Friday, September 11, 2020

The US Census is still being recorded. WHERE IS EVERYONE? Get involved and stay involved.

April 4, 2020

By Sally A. York

Genesee County, Michigan -- Hundreds of people (click here) still are needed for local 2010 Census jobs.

The U.S. Census Bureau already has hired about 170 people from the Flint area to conduct address canvasses starting next month, but it is seeking 800 to 1,200 more people here for other tasks later.

The jobs are temporary but pay about $14 an hour.

"I'm definitely interested," said Aaron Ruff, 31, of Fenton, who was laid off from his job at an automotive supply firm last November. "It's something I've never done before and I could always use the money."...

Flint needs a full census record.

September 11, 2020
By Ron Fonger

Flint - The city says it’s coordinating a final push (click here) to encourage residents to complete the 2020 Census, a big job considering an estimated 22 percent of the population hasn’t been counted so far and the deadline to do so is just 20 days away.

“This is a 10-minute investment that impacts us for the next 10 years. This is about making sure our community has the funding to provide services our residents need and deserve,” Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley said in a statement issued by the city on Thursday, Sept. 10....

It has been 19 years and US Troops are still in Afghanistan.

September 11, 2020
By Michael Gold

Investigators (click here) comb the debris field for the fight data recorders from Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania

The mourners entering the plaza wore face masks, (click here) and the teary, intimate hugs of years past were replaced by awkwardly choreographed fist bumps. When the bells tolled at 8:46 a.m., marking the moment the first jet smashed into the north tower 19 years ago, those gathered stood at somber attention, trying to draw comfort from neighbors required to stand six feet apart.

The solemn ceremonies held at and near the Sept. 11 memorial in Lower Manhattan on Friday provided an poignant resonance in the face of a pandemic that has crippled the country for months and brought particularly devastating loss to New York City.

Outside the memorial plaza, a widow holding a picture of her husband admitted that the anxiety she normally felt on this anniversary was compounded by her fears over the coronavirus. A woman who lost her cousin when the Twin Towers fell equated the dedication of rescue workers in 2001 with the toil of health care professionals this year.

A retired firefighter said the lingering effects of the virus made him think of the continued ailments suffered by emergency workers who inhaled toxic dust, smoke and fumes at the site of the attack....

I guess when militias are the way forward for Trump, the National Guard is counter productive.

September 7, 2020
By Joey Oliver

Monday marks (click here) one month since Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer requested a phone call with President Donald Trump to discuss the imposed state cost share for use of the Michigan National Guard for COVID-19 response, which federally funds National Guard activities and provides Guard members with federal pay and benefits.

Whitmer reiterated in a news release Monday that although Michigan continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the president has still not responded to the governor's request.

"COVID-19 is still a very real threat to our state, and we need full federal funding for the Michigan National Guard in order to continue protecting our families and frontline heroes," Whitmer said in a statement. "Our Guard members have been vital to our COVID-19 response by testing thousands of people in communities across the state during the height of the pandemic, and will be crucial to our recovery efforts moving forward....

Bob Woodward is not responsible for one death in the USA, including minority members of our society.

Most Americans feel the pain of the deaths among minority citizens. They are repulsed by the disproportionate black and brown people that have died due to COVID-19. There is a few that don't really care, beginning with the First Lady, but, to state somehow and in some way a brilliant journalist like Woodward is responsible for all that is an enormous lie all by itself.

September 10, 2020
By Helen Ubinas

...Calm down: He’s all bluster and bravado. (click here) 

Calm down: He doesn’t really mean what he says about women or people of color or white supremacists.

Calm down: It’s not racism, it’s economic anxiety.

How’s all that eKKKonomic anxiety working out for us?...

...Woodward, a white celebrated journalism icon, who sat on information (seemingly to sell books, though he insists otherwise) that disproportionately cost more Black and brown people their lives....

Bob Woodward has been a treasure and a patriot in this country and I welcome his book at a time when others are bringing their message to the people of the USA.

There are dearly few responsible for the tragedies that now exist in the USA and they are Trump, his administration, and his FOX News corruption network (click here). Those people are directly responsible for the lies and carrying the lies forward to make a lie the truth, right Former Speaker Ryan?

DONALD JOHN TRUMP has killed over 150,000 (click here) Americans from COVID-19. That is a small city. He wiped them out because HE DIDN'T CARE except to protect Wall Street and his re-election.

Tony Fauci is not responsible and the Main Stream Media is not responsible. Certainly, all the people riding Paul Revere's Charge to Americans in their books are not responsible either. Former FBI agent, Peter Strzok isn't responsible either. If he were still in service he might have become a whistleblower regarding Trump and more people would be alive, but, no the Republicans had to ride him out of the FBI on a rail and why? Because of their lousy politics that kill people through pandemic and racism.

The Republicans could not even face the fact Donald John Trump was guilty of the Impeachment Charges and sent the clown back to the Oval Office. And why? Because, like Strzok, IS WAS THE DEEP STATE! THE FLYIN' FICTITIOUS RE-ELECT TRUMP DEEP STATE THAT DEFAMES JOURNALISM, JOURNALISTS, AND THE TRUTH.

Bob Woodward did what he always does as a trusted member of a dearly democratic profession, he sought the truth and by damn it wrote a book about it. A BOOK. Not an article. Not the front page above the fold expose either. A book. He wrote an entire book out of a few interviews.

I trust Bob Woodward and believe every word he has written. In the case of Nixon, the Legislative Branch, being shocked and appalled at the truth displayed in The Washington Post, acted and began an impeachment inquiry that culminated in the president's resignation. Nixon was right to leave the White House, Trump is the example why.

The people still voting for Trump are sincerely misinformed or are wealthy and don't want to pay taxes. The "Tea Party" would not exist if it weren't for those FAMILIES involved in the antiquities of the USA economy, like the Trumps and the DeVoes (click here) and the Kochs, among others.

The Tea Party sprang up overnight and even before Barak Hussein Obama was inaugurated. It is a travesty in the USA. But, without billions poured into their political advocacy by these families without an IPO, the USA may have been far safer from political extremists that are LOYAL to our enemies.

Trump's big claim to re-election is that Democrats will take away your guns, take away your cars, and increase taxes.


Well, the flip side of all that nonsense is that Trump will end Social Security, allow the assassination of American soldiers, the poor losers and suckers that they are. He will finish his march to become Putin's first major Western nation to become a Russian satellite.

Trump is as pathetic as much as he is pathologic and it is time the USA demand a change in administration and the return to a functional US Post Office guaranteed to them within the USA Constitution. Not FedEx or UPS, but, the US Post Office is guaranteed to Americans within their own constitution.