Change has to come to the way our police carry out their jobs. The USA is also a society with a lot of weapons. There is some understanding that police are on guard in doing their jobs primarily because there are far too many weapons on the streets of the USA. That, however, does not permit them to carry out SWAT tactics against unarmed Black Men or Women.
The type of change that is necessary to ensure the future is vastly different than the present will be a paradigm shift that dismantles a violent subculture of the USA. That subculture has always been a danger to national security and always had the potential to result in anarchy and opportunities for USA enemies to exploit. White Supremacists are among the first people that would be rounded up by communists as they are not tolerated in communist countries now. Realizing that and the fact this change is not victimless in it's potential, there needs to be a focus on the potential danger going forward.
The vast change that needs to occur also requires governors and state legislators to bring about a change in the display of Confederate icons, including the Confederate flag.
Let me make this very clear. While there may not have been an agenda of White Supremacy by Confederate leaders for declaring the war, it is implied in all the facts of the times of the USA Civil War.
One of the best examples of racism in the Confederate culture of the Civil War was Lincoln's assassination.
...On the evening of April 11, (click here) the president stood on the White House balcony and delivered a speech to a small group gathered on the lawn. Two days earlier, Robert E. Lee had surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House, and after four long years of struggle it had become clear that the Union cause would emerge from the war victorious. Lincoln’s speech that evening outlined some of his ideas about reconstructing the nation and bringing the defeated Confederate states back into the Union. Lincoln also indicated a wish to extend the franchise to some African-Americans—at the very least, those who had fought in the Union ranks during the war—and expressed a desire that the southern states would extend the vote to literate blacks, as well. Booth stood in the audience for the speech, and this notion seems to have amplified his rage at Lincoln....
Booth became determined to assassinate Lincoln, the first president ever to be assassinated AFTER President Lincoln stated African Americans should have the right to vote. It was Lincoln's determination to make African Americans full citizens that caused his death at the hand of Booth.
The fight for civil rights has never been easy, but, is always worth it. The fact that every citizen of the USA is considered empowered by THE VOTE brings a unique ability for "the people" to change the face of American democracy and bring about a more peaceful country and the envy of the world.
We are engaged in dangerous times with Donald John Trump in the presidency. He is unhelpful to maintaining peace within the USA. That is one of his duties, to maintain tranquility within the borders of the USA. That hasn't been the case since he was inaugurated. Trump has pitted race against race with the first detention of those crossing the southern border.
Oh, by the way, the children in detention that were supposed to have been returned to their country of origin, never were returned. A federal judge recently ordered the children to be released from detention. (click here) The primary concern by the judge was the spread of COVID-19 among those detained. That somehow escaped the concerns of the USA president.
The point is there is a lot of danger in the physical presence of marches for civil rights. That has been the history as well. But, we are living in unprecedented times of a dangerous pandemic and increasing numbers of victims to the virus in the USA. It is prudent for leadership to call upon the people to slow the occurrences of the protests and increase the focus on first defeating the virus before the protests continue with vigor. The increasing number and younger age of the victims to the virus would dictate that initiative.
Softening the approach of protests does not mean there isn't a hardening of the resolve, but, only a change in the methods. There need to be organizations to lobby, raise money, and oversee this enormous paradigm change. These changes must go forward. There is on doubt White Supremacy was never far from the priorities of the Confederacy. It all has to end and the icons of the era removed from the ideology they now support.
Does anyone have any idea the extent of the name of Robert E. Lee? There is even a restaurant in New Jersey of all places that bears his name. There are innumerable statutes and name tributes to him and that is only one Confederate leader. The task at removing these icons from our civilized culture is enormous and will require more than protests to bring an end to them.
Additionally, there are people full of hate such as Steven Nelson that believe so deeply in the identity of a Confederate White Supremacy they are willing to kill for it. Knowing that brings a great responsibility of civil rights leaders to be sure such hate is not allowed to spark greater danger. The methods going forward, while peaceful, also have to be safe. The many that want this change need to remain firm in their resolve and move forward with methods that are more conducive to ending the virus as well as protecting the innocent.
Thank you for your consideration.
June 28, 2020
By Natalia Martinez
Steven Nelson Lopez has been in police custody since the shooting occurred Saturday, charged with one count of murder and one count of wanton endangerment first degree.
Louisville, Ky. - The man accused of fatally shooting (click here) a local photographer at Jefferson Square Saturday night had been arrested twice before for rioting related charges.
WAVE 3 News has learned the suspect’s name is Steven Nelson Lopez. He’s been in police custody since the shooting occurred Saturday around 9 p.m. He’s been charged with one count of murder and one count of wanton endangerment first degree.
Lopez, who had been camping at Jefferson Square had been asked to leave earlier in the day by other protesters for his "disruptive behavior" Mayor Greg Fischer said during a press conference Sunday afternoon.
According to an arrest report, LMPD officers notified MetroSafe of multiple gunshots fired in Jefferson Square Park around 8:59 p.m. Officers responded on scene at this time to find a victim suffering from an apparent gunshot wound.
The victim was found unresponsive lying in the middle of the park near a concrete wall.
Lopez, according to the report, was seen shooting a firearm into a large crowd of people at the park. The gunfire struck the victim, later revealed by the coroner as Tyler Gerth.
Gerth was shot in the head and pronounced dead on scene by officers.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Typical lax government at every excuse.
This is typical of what is occurring in the Executive Branch of the USA government. No one is saying they will allow contamination in water, but, the monitoring has been suspended to allow for errors during a pandemic. Basically, no one cares one way or the other in Washington, DC.
So, let me see if I get this right. The people responsible for clean and SAFE water in local water treatment plants don't have to report their own monitoring that will go on anyway. The change in regulation by the EPA Secretary openly states no one should be cheating on water quality in the USA during the pandemic, but, the federal authority that enforces the "Clean Water Act" isn't bothering to worry about it.
So, EPA Secretary Andrew Wheeler and former lobbyist is stating local water authorities need to maintain their water supplies according to the law, but, due to the COVID-19 national emergency, they don't have to report the monitoring results. See, quality water has to be monitored. Every water treatment facility runs tests on water quality all the time. It is the way water is maintained. Those records that Wheeler is no longer interested in enforcing or even receiving into the US EPA are being conducted anyway.
Local water authorities need to be sure the water quality is as good as it gets because the hospitals caring for an enormous number of patients need the water to be high quality so there is no other illnesses that manifest during the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2.
What Secretary Wheeler should have done is offer help to local authorities that might be overwhelmed by additional steps to keep employees safe during a global pandemic. I would expect the EPA to more closely monitor water quality during a global pandemic and be able to find changes in water quality early to prevent other diseases.
I guess at this point the responsibility for maintaining a close watch over water quality falls to the mayors and possibly the governors so there is no conflict of interest.
I JUST CAN'T GET OVER THE BLATANT DISREGARD TO HUMAN LIFE BY TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE. The federal government is supposed to provide more help to the states and not simply allow opportunistic deregulation to cause greater problems. But, then how would Trump know if there are greater problems, he isn't interested in reporting or enforcing.
So, let me see if I get this right. The people responsible for clean and SAFE water in local water treatment plants don't have to report their own monitoring that will go on anyway. The change in regulation by the EPA Secretary openly states no one should be cheating on water quality in the USA during the pandemic, but, the federal authority that enforces the "Clean Water Act" isn't bothering to worry about it.
So, EPA Secretary Andrew Wheeler and former lobbyist is stating local water authorities need to maintain their water supplies according to the law, but, due to the COVID-19 national emergency, they don't have to report the monitoring results. See, quality water has to be monitored. Every water treatment facility runs tests on water quality all the time. It is the way water is maintained. Those records that Wheeler is no longer interested in enforcing or even receiving into the US EPA are being conducted anyway.
Local water authorities need to be sure the water quality is as good as it gets because the hospitals caring for an enormous number of patients need the water to be high quality so there is no other illnesses that manifest during the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2.
What Secretary Wheeler should have done is offer help to local authorities that might be overwhelmed by additional steps to keep employees safe during a global pandemic. I would expect the EPA to more closely monitor water quality during a global pandemic and be able to find changes in water quality early to prevent other diseases.
I guess at this point the responsibility for maintaining a close watch over water quality falls to the mayors and possibly the governors so there is no conflict of interest.
I JUST CAN'T GET OVER THE BLATANT DISREGARD TO HUMAN LIFE BY TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE. The federal government is supposed to provide more help to the states and not simply allow opportunistic deregulation to cause greater problems. But, then how would Trump know if there are greater problems, he isn't interested in reporting or enforcing.
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The nation’s largest (clilck here) Native American tribe and several environmental groups are waging a legal challenge to a revised federal rule that lifts protections for many streams, creeks and wetlands across the U.S.
Washington - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (click here) is mindful of the health and safety of the public, as well as our staff, and those of Federal Agencies, State and Local Governments, Tribes, Regulated Entities, Contractors, and Non-governmental Organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The agency is taking these important considerations into account as we all continue our work to protect human health and the environment. Accordingly, EPA is announcing a temporary policy regarding EPA enforcement of environmental legal obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA's temporary enforcement discretion policy applies to civil violations during the COVID-19 outbreak. The policy addresses different categories of noncompliance differently. For example, under the policy EPA does not expect to seek penalties for noncompliance with routine monitoring and reporting obligations that are the result of the COVID-19 pandemic but does expect operators of public water systems to continue to ensure the safety of our drinking water supplies. The policy also describes the steps that regulated facilities should take to qualify for enforcement discretion.
"EPA is committed to protecting human health and the environment, but recognizes challenges resulting from efforts to protect workers and the public from COVID-19 may directly impact the ability of regulated facilities to meet all federal regulatory requirements," said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "This temporary policy is designed to provide enforcement discretion under the current, extraordinary conditions, while ensuring facility operations continue to protect human health and the environment."...
"...the way race and gender shape our subconscious preferences...
When are subconscious preferences going to return our democracy to good standing for all citizens?
I had never heard of this poll before, but, it looks interesting for more than one reason.
...Starting in 2007, (click here) Mario’s work as an electoral forecaster in four different companies has resulted in 82 correct predictions of democratic processes in Canada and the United States, including the 2008, 2011 and 2019 Canadian federal elections, 18 Canadian provincial elections, the 2015 Metro Vancouver Transportation and Transit Plebiscite, and the 2012 and 2016 United States presidential elections....
In order for the survey to hold water, it needs to be duplicated.
June 26, 2020
By Mario Canseco
62% of Canadians and 51% of Americans personally believe global warming is a “major crisis.” (click here)
Vancouver, BC [June 26, 2020] – Most Canadians and Americans would consent to providing larger fiscal contributions to their governments in order to combat global warming, a new two-country Research Co. poll has found.
In the online survey of representative national samples, 60% of Canadians and 54% of Americans say they are willing to pay higher taxes in order to adequately deal with climate change.
More than three-in-five Canadians (64%) and a majority of Americans (53%) believe global warming is a fact and is mostly caused by emission from vehicles and industrial facilities.
About one-in-four respondents in the two countries (23% in Canada and 25% in the United States) think climate change is a fact and is mostly caused by natural changes.
Only 7% of Canadians and 14% of Americans believe global warming is a theory that has not yet been proven—including 12% of Conservative Party voters in the 2019 Canadian federal election and 26% of Republican Party supporters in the United States....
In order for the survey to hold water, it needs to be duplicated.
June 26, 2020
By Mario Canseco
62% of Canadians and 51% of Americans personally believe global warming is a “major crisis.” (click here)
Vancouver, BC [June 26, 2020] – Most Canadians and Americans would consent to providing larger fiscal contributions to their governments in order to combat global warming, a new two-country Research Co. poll has found.
In the online survey of representative national samples, 60% of Canadians and 54% of Americans say they are willing to pay higher taxes in order to adequately deal with climate change.
More than three-in-five Canadians (64%) and a majority of Americans (53%) believe global warming is a fact and is mostly caused by emission from vehicles and industrial facilities.
About one-in-four respondents in the two countries (23% in Canada and 25% in the United States) think climate change is a fact and is mostly caused by natural changes.
Only 7% of Canadians and 14% of Americans believe global warming is a theory that has not yet been proven—including 12% of Conservative Party voters in the 2019 Canadian federal election and 26% of Republican Party supporters in the United States....
Two steps forward and three steps back.
January 20, 2015
By Nadia Dreid
In 1941, (click here) a lot of things were different. What is now Georgia Southern University was then known as Georgia Teacher’s College (GTC), Martin Luther King Jr. was still in grade school and segregation was alive and well in the south.
Former GTC president Marvin Pittman was fired from his position at the college for, among other charges, allegedly supporting racial integration after he invited George Washington Carver and several other teachers from historically black Tuskegee University to visit the school. Pittman was accused of allowing black teachers to guest lecture in classes and eat in the school cafeteria with white students....
June 24, 2020
By Richard Faussett
Atlanta - For months after the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, (click here) a 25-year-old black man who was pursued by armed white residents of a coastal South Georgia neighborhood, no arrests were made.
But after an article by The New York Times, the release of a video of the February confrontation, and increased attention from lawmakers, celebrities and civil rights activists, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation stepped in.
The police arrested two men, Gregory McMichael and his son Travis McMichael, on Thursday and charged them with murder and aggravated assault in the killing of Mr. Arbery. The state agency said Travis McMichael had fired the fatal shots....
By Nadia Dreid
In 1941, (click here) a lot of things were different. What is now Georgia Southern University was then known as Georgia Teacher’s College (GTC), Martin Luther King Jr. was still in grade school and segregation was alive and well in the south.
Former GTC president Marvin Pittman was fired from his position at the college for, among other charges, allegedly supporting racial integration after he invited George Washington Carver and several other teachers from historically black Tuskegee University to visit the school. Pittman was accused of allowing black teachers to guest lecture in classes and eat in the school cafeteria with white students....
June 24, 2020
By Richard Faussett
Atlanta - For months after the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, (click here) a 25-year-old black man who was pursued by armed white residents of a coastal South Georgia neighborhood, no arrests were made.
But after an article by The New York Times, the release of a video of the February confrontation, and increased attention from lawmakers, celebrities and civil rights activists, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation stepped in.
The police arrested two men, Gregory McMichael and his son Travis McMichael, on Thursday and charged them with murder and aggravated assault in the killing of Mr. Arbery. The state agency said Travis McMichael had fired the fatal shots....
That is an enormous jump in CO2 emissions and that is just CO2.
June 26, 2020
By Matthew Taylor
Kevin Anderson, (click here) one of the world’s leading climate scientists, had a familiar reaction to the latest report from the government’s climate advisers, which was published this week.
The 196-page document by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) delivered a stinging rebuke of the government’s record and said ministers must urgently up their game if the UK is to avoid a significant rebound in carbon emissions after the coronavirus crisis and meet its 2050 net zero carbon target.
Anderson is a professor of energy and climate change, working across the universities of Manchester, Uppsala in Sweden and Bergen in Norway. He said: “The constructive, meticulous criticism of the government, which is failing abysmally by any measure, is fine. The problem is the framing the CCC has for net zero is already far removed from what is needed to meet our Paris commitments."...
By Matthew Taylor
Kevin Anderson, (click here) one of the world’s leading climate scientists, had a familiar reaction to the latest report from the government’s climate advisers, which was published this week.
The 196-page document by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) delivered a stinging rebuke of the government’s record and said ministers must urgently up their game if the UK is to avoid a significant rebound in carbon emissions after the coronavirus crisis and meet its 2050 net zero carbon target.
Anderson is a professor of energy and climate change, working across the universities of Manchester, Uppsala in Sweden and Bergen in Norway. He said: “The constructive, meticulous criticism of the government, which is failing abysmally by any measure, is fine. The problem is the framing the CCC has for net zero is already far removed from what is needed to meet our Paris commitments."...
Virginia needs to remove Lee from the US Capital.
The statue of Robert E. Lee (click here) was given to the National Statuary Collection by Virginia in 1909. Lee served as commander of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
Melt them down to return the use of the metal for USA infrastructure projects or jewelry. The stone can be crushed for driveway gravel. It will be very pretty driveway gravel, too.
This effort by Nancy Pelosi is going to require legislation. The entire toxic culture of the Civil War has to be removed and replaced THE REAL HISTORY of the defeat of the Confederate Army and the failure of secession.
June 10, 2020
By Chris Marquette
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (click here) is calling for the removal of 11 Confederate statues from the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection.
In a letter sent on Wednesday, Pelosi asked the Joint Committee on the Library — led by Senate Rules and Administration Chairman Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, and House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat — to direct the Architect of the Capitol to remove the statues of soldiers and officials who represent the Confederacy.
Pelosi specifically mentioned two prominent Confederates — Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens — who served as president and vice president of the Confederate States of America, respectively, and who were charged with treason against the United States. Stephens’ statue was given by Georgia and Davis’ by Mississippi.
“While I believe it is imperative that we never forget our history lest we repeat it, I also believe that there is no room for celebrating the violent bigotry of the men of the Confederacy in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol or in places of honor across the country,” Pelosi wrote....
Seccession (click here)
Melt them down to return the use of the metal for USA infrastructure projects or jewelry. The stone can be crushed for driveway gravel. It will be very pretty driveway gravel, too.
This effort by Nancy Pelosi is going to require legislation. The entire toxic culture of the Civil War has to be removed and replaced THE REAL HISTORY of the defeat of the Confederate Army and the failure of secession.
June 10, 2020
By Chris Marquette
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (click here) is calling for the removal of 11 Confederate statues from the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection.
In a letter sent on Wednesday, Pelosi asked the Joint Committee on the Library — led by Senate Rules and Administration Chairman Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, and House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat — to direct the Architect of the Capitol to remove the statues of soldiers and officials who represent the Confederacy.
Pelosi specifically mentioned two prominent Confederates — Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens — who served as president and vice president of the Confederate States of America, respectively, and who were charged with treason against the United States. Stephens’ statue was given by Georgia and Davis’ by Mississippi.
“While I believe it is imperative that we never forget our history lest we repeat it, I also believe that there is no room for celebrating the violent bigotry of the men of the Confederacy in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol or in places of honor across the country,” Pelosi wrote....
Seccession (click here)
President Obama attempted to build an "Infrastructure Bank" but that was defeated by a majority Republican House.
June 28, 2020
By Maria Gallucci
...One of the ideas Congress (click here) considered at the time was launching a national "green bank," a nonprofit institution that would use public money to help cash-strapped businesses invest in solar panels, wind farms, and energy-efficiency building retrofits. Green bank legislation gained traction that year, but it and other climate-related initiatives — most famously a cap-and-trade bill — ultimately never passed.
So green bank advocates turned their efforts to the states. Soon Connecticut, Florida, and Hawaii had launched their own specialized banks, using seed funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to issue loans and bonds to local projects. Together, those programs have spurred billions of dollars' worth of investments and supported tens of thousands of jobs, bank leaders say.
Today, as the COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes another economic meltdown — with an unemployment rate over 13 percent — the green bank concept is making a comeback. With nearly 600,000 clean energy positions lost in recent weeks, environmental advocates are among those again eyeing a recovery that includes significantly decarbonizing the American economy. And they say a federal green bank is a key element.
Sierra Club, for example, recently called for creating a National Climate Bank, as part of its green stimulus plan. The bank would invest $30 billion over its first five years to help boost renewable electricity capacity and add energy storage systems and transmission lines to the U.S. grid. At that scale, the bank could help create about 83,000 jobs per year, according to an estimate by the Political Economy Research Institute....
By Maria Gallucci
...One of the ideas Congress (click here) considered at the time was launching a national "green bank," a nonprofit institution that would use public money to help cash-strapped businesses invest in solar panels, wind farms, and energy-efficiency building retrofits. Green bank legislation gained traction that year, but it and other climate-related initiatives — most famously a cap-and-trade bill — ultimately never passed.
So green bank advocates turned their efforts to the states. Soon Connecticut, Florida, and Hawaii had launched their own specialized banks, using seed funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to issue loans and bonds to local projects. Together, those programs have spurred billions of dollars' worth of investments and supported tens of thousands of jobs, bank leaders say.
Today, as the COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes another economic meltdown — with an unemployment rate over 13 percent — the green bank concept is making a comeback. With nearly 600,000 clean energy positions lost in recent weeks, environmental advocates are among those again eyeing a recovery that includes significantly decarbonizing the American economy. And they say a federal green bank is a key element.
Sierra Club, for example, recently called for creating a National Climate Bank, as part of its green stimulus plan. The bank would invest $30 billion over its first five years to help boost renewable electricity capacity and add energy storage systems and transmission lines to the U.S. grid. At that scale, the bank could help create about 83,000 jobs per year, according to an estimate by the Political Economy Research Institute....
The USA will not repeat the mistakes of the past in engaging a civil war.
Robert E. Lee, around age 38, and his son William Henry Fitzhugh Lee, around age 8, c.1845
The civil war is always painted as a war for the "fiscal" south. In other words, the south's economy could not survive without slavery. But, within that understanding is the reality that Caucasians were not slaves. Hence, the USA Civil War was a war of White Supremacy and why the attachment of the confederate flag to modern-day White Supremacists.
The degree of which southern culture permeates the culture of the USA is rather incredible and isn't going to disappear overnight. It will take at least a generation to dismantle the entrenched memorializing. The civil war ended in 1865. It has been 155 years and this culture is not only wrong but, a problem for modern-day America. It is time to end the intrusion of the Civil War South and return tackle the problems facing southern families in the way of health care and economic viability rather than the reality today of the working poor.
Fall 2011
Reaping What You Sow: Southern Cultures, Black Traditions, and Black Women
By Cynthia Mikell
This is an inquiry into Southern cultures, (click here) Black traditions, and Black women with a focus on the life of one Black woman educator. Drawing upon the works of Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning African American woman, novelist, and master storyteller, Toni Morrison (1970, 1973, 1976, 1987, 1988, 1993, 2003, & 2008); activist and Black feminist protest thinker and writer, bell hooks (1981, 1984, 1995, & 2000); the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, activist, and womanist, Alice Walker (1983); the Black feminist thinker and writer, Patricia Hills Collins (1998, 2000), and the critical race theorist and the first tenured African-American professor of Law at Harvard University, Derrick Bell (1992, 1995); I create a composite (He, 2003) main character, Marie Sincerely Lucky, an ordinary farm girl from a rural Southern community. I utilize Marie as a persona to tell key life events and experiences using fiction (which is not widely accepted in academia as a methodology) and the seasonal metaphor (literal and Biblical) which becomes the titles of chapters and sections throughout my dissertation....
The civil war is always painted as a war for the "fiscal" south. In other words, the south's economy could not survive without slavery. But, within that understanding is the reality that Caucasians were not slaves. Hence, the USA Civil War was a war of White Supremacy and why the attachment of the confederate flag to modern-day White Supremacists.
The degree of which southern culture permeates the culture of the USA is rather incredible and isn't going to disappear overnight. It will take at least a generation to dismantle the entrenched memorializing. The civil war ended in 1865. It has been 155 years and this culture is not only wrong but, a problem for modern-day America. It is time to end the intrusion of the Civil War South and return tackle the problems facing southern families in the way of health care and economic viability rather than the reality today of the working poor.
Fall 2011
Reaping What You Sow: Southern Cultures, Black Traditions, and Black Women
By Cynthia Mikell
This is an inquiry into Southern cultures, (click here) Black traditions, and Black women with a focus on the life of one Black woman educator. Drawing upon the works of Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning African American woman, novelist, and master storyteller, Toni Morrison (1970, 1973, 1976, 1987, 1988, 1993, 2003, & 2008); activist and Black feminist protest thinker and writer, bell hooks (1981, 1984, 1995, & 2000); the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, activist, and womanist, Alice Walker (1983); the Black feminist thinker and writer, Patricia Hills Collins (1998, 2000), and the critical race theorist and the first tenured African-American professor of Law at Harvard University, Derrick Bell (1992, 1995); I create a composite (He, 2003) main character, Marie Sincerely Lucky, an ordinary farm girl from a rural Southern community. I utilize Marie as a persona to tell key life events and experiences using fiction (which is not widely accepted in academia as a methodology) and the seasonal metaphor (literal and Biblical) which becomes the titles of chapters and sections throughout my dissertation....
NASA-NOAA Analysis Shara Dust Aerosols (click here)
Often when these events occur and deposit more particles in the air more storms are possible. This is not a benign event. There have been problems with air quality and breathing, but, there are other climate-related issues to this arrival of Sahara dust.
Often when these events occur and deposit more particles in the air more storms are possible. This is not a benign event. There have been problems with air quality and breathing, but, there are other climate-related issues to this arrival of Sahara dust.

Robert E. Lee is treated as if a USA president. He never was, but, his importance is regal.
A National Historic Landmark, (click here) Stratford Hall preserves the legacy of the Lee family and its surrounding community, inspires an appreciation of America’s past, and encourages commitment to the ideals of leadership, honor, independent thought, and civic responsibility. Established by Thomas Lee in the 1730s, Stratford Hall is one of the great houses of American history. Four generations of the Lee family passed through its stately doors including Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee, the only two brothers to sign the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War hero “Light Horse Harry” Lee, and his son, Civil War General Robert E. Lee, who was born at Stratford Hall in 1807.
The trick here is "Does every American care about every other American?"
The answer is, "No." There are all kinds of tee shirts out there defying mask-wearing. Mask wearing has become a POLITICALLY CORRECT issue for the political right. If they are caught wearing a mask they must not be a Trumper.
The scientific facts are in and Americans should be wearing a mask to END transmission of the virus.
The scientific facts are in and Americans should be wearing a mask to END transmission of the virus.
"(I Wish I Was In) Dixie Land" (1859)
Lyrics by: Daniel Decatur Emmett (click here for "Songwriters Hall of Fame")
I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times dar am not forgotten,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land whar’ I was born in,
Early on one frosty mornin’,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Old Missus marry Will-de-weaber,
Willium was a gay deceaber; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
But when he put his arm around ‘er
Smiled as fierce as a forty-pounder,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
His face was sharp as a butcher’s cleaver,
But dat did not seem to greab ‘er;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Old Missus acted the foolish part,
And died for a man dat broke her heart,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Now here’s a health to the next old Missus,
And all the gals dat want to kiss us;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
But if you want to drive ‘way sorrow,
Come and hear dis song to-morrow,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Dar’s buckwheat cakes an’ Injun batter,
Makes you fat or a little fatter;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den hoe it down and scratch your grabble,
To Dixie’s land I’m bound to trabble, Look away!
Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Lyrics by: Daniel Decatur Emmett (click here for "Songwriters Hall of Fame")
I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times dar am not forgotten,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land whar’ I was born in,
Early on one frosty mornin’,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Old Missus marry Will-de-weaber,
Willium was a gay deceaber; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
But when he put his arm around ‘er
Smiled as fierce as a forty-pounder,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
His face was sharp as a butcher’s cleaver,
But dat did not seem to greab ‘er;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Old Missus acted the foolish part,
And died for a man dat broke her heart,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Now here’s a health to the next old Missus,
And all the gals dat want to kiss us;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
But if you want to drive ‘way sorrow,
Come and hear dis song to-morrow,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Dar’s buckwheat cakes an’ Injun batter,
Makes you fat or a little fatter;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den hoe it down and scratch your grabble,
To Dixie’s land I’m bound to trabble, Look away!
Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand to live and die in Dixie;
Away, away, away down south in Dixie,
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Keep marching.
It is needless to say that an American civil war would fit nicely into the communist plans of Russia and China. HOWEVER, a peaceful movement to end violence in the USA has a strong place in a strong America.
The "Black Lives Matter" movement has a strong place in the struggle for civil rights in the USA. The blessing of civil rights in the USA has made and will continue to make it a strong nation valued by all it's citizens.
The "Black Lives Matter" movement has a strong place in the struggle for civil rights in the USA. The blessing of civil rights in the USA has made and will continue to make it a strong nation valued by all it's citizens.
The strongman countries are afraid of Joe Biden.
The WWIII alliance of communist powers is taking shape. China and Pakistan are seeking to end India's sovereignty, while Russia is pushing toward the USA. There is no written pact, the countries moving against democracy are doing so to measure each other's ability to carry out successful war fronts.
June 27, 2020
A Russian fighter jet (click here) intercepted two U.S. reconnaissance aircraft and a refueling tanker as they flew in “neutral” airspace over the Black Sea, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement.
The intercept was at least the 12th this year involving U.S. and Russian aircraft worldwide, according to a tally by Stars and Stripes. Most have occurred in the past month....
They are moving now to try to find a way to carry out more than incursions before there is a change in leadership in Washington DC.
Putin has been giving verbal cues to the Russian people to provide the propaganda that a Russian war with the USA is based on internal unrest in the USA. In other words, Putin is stating Russia has a mission to liberate the American people from a tyranny that kills African Americans. Putin has not stated the word "war" to the Russian people, but, Putin's campaign of discrediting the USA to the Russian people has picked up momentum in the past six months. The propaganda is in place now to tell the Russian people that a war with the USA is on the way.
June 27, 2020
U.S. fighter jets intercepted four Russian aircraft (click here) that entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Saturday, the latest in a series of incidents off the Alaskan coast.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said in a statement that F-22 jets intercepted four Russian Tu-142 reconnaissance aircraft entering the ADIZ. The Russian aircraft came within 65 nautical miles of the Alaskan Aleutian Islands and remained in the ADIZ for nearly eight hours, though they did not enter United States or Canadian sovereign airspace.
Saturday’s interception was at least the fourth such incident this month, with the most recent one occurring Wednesday when U.S. F-22 fighter jets intercepted two Russian IL-38 maritime patrol aircraft entering the ADIZ....
This is a charade by China. It is amassing aggressive forces along the Indian border while marching in a parade in Moscow to pretend all is well and peace has a great potential than war. It is a lie. India needs to prepare it's war infrastructure now. A Chinese peace is not likely with all the muscle-flexing it has exhibited over the past half-decade. China is currently engaged in border expansion. The attack on the people of Hong Kong is to ensure it has no internal strife when going up against The West. Taiwan is the same way. The "One China Policy" suits it's ambitions, not its governance.
June 25, 2020
Moscow - Indian and Chinese troops (click here) participated in Russia's Victory Day military parade in Moscow on Wednesday, a rare display at a time of rising tensions between the two Asian neighbors over a decades-old border dispute.
With Russian President Vladimir Putin watching from just outside the Kremlin walls, a Tri-Service contingent of the Indian Armed Forces marched through Red Square. Minutes later, a unit of the Chinese People Liberation Army's honor guard paraded by.
The sight of Indian and Chinese soldiers marching in the same parade together came just over a week after a deadly border clash between the two countries in the Himalayan region of Ladakh....
Trump has exposed the USA and it's allies to the ambitions of communists and they are moving on it. The legitimate president of Venezuela is up for debate according to Russia. At any rate the divided nation has both leaders arguing over gold.
8 February 2020
Russia (click here) has pledged to boost military and economic co-operation with Venezuela to help the South American nation deal with growing US pressure.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's comments came after his meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas.
Mr Lavrov said any attempts to remove Mr Maduro's government by force were unacceptable.
The US accuses Mr Maduro of leading a corrupt and brutal regime....
And let's not forget the nuclear capacity Russian jets in Venezuela.
July 21, 2019
By Devan Cole and Ryan Browne
Washington, DC - A Venezuelan fighter aircraft (click here) recently made an "unsafe approach" to a US Navy aircraft flying in international airspace, "endangering the safety of the crew and jeopardizing" the aircraft's mission, the US military said Sunday.
The incident, which occurred on Friday, involved a "Russian-made" SU-30 Flanker Venezuelan fighter aircraft and a US Navy EP-3 Aries II aircraft conducting a "detection and monitoring" mission, US Southern Command said in a statement. In a Sunday tweet, the Southern Command said the incident happened in international airspace over the Caribbean Sea.
"After reviewing video documentation, we have determined the Russian-made fighter aggressively shadowed the EP-3 at an unsafe distance in international airspace for a prolonged period of time, endangering the safety of the crew and jeopardizing the EP-3 mission," the statement read....
June 27, 2020
A Russian fighter jet (click here) intercepted two U.S. reconnaissance aircraft and a refueling tanker as they flew in “neutral” airspace over the Black Sea, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement.
The intercept was at least the 12th this year involving U.S. and Russian aircraft worldwide, according to a tally by Stars and Stripes. Most have occurred in the past month....
They are moving now to try to find a way to carry out more than incursions before there is a change in leadership in Washington DC.
Putin has been giving verbal cues to the Russian people to provide the propaganda that a Russian war with the USA is based on internal unrest in the USA. In other words, Putin is stating Russia has a mission to liberate the American people from a tyranny that kills African Americans. Putin has not stated the word "war" to the Russian people, but, Putin's campaign of discrediting the USA to the Russian people has picked up momentum in the past six months. The propaganda is in place now to tell the Russian people that a war with the USA is on the way.
June 27, 2020
U.S. fighter jets intercepted four Russian aircraft (click here) that entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Saturday, the latest in a series of incidents off the Alaskan coast.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said in a statement that F-22 jets intercepted four Russian Tu-142 reconnaissance aircraft entering the ADIZ. The Russian aircraft came within 65 nautical miles of the Alaskan Aleutian Islands and remained in the ADIZ for nearly eight hours, though they did not enter United States or Canadian sovereign airspace.
Saturday’s interception was at least the fourth such incident this month, with the most recent one occurring Wednesday when U.S. F-22 fighter jets intercepted two Russian IL-38 maritime patrol aircraft entering the ADIZ....
This is a charade by China. It is amassing aggressive forces along the Indian border while marching in a parade in Moscow to pretend all is well and peace has a great potential than war. It is a lie. India needs to prepare it's war infrastructure now. A Chinese peace is not likely with all the muscle-flexing it has exhibited over the past half-decade. China is currently engaged in border expansion. The attack on the people of Hong Kong is to ensure it has no internal strife when going up against The West. Taiwan is the same way. The "One China Policy" suits it's ambitions, not its governance.
June 25, 2020
Moscow - Indian and Chinese troops (click here) participated in Russia's Victory Day military parade in Moscow on Wednesday, a rare display at a time of rising tensions between the two Asian neighbors over a decades-old border dispute.
With Russian President Vladimir Putin watching from just outside the Kremlin walls, a Tri-Service contingent of the Indian Armed Forces marched through Red Square. Minutes later, a unit of the Chinese People Liberation Army's honor guard paraded by.
The sight of Indian and Chinese soldiers marching in the same parade together came just over a week after a deadly border clash between the two countries in the Himalayan region of Ladakh....
Trump has exposed the USA and it's allies to the ambitions of communists and they are moving on it. The legitimate president of Venezuela is up for debate according to Russia. At any rate the divided nation has both leaders arguing over gold.
8 February 2020
Russia (click here) has pledged to boost military and economic co-operation with Venezuela to help the South American nation deal with growing US pressure.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's comments came after his meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas.
Mr Lavrov said any attempts to remove Mr Maduro's government by force were unacceptable.
The US accuses Mr Maduro of leading a corrupt and brutal regime....
And let's not forget the nuclear capacity Russian jets in Venezuela.
July 21, 2019
By Devan Cole and Ryan Browne
Washington, DC - A Venezuelan fighter aircraft (click here) recently made an "unsafe approach" to a US Navy aircraft flying in international airspace, "endangering the safety of the crew and jeopardizing" the aircraft's mission, the US military said Sunday.
The incident, which occurred on Friday, involved a "Russian-made" SU-30 Flanker Venezuelan fighter aircraft and a US Navy EP-3 Aries II aircraft conducting a "detection and monitoring" mission, US Southern Command said in a statement. In a Sunday tweet, the Southern Command said the incident happened in international airspace over the Caribbean Sea.
"After reviewing video documentation, we have determined the Russian-made fighter aggressively shadowed the EP-3 at an unsafe distance in international airspace for a prolonged period of time, endangering the safety of the crew and jeopardizing the EP-3 mission," the statement read....
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