Thursday, June 13, 2019

Unanimous Consent (click here) - A senator may request unanimous consent on the floor to set aside a specified rule of procedure so as to expedite proceedings. If no Senator objects, the Senate permits the action, but if any one senator objects, the request is rejected. 

S. 1562: Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections Act (click here)

H.R. 2853: Corporate Duty to Report Act of 2019 (click here)

The Duty to Report Act and Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections (FIRE) Act are bills which would require a campaign to report any attempt of contact by foreign nationals offering services or information.

The bills would require any such meeting be reported to both the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The Duty to Report was introduced in the House on May 20 as bill number H.R. 2853, by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA15), also a longshot presidential candidate. It was introduced in the Senate that same day as bill number S. 1247 by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

The FIRE Act introduced in the Senate on April 30 as bill number S. 1562 by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), top Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Marsha Blackburn states the FIRE Act is not bipartisan enough to pass the Senate. Well, where is the Republican bill to present with the FIRE Act to bring about a bipartisan conference that would allow passage of a much needed requirement? I don't see any attempt by Republicans to enforce and codify PROTECTIONS for the USA Constitution. 

June 13, 2019
By Jordan Carney 

Senate Republicans blocked legislation (click here) on Thursday that would force campaigns to notify the Federal Election Commission and the FBI about attempts by foreign nationals to influence an election. 
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, tried to pass the Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections (FIRE) Act (click here) by unanimous consent. 
"This legislation is pretty simple, even for this body, it would require any presidential campaign that receives offers of assistance from an agent of a foreign government, has an obligation to report that offer of assistance to law enforcement, specifically the FBI," Warner said from the Senate floor....

The Special Counsel Report - Volume 1 - page 11, page 19 on the PDF


On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein-then serving as Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation following the recusal of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions on March 2, 2016-appointed the Special Counsel "to investigate Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election and related matters." Office of the Deputy Att'y Gen., Order No. 3915-2017, Appointment of Special Counsel to Investigate Russian Interference with the 2016 Presidential Election and Related Matters, May 17, 2017) ("Appointment Order"). Relying on "the authority vested" in the Acting Attorney General, "including 28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, and 515," (this is the law allowing the investigation that has been cited before) the Acting Attorney General ordered the appointment of a Special Counsel "in order to discharge [the Acting Attorney General's] responsibility to provide supervision and management of the Department of Justice, and to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election." Appointment Order (introduction). "The Special Counsel," the Order stated, "is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017," including:

This paragraph simply states the obvious. The Special Counsel was established to investigate Russian cyber warfare of the 2016 sovereign elections when the Assistant Attorney General had to also carry out other duties.

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

In this case, Attorney General Sessions recused himself and he was correct in doing so. That is why the jurisdiction then fell to Assistant AG Rosenstein.

The Special Counsel conducted all those jurisdictions, including Obstruction of Justice. That aspect of the law is probably is the most important aspect of any investigation, regardless of the topic of the investigation. As an illustration, what if the laws punishing obstruction did not exist? What would happen with murder? What would happen to stealing? What would happen with child abduction?

The idea a USA citizen could get away with any type of obstruction that limits an investigation is outrageous. When people obstruct justice it has to be met with charges of lawlessness. It is the basis of our laws. If the USA does not respect an investigation into facts regarding lawlessness, why bother with the Rule of Law? Where would that put the USA on the spectrum of the definition of democracy?

Obstruction of Justice must be met with criminal charges. It is obvious.

Appointment Order ,r (b). Section 600.4 affords the Special Counsel "the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses." 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a). The authority to investigate "any matters that arose . .. directly from the investigation," Appointment Order ,r (b)(ii), covers similar crimes that may have occurred during the course of the FBI's confirmed investigation before the Special Counsel's appointment. "If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate," the Order further provided, "the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters." Id. ,r ( c ). Finally, the Acting Attorney General made applicable "Sections 600.4 through 600.10 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations." Id. ,r (d). 

The Special Counsel has a great deal of authority. The DOJ cannot interfere with the Special Counsel. If the DOJ attempts to interfere in the investigation and it's proceedings, the USA Congress is provided the information regarding the facts. That is what makes the lack of cooperation by Barr so ridiculous. The USA Congress is the backstop to the corruption of the investigation. Of course, it is obvious within the law itself that the USA Congress has the right to information from the investigation. Any statement otherwise is manipulation of the law.

The code cited is that of the same previous citation.

The Acting Attorney General further clarified the scope of the Special Counsel's investigatory authority in two subsequent memoranda. A memorandum dated August 2, 2017, explained that the Appointment Order had been "worded categorically in order to permit its public release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals." It then confirmed that the Special Counsel had been authorized since his appointment to investigate allegations that three Trump campaign officials-Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopoulos- "committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election." The memorandum also confirmed the Special Counsel's authority to investigate certain other matters, including two additional sets of allegations involving Manafort (crimes arising from payments he received from the Ukrainian government and crimes arising from his receipt of loans from a bank whose CEO was then seeking a position in the Trump Administration); allegations that Papadopoulos committed a crime or crimes by acting as an unregistered agent of the Israeli government; and four sets of allegations involving Michael Flynn, the former National Security Advisor to President Trump.

This is the paragraph that Nunes points as to evidence of the Steele Dossier. Really? It is thinly veiled there? Hm. In the first highlighted sentence in this paragraph, it appears to me that is about releasing the information to the public.

"worded categorically in order to permit its public release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals."

It makes me wonder why all the hubbub about Congress' insistence on release of the documents. I don't think of the Steele Dossier is evident in the memo of August 27, 2017 at that point. It makes me realize what a criminal Barr actually is though.

three Trump campaign officials-Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopoulos-

As a matter of fact, the names in this paragraph states nothing about Steele or a dossier.

I also see the name of Ukraine here, in that crimes by Manafort were committed there. He received monies from Ukraine. It wasn't the monies or the payment that is questioned, so much as THE CRIMES THAT AROSE from the monies paid. So, Ukraine did nothing wrong in paying Manafort for whatever reason they felt it was due, but, it was after Manafort had the monies that the crimes occurred.

Where is this mysterious reference on Page 11 to the Steele Dossier? It doesn't exist. I think Nunes found the wording in the Special Counsel report that could be manipulated for a descent against this investigation playing to the paranoid Republican of THE DEEP STATE. Nowhere here that I see is there a mention that the investigation is based on the Steele Dossier, hence in bias to Hillary Clinton. Nunes needs to be investigated for altering the meaning of a report from the Special Counsel.

"When you look at what happened today, (click here) remember we talked a lot about the scope memo. What were the directions given to the special counsel? Well, we now know hidden on page 11, very thinly, still veiled, but we now know they used the Steele dossier, the Clinton dirt, the Clinton-paid-for dirt as part of the memo for the special counsel that directed the special counsel what to do," Nunes told host Sean Hannity.

THERE IS NO DEEP STATE. There is "Deep Fake" which comes from other sources than law enforcement, but, no DEEP STATE. The Deep State is a manipulation of fear by some Americans. Nunes is lying to people.

In mentioning these memos the Special Counsel is attempting to remain above reproach. The Special Counsel is openly stating besides the law affording the Special Counsel its authority, there were other memos providing additional authority. This is a way to state there were other interactions between the Assistant Attorney General and the Special Counsel. In disclosing these memos the Special Counsel is not stumbling over anything to attempt to hide it, quite the contrary. The entire disclosure of these interactions raises the report above suspicion. The Special Counsel wanted full disclosure to ensure the brevity of the report. He didn't want surprises to those that are to trust this report. Surprises might cast concern whether or not there was a concern to be leveraged.

Robert Mueller knows his country. He knows how suspicion can take hold and escalate concern. I can easily say, Robert Mueller, is a very wise man that puts his country before any potential to undermine it. That is a very unique characteristic and why he was perfect for this investigation. He would never compromise the country. Never.

On October 20, 2017, the Acting Attorney General confirmed in a memorandum the Special Counsel's investigative authority as to several individuals and entities. First, "as part of a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election," the Special Counsel was authorized to investigate "the pertinent activities of Michael Cohen, Richard Gates, , Roger Stone, and I" 

That is a fascinating statement. "...and I." That means if an investigation should lead to corruption of the Assistant Attorney General and any potential corruption to the investigation, it was the authority of the Special Counsel to act to end that corruption. In other words, if Rosenstein fell into conflict with the best outcomes of the investigation, he would be subject to the authority of the Special Counsel as well. I am sure that then fell to Barr, if he tried to interfere with the investigation as well.

That brings me to a point whereby Robert Mueller wrote to Barr to release at least the Introduction and Executive Summary of each volume. There were memos that demanded public disclosure. Robert Mueller already composed parts of the report to release to the public. Barr had no authority to stand in the way. Barr's lack of authority to withhold the report from the public is what prompted him to release the entire report even though Mueller did not specify that in his 2 page letter to Barr. Interesting. Barr knew he was in violation.

Add to that his Contempt of Congress and Barr's intent in his office becomes curious.

"Confirmation of the authorization to investigate such individuals," the memorandum stressed, "does not suggest that the Special Counsel has made a determination that any of them has committed a crime." 

The memo to the Special Counsel was not to instruct him to file charges if there was no basis for those charges. So, Rosenstein in his instructions to the Special Counsel wanted to draw attention to people he knew to be of concern to the investigation.

In other words, "Hey, Bob, be sure you take a look at these folks but you may find there is nothing wrong and that is okay."

Second, with respect to Michael Cohen, the memorandum recognized the Special Counsel's authority to investigate " leads relate[d] to Cohen' s establishment and use of Essential Consultants LLC to, inter alia (inter alia - among other things), receive funds from Russian-backed entities."

That has to be a great feeling. "among other things," Bob there may be the fact Cohen took some Russian money, too. It isn't as though there isn't a lot to be done, but, then "inter alia" there is more to do. I guess at that point, that becomes an assignment to one of his staff specializing in bank fraud, etc.

Third, the memorandum memorialized the Special Counsel's authority to investigate individuals and entities who were possibly engaged in "jointly undertaken activity" with existing subjects of the investigation, including Paul Manafort.

Manafort was definitely a person of interest. I don't blame them. His activities with Ukraine and Russia had to bring a lot of concern. Almost an ownership of the exploits by Russia to dismantle Ukraine's military and government and replace it with a basically dictator and oligarch militias. How could the USA let a USA citizen carry out such acts against democracy for the purpose of wealth?

Finally, the memorandum described an FBI investigation opened before the Special Counsel's appointment into "allegations that [then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions] made false statements to the United States Senate[,]" and confirmed the Special Counsel's authority to investigate that matter. 

The above paragraph speaks for itself. The paragraph below begins the formulation of the investigation by the Special Counsel. The Special Counsel above stated the authority granted, but, the following paragraph is a description of the thinking that formulated the application of the authority. It was Robert Mueller's thinking. He took control of the investigation and this is how he rolled it out to his investigators.

It is important to realize the level of competency that exists with Robert Mueller. No one was telling him how to conduct the investigation, just that he had to conduct it. A Former Director of the FBI would know how to roll out an investigation of this magnitude. The authority was in excellent hands.

The Special Counsel structured the investigation in view of his power and authority "to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions of any United States Attorney." 28 C.F.R: § 600.6.

The Special Counsel knew the law. This was child's play for him.

§ 600.6 Powers and authority.

Subject to the limitations in the following paragraphs, the Special Counsel shall exercise, within the scope of his or her jurisdiction, the full power and independent authority to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions of any United States Attorney. Except as provided in this part, the Special Counsel shall determine whether and to what extent to inform or consult with the Attorney General or others within the Department about the conduct of his or her duties and responsibilities.

He modeled the investigation in the way a US Attorney would carry out an investigation. The Special Counsel was not a US Attorney, nor had the capacity of a US Attorney, but, the way a US Attorney would access classified and unclassified information would be the same in methodology. It certainly would be a methodology of which he was very familiar.

Said differently, the Special Counsel did not embark on untested methods of information access or investigation. He used tried and true methods of investigation that would carry brevity in a court of law. 

He did a really good job. He thought about everything.
Like a U.S. Attorney's Office, the Special Counsel's Office considered a range of classified and unclassified information available to the FBI in the course of the Office's Russia investigation, and the Office structured that work around evidence for possible use in prosecutions of federal crimes (assuming that one or more crimes were identified that warranted prosecution). There was substantial evidence immediately available to the Special Counsel at the inception of the investigation in May 2017 because the FBI had, by that time, already investigated Russian election interference for nearly 10 months.

Interesting. The Special Counsel found the information already accumulated in an investigation by the FBI valuable. He didn't throw away 10 months of competent work by the FBI under Comey. I sure he read every word.

The Special Counsel's Office exercised its judgment regarding what to investigate and did not, for instance, investigate every public report of a contact between the Trump Campaign and Russian-affiliated individuals and entities. 

The Special Counsel was not going to waste valuable time and money chasing every potential lead. What does that mean? It means the investigation carries brevity. The Special Counsel knew what was litigable and what was important for the sovereign state of the USA and that is where his focus would lie. He WASN'T INTERESTED IN A WITCH HUNT!

The Office has concluded its investigation into links and coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign. Certain proceedings associated with the Office's work remain ongoing. After consultation with the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the Office has transferred responsibility for those remaining issues to other components of the Department of Justice and FBI. Appendix D lists those transfers.

The word "individuals" is important to note.

Two district courts confirmed the breadth of the Special Counsel's authority to investigate Russia election interference and links and/or coordination with the Trump Campaign. 

See UnitedStates v. Manafort, 312 F. Supp. 3d 60, 79-83 (D.D.C. 2018) (click here); United States v. Manafort, 321 F. Supp. 3d 640, 650-655 (E.D. Va. 2018). In the course of conducting that investigation, the Office periodically identified evidence of potential criminal activity that was outside the scope of the Special Counsel's authority established by the Acting Attorney General. After consultation with the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the Office referred that evidence to appropriate law enforcement authorities, principally other components of the Department of Justice and to the FBI. Appendix D summarizes those referrals.

The Special Counsel did not ignore information to law enforcement simply because it did not fall within his authority. He reported any of that information to the Assistant Attorney General and reports were provided to other agencies to carry out the investigations that fell outside the Special Counsel authority.
This section is followed by three stars, so I will end here for now. I am sure the reading of this document will result in reading Appendix D.

Thank you for your interest.
This administration stinks. The confrontation of Iran by Trump is worrisome. He is the instigator.

May 31, 2018 was the last Pentagon press briefing.

Yes, that is Gene Simmons. He is probably the only one outside the Pentagon that might have information as to what is going on inside the Pentagon.

April 10, 2019

Gerard Butler’s (click here) last action movie was about Navy SEALs rescuing a kidnapped Russian president to prevent World War III. But the least realistic part may have been when the burly Scottish actor stood before a lectern in the Pentagon’s press briefing room to chat about it in October.

Once a staple of military news coverage, the Pentagon press briefing has become a rare occurrence in the Trump Administration.

In fact, it’s been more than 220 days since former Defense Secretary James Mattis delivered his final televised briefing on Aug. 28, and more than 310 days since former Pentagon chief spokesperson Dana White delivered hers on May 31. Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has never delivered a televised briefing in his role....

There have been many issues as of late regarding military personnel receiving pardons in the face of war crimes.

May 23, 2019
By Ephrat Livin

All is not fair in war. (click here) There are laws that military members must follow and courts that enforce these rules. Nonetheless, ahead of Memorial Day on May 27, US president Donald Trump is reportedly considering pardons for American servicemen accused or convicted of war crimes, including civilian murders.

Many veterans, acutely aware of the fact that Trump is not one of them, are incensed by the reports. “He is a serial draft evader who wants to play general,” Gary Solis, a former military judge and prosecutor, Marine, and Vietnam war veteran, tells Quartz. “This just exhibits the president’s ignorance.”...

Granted Trump is an ignorant man in many ways, however, I believe there is a method to the madness. Why not send a clear signal to that the USA forgives those that commit war crimes?

In another war crimes case, the judge dismissed the prosecutor.

June 4, 2019

San Diego -- A military judge (click here) took the rare step Monday of removing a prosecutor accused of misconduct from the war crimes case of a decorated Navy SEAL.

Capt. Aaron Rugh ordered the lead prosecutor removed from the case of Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher after defense lawyers accused the prosecution of spying on their emails, according to the ruling.

The defense asked Rugh to dismiss the case or remove prosecutors because of the surreptitious effort to track defense emails without court approval in an effort to find the source of news leaks.

Rugh said it was not in his power to determine if Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak violated ethical or professional rules, but the potential for a probe into those actions required that he be removed from the prosecution.

Czaplak received word of the ruling during a deposition while questioning an Iraqi general who is a witness in the case, defense lawyer Tim Parlatore said.

Czaplak left in the middle of the testimony being recorded on video in San Diego for use at the trial. He did not return to the courtroom....

Has there been a communique from Trump to the USA military regarding war crimes and the treatment of those that commit them?
It is important to realize, leaving the Iran Agreement was a CAMPAIGN promise. Trump's actions are all based in hate. Just that simple.

The tensions that exist today is a direct result of Trump's willingness to escalate ANY situation; ie: the USA Southern Border. 

There is no REAL REASON for any of Trump's actions regarding Iran.

Putin, the Russian president with two nuclear capacity jets in Venezuela, is stating any relationship with the USA is deteriorating BY THE HOUR. (click here) That means Trump no longer serves Putin's purpose as a populous figure in Russia.

Trump fell right into the trap.

He shared high valued classified information the day after James Comey was fired. He held a private meeting with Putin in Helsinki that went on for hours. He has made Russia a priority in many public statements. He is the fool Putin longed for and put him in the presidency to benefit Russia.

A great deal of caution needs to be exerted by the USA in carrying out any more aggressive acts.

Attacking a Japanese tanker while the Prime Minister of Japan is in Iran negotiating on behalf of the USA, is exactly what terrorists would do. What I wonder is why are these attacks to instigate a larger war? There are plenty of radicals in the region that would seek to escalate a war with Iran in acts of JUSTIFIED genocide.

President Trump should be directly held responsible for any increase in violence after leaving the Iran Agreement.

26 April 2018

Before an official agreement was even made, (click here) Donald Trump was tweeting criticisms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. And now the attempts of the French president to dissuade him from ditching the deal look like they may have been in vain.

International Response: (click hereIran foreign minister, Javad Zarif, tweeted that the incident was “suspicious," while United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres condemned the attacks, adding "If there is something the world cannot afford, it is a major confrontation in the Gulf region." France's foreign affairs ministry also condemned the attacks, referring to them as a "disturbing incident" and calling on "all the actors concerned, with whom we are in constant contact, to show restraint and de-escalation.”

Restraint and de-escalation is not in Trump or Pompeo's vocabulary.

It can be easily argued that Trump's cancellation of the Iran Agreement is aggression and an act of war.

Trump thinks because it is a piece of paper it is nothing. International agreements and treaties are important. When they are treated frivolously as Trump has conducted himself, there will be repercussions. The fact the Prime Minister of Japan actually traveled to speak to the Supreme Leader is a clear indication that The West is not happy with the poor leadership in the USA. The inflammatory actions by Trump need to be viewed as an irresponsible act. The rest of the signators of the Iran Agreement are still upholding the agreement. It is only Trump that is escalating tensions.

I will state it one more time, the war Trump is coveting IS HIS PEACE PLAN.

Trump has it wrong. He assumes there will be negotiations between his regime and the Iranian government. Trump's arrogance wants the world to believe the USA is the aggrieved party with all the right to claim to be THE VICTIM. The Iranian people are the victim to the dissolution of the Iran Agreement.

Tump says too early ‘to even think’ about negotiating with Iran

Washington - US President Donald Trump (click here) on Thursday says it is too early even to consider entering negotiations with Iran, despite soaring tensions between Washington and Iran.

Trump says that while he appreciated a mediating mission by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, “I personally feel that it is too soon to even think about making a deal. They are not ready, and neither are we!”

I don't know what kind of backflips the USA has to carry out in order to be a worthy partner to any Middle East peace accord. At this point, I doubt, outside of Israel, the USA will be considered a reasonable partner in peace.

Will the USA media ever STOP being stenographers for the Republican Party?

Lindsay Graham is conflating Fusion GPS, a private investigation company, with the ability of a sovereign country, a hostile sovereign country, a sovereign enemy of the USA with Russia.

Therein lies the problem with Flynn.

Fusion GPS is not a government agency. It is a private firm by which agents formerly making their living as agents for Western governments can find a place for their talents.

Agencies such as Fusion GPS are important. General Flynn tried to strike out on his own to be a freelancing agent for any country that would have him and Putin invited him in. That is a real problem for The West. What do men or women that formerly were agents for their homelands do after they leave the service of that government? Former General Flynn did the unthinkable, he went to the other side to make money. Evidently, his retirement income from service in the USA military wasn't enough for the guy.

But. Lindsay Graham is conflating the two entities and he is dead wrong and always will be dead wrong as long as he doesn't care about the national security of the USA in this manner.

Flynn's sentencing should not be delayed either. He can go on forever changing lawyers. His latest lawyer may be working for free because Flynn is great FOX News Fodder and a real opportunity to make the false case of a Deep State.

Michael Flynn should be in prison where he belongs so he cannot ever cause the USA problems ever again. These latest antics by Flynn is only more of the same mess that the Trump regime pulls to try to leverage the public's political power in their favor, that includes Jr., too. Quite frankly, I thought Junior looked rattled as he was determined to assault the public through the media after his questioning.

But, as to Graham, he is trying to turn the tables on any Democratic hopeful by telegraphing there is a Deep State that allowed opposition research on Trump while Poor Donald J. Trump can't receive opposition research from communists!

Lindsay Graham, a lawyer with a license, should be ashamed of himself. JAG Corp no less. He is a disgrace to the military now a US Senator.

Kellyanne Conway's credibility is in question at the very least.

June 13, 2019
By Sonam Sheth

The US Office of Special Counsel (click here) determined that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act and recommended that she be "removed from federal service."

In a letter to President Donald Trump, the OSC — the federal agency that enforces the Hatch Act — found that Conway broke the law "on numerous occasions by disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media."

The Hatch Act of 1973 is a federal statute that prevents most federal employees, with some exceptions, from engaging in political activity while working in their official roles."

Although the President and Vice President are exempt from the Hatch Act," the agency said in a statement, "employees of the White House are not. OSC's letter to the President accompanying the report refers to Ms. Conway as a 'repeat offender' and states: 'Ms. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, would send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act's restrictions. Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system — the rule of law.'"

The OSC is not the same thing as the Robert Mueller Special Council. It is a permanent office within the USA government.

Someone needs to check the website of the OSC. It doesn't come up on my computer. Make sure Henry Kerner is still alive. What I am getting instead of the website to this important government agency is a webpage (which may have existed a long time) that warns about the repercussions of reporting wrongdoing to the OSC.

Whistleblower disclosures (click here) can save lives as well as billions of taxpayer dollars. They play a critical role in keeping our government honest, efficient and accountable. Recognizing that whistleblowers root out waste, fraud and abuse, and protect public health and safety, federal laws strongly encourage employees to disclose wrongdoing. Federal laws also protect federal employees from retaliation.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) plays an important role in helping whistleblowers. OSC is an independent agency that protects federal employees from “prohibited personnel practices,” including whistleblower retaliation and unlawful hiring practices, such as nepotism. OSC also provides an independent, secure channel for disclosing and resolving wrongdoing in federal agencies. This guide provides a summary of whistleblower protections and avenues available to employees to disclose wrongdoing. For more information, please visit OSC’s website at

Even when I attempt to open the above webpage at the OSC, nothing happens. It remains a white page stating the website cannot be reached. That is Trump. Whether or not the warning page is new is one thing, but, the OSC webpage not opening is Trump.

At any rate, Conway has and is breaking the law. She should be dismissed for her wrongdoing and prosecution take place where appropriate. This time ethics and legal violations reach into the White House staff.

I can't pull up the Hatch Act at the OSC website either.

This is from Wikipedia. Thank you, Wikipedia. Donate, it might be the only place in the future where USA law can be found.

The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials,[1] from engaging in some forms of political activity. It went into law on August 2, 1939. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico. It was most recently amended in 2012.

This is Cornell's law website. I think this is the code:

5 U.S. Code § 7323. Political activity authorized; prohibitions (click here)

US Congress holds hearing on "deepfakes" and artificial intelligence – w...

At the very beginning of this hearing, Chairman Adam Schiff provides demonstrations of the sophistication of techniques used in cyber warfare. It is a concern that these techniques would not be exposed if the Democratic leadership was not in place. Certainly, these techniques existed long before the past year when the Democrats earned a majority.

Dr. Jack Clark states it is important the Congress get on top of the issues beset the political environment because "...the PACE at which this capacity is evolving is troubling."

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) (click here) Dr. David Doermann also states the speed at which this technology is taking place is alarming. The ability to end such manipulation is limited because the same technology used to create these problems are used to dismantle them. He states the problem is social as well as technological. 

If this is as much a social issue, there need to be specific sites on the web where factual content is realized while disqualifying others. That is probably the only short term answer considering this is only beginning in a run up to 2020 elections. The sites will have to be established by trustworthy parties. I remember the 2016 elections and the attempt of the NSA to bring forth information important to the American electorate. The website(s) that would solve the problem in detecting the truth need to be based in National Intelligence. The watchdogs will come to the site to review the information for the truth so long a free and open media continues in the USA. It simply gives the NSA a place to post it's information and dispute other information. Such internet access by the NSA/FBI lacked in 2016 and they never achieved the attention of the USA.

Other laws and/or reforms need to continue to end the lying on the internet, except, for the candidates themselves.

Dr. Danielle Citron has a unique focus about the idea of "Deep Fake" in that it has certain characteristics that draw the viewer to the information, "novel and negative." She also said this content on the web is based in "Ad" technology that makes it easy to "click and share." In other words she is stating it is nearly easy to detect the lies and perhaps in extrapolation the liars, by examining the mechanism used to spread propaganda.

She not only states it may be easy to detect this technology used to spread propaganda, but, she sees legal solutions. She identifies the most vulnerable of a phenomenon known as "cyberstalking" being women and minorities. No doubt these techniques should be a target of additional legislation to end the capacity for it to happen.

What also impressed me about the testimony of these witnesses is their interest in preventing cyber warfare. Dr. Doermann stated what might be the most interesting of his comments, in that he believes any prevention measure has to be able to intercept "the beginning" of the false message. In making that statement Dr. Doermann must have measures in mind to enact such technology.

Ms. Citron also states legislating measures to end this assault on the USA's freedoms could also benefit Wall Street, ie: her example of a newly released IPO which is met immediately before with salacious information about the CEO which is false.

"Law, markets and societal resilience" focus including false impersonation as the basis of a lie. There is no doubt that existing laws can be beefed up to provide greater consequences for these illegal acts against freedom.

Mr. Clint Watts makes an interesting point in that the free world can expect more hostile cyber warfare by Russia, including escalating technology no doubt in research. He also believes China can outpace Russia in artificial intelligence. He believes China will continue to develop synthetic purveyors of media and false information. That should be simple to solve, the American people should be made aware of these acts by China and completely reject any synthetic media journalists. Here again, such synthetic figures should be detected, if not already occurring, by the NSA and posted to a website easily accessed for information regarding the truth.

Mr. Watts also carries the concerns of Dr. Doermann in that misinformation can cause irreparable damage to society and great harm should any form of violence break out because of misinformation and/or deceptive cyber content. Basically, these two men have identified the same danger to Americans while conducting work independently and separately. That has to be a focus of any efforts by Congress.

Ms. Citron and Mr. Watts share the same citations of violence that broke out in India after "Deep Fake" information. Mr. Watts also states a "honeypot" attack on "LinkedIn" is another concern. This has to stop. "LinkedIn?" OMG. The entire country uses "LinkedIn" for improvements in their job status. That is a direct attack on the basis of Americans' ability to seek a quality of life.

Mr. Watts states the Defense Department and State Department need to have protocols for adverse reactions to "Deep Fake" content on the web. I have a problem with that, in such actions have to be linked to FACTUAL information and official government priorities WARNING of such an action.

Such protocols MUST include state and local capacity to bring about calm such as emergency broadcasts calling for order and announcing the consequences. Such announcements have to be linked to hand held devices as a means of reaching as many people as possible in a short period of time.

Such protocols when perfected can be applied to international populations of Americans as well. Such protocols can help other countries develop their own protocols to bring about calm after a "Deep Fake" on the internet. Basically, internationally the USA should be helpful as well as protective of Americans.

The panel in general seeks to inform the public and in the short term that seems most effective, however, none of the panel members believe a relationship with the public is the only capacity that has to change.


Can we please get back to securing IRS information to expose Trump's illegal activities in the USA?

The "Front Altair" has a twitter page.

Further images (click here) show extent of damage to tanker FRONT ALTAIR starboard side via     
It looks similar to the attack on the USS Cole. That was a terrorist attack. This is at sea which raises questions of underwater mines, but, I think the owner of the tanker needs to be heard from.

In the film loop there doesn't appear to be an oil slick. An empty tanker? 

The white substance coming out of the front of the tanker, I believe is ballast water. The measure it an attempt to keep the tanker afloat while taking on water at the rupture site.

The pictures at this site and the film loop are Iranian in origin. That doesn't mean anything except the Iranians are reporting on it.

The obvious statement about this incident can be summed up by stating, the takers haven't received any greater increment of safety in these waters.

13 June 2019

Iran said it rescued the 21 crew members (click here) on board the Kokuka Courageous and the 23 on the Front Altair, though the US said its Navy had rescued some.

The cause of the blasts in one of the world's busiest oil routes is unclear and both vessels are still afloat.

The incident comes a month after four oil tankers were attacked off the UAE....

What is happening with Somali pirate attacks? They aren't known for attacks in the Gulf of Oman, but, it is a possibility that needs to be explored.

It isn't in Iran's best interest to sink oil tankers.

The reason it is reasonable to explore terrorist attacks is that they were somewhat driven out of traditional Somali pirate territory by the formation of the "Maritime Security Patrol."

The Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command has issued the following press release:

Manama, Bahrain - The Commander, (click here) U.S. Naval Central Command has directed the establishment of a Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA) in the Gulf of Aden. A force of Coalition Navy warships will patrol the area, and aircraft will fly in the airspace above. 

Commodore Bob Davidson (Canadian Navy), commander Combined Task Force 150, will command naval forces in the patrol area. 

The MSPA is being established in support of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) ongoing efforts. Coalition actions will give the IMO time to work international preventative efforts that will ultimately lead to a long-term solution. 

Coalition ships are in the area as part of our continual presence in this region. While they have conducted routine operations in the area in the past, the establishment of the MSPA will focus the efforts to counter destabilizing activities in the region and improve security while long-term initiatives mature....

A news source is stating the attacks were carried out by "unidentified attackers." The Cole. It is an accomplishment that attackers could sail into an open sea and attack tankers at will.

June 13, 2019

Two tankers were targeted by unidentified attackers (click here) near the strategically important Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, one operated by a Japanese company, industry minister Hiroshige Seko said.

All 21 Filipino crew members of the Japan-operated Kokuka Courageous escaped uninjured in life rafts and were rescued by a ship heading to the United Arab Emirates, according to the ship's operator, Kokuka Sangyo Co.

The survivors of the Japanese tanker "Kokuka Courageous" are in the UAE.

The 19,349-ton tanker was carrying methanol (LNG) from Saudi Arabia to Singapore when it was attacked in the Gulf of Oman, near the UAE emirate of Fujairah, according to Kokuka Sangyo.

The LNG would explain why there is no oil slick. The LNG will turn to vapor when exposed to water or air.

The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet said it received distress signals from the Kokuka Courageous and another tanker chartered by a Taiwanese firm at 6:12 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.

A hole that appeared to have been caused by some kind of artillery shell was found on the ship, the company said, adding that a fire broke out in the ship's engine room but was extinguished by the crew before they abandoned ship....

This region of the world is very susceptible to attacks by nearly anyone with a grudge. It is interesting these vessels were attacked considering they were probably expected to explode in a larger tragedy.

The other tanker had a chemical on board. To me, that narrows the issue to terrorists because the cargo was expected to cause a huge tragedy. That didn't happen because the tankers are constructed to prevent larger tragedies, but, naive terrorists would not think about that.

It is my opinion, in order to reduce the chances of terrorists being successful, there needs to be a regular visit by a mine sweeper and far better patrols in the region to end the danger of these terrorists. Such an operation will no doubt require the USA. There needs to be clear understandings between regional countries that the USA is immune to suspect activity to end these assaults.

I would not doubt that Daesh is involved in this, however, the tankers are affiliated with Western interests. Tiawan is considered a friend to The West regardless of any "One China Policy." I think The West has a right to secure it's interests in the area and need to provide transparency of it's activities to regional countries to improve trust and allow reports of suspects and otherwise to come forward.

These efforts DO NOT REQUIRE B52 BOMBERS. Such aggression will only inhibit valuable relationships to combat terrorism. If this is some kind of terrorist attack, it is in the best interest of all the regional countries to work together, NO DIFFERENT WHEN COMBATTING DAESH ON LAND, to end this danger to shipping.

Every effort to join forces to end this MUST be made, otherwise, the terrorists will have the advantage and continue attacks that will destabilize economies.
