The world is facing danger. It will creep in slowly at first and fall like dominos to multiple different security dangers. This all to play a billionaire hate game.

When Musk was in the UAE he was supposed to discuss AI. Instead he was defaming the USA and sucker punching everyone because he had nothing intelligent to say about AI and certainly no details. No scientific knowledge was passed on. He was there for one reason only and that was to allow wealthy people to hear from an other wealthy person. It was a club meeting.

Senator Warren points to another broken promise. Trump staged a show in his election. He had other plans the entire time.

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I read a variety of news media. Mother Jones is believed to be a lefty partisan media, but, it has highly accurate information. I don’t consider it a tabloid and the country is really important to the authors and publishers.

This article is from Mother Jones.  It has a good history of the CFPB. Senator Warren is correct, the banks hated this bureau from the start, but they never thought twice in ruining the American Dream. It looks like it will occur all over again.

I find it very odd the government is imploding like this because these are all legislated agencies and cannot be dissolved with an executive order. Purging the employees is basically dissolving the government to change the culture so it is a hostile act and quite illegal. People make choices and unfortunately they aren’t standing up against Trump and seem to have a herd mentality.

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The protocols at the USA Treasury need to be reset.

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There is a hearing about the Musk invasion for February 14, 2025. Musk will use that information for his own purposes. He has already proven to be very aggressive and inappropriately so considering he isn’t a government employee or contractor. His DOGE department has the same name as his favorite crypto. That was no error. The court needs to bring important issues like breaking the law, unauthorized entry to the USA Treasury, trespassing in government offices, obtaining primarily classified information to access the payment system, and conspiring with Trump. The American people have to be protected from these racketeers.

I think the ultimatum should be taken seriously.

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Trump is out of control and like a steamroller over this democracy. Not to panic people, but, some political influencers during the campaign were calling for the organization of militias. I think the danger that is Trump needs to be taken with great brevity. Preparation to act is in order. 

The ICC has jurisdiction over Gaza.

(Click here)

Someone once said Trump studied Hitler.

The Jake Tapper interview of Steven
Miller validates the abuse of the press, too.

The similarities are too stark to be ignored.

It is time the American people have a Congress that takes care of them first, not loyal to broken promises and an assault against the federal institutions we built. It is time to check votes and organize recall elections. I do not care how long they have been in office, if they don’t have a backbone kick ‘em out.

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Naive me, I thought it was about taking your kids to work. Didn’t know it was a propaganda gig.


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Musk is openly defaming the USA stating we interfere with the affairs of other countries. He is bragging about raiding the USA government of its personnel and sending them to work in the private sector. The USA is pushy.