None of the buildings cited at this link are necessary.
Any student parking can easily be accommodated by off campus parking and/or the return of the student parking currently exploited by the new Chancellor with parking meters. The students are not interested in destroying their 'living labs' currently known as the UNCW Forest for additional parking or housing. We'd rather walk and leave the vehicles parked within reasonable walking distance than destroy the forest.
Currently, UNCW employs the local mass transit authority to provide buses for transportation. Those jobs would be lost if all parking were self-contained on University's campus land.
Additionally, the new residence hall isn't necessary. Currently, the community of Wilmington has apartment complexes surrounding the University that have many students living on their properties. There are student liasons between the University and the surrounding apartment complexes. If the University were to erect more unnecessary housing the surrounding economics of the area would change and there would be higher vacancy rates in the apartments.
Noted in the 'Google Earth' photo above is also single family housing surrounding about 50% of the main campus. If the UNCW Forest were destroyed and an athletic complex erected the noise level to the neighboring community would escalate to unbearable driving housing values down. The people that live near the campus like the UNCW Forest and the quiet that accompanies it.
The Millenium Complex is a private business venture no one wants. It's presence will place designs on the campus that was never intended. The campus of UNCW has always been primarily a living laboratory for the biological and environmental sciences, including, geology, geography, physics and oceanography. The Cameron School of Business and The Watson School of Education are a nice compliment to the purpose of the University. It is easy to realize the future of any of the 'primary mission sciences' of UNCW will be 'the future' of the USA and it's energy needs and sustainability. The other 'schools' are very important to the mission of the 'Arts and Science School' but in no way was the campus ever intended to be overrun with opportunity to business alone or a divergence away from it's scientific mission on a highly dynamic Coastal Plain of North Carolina.
Public comment is supposed to be conducted sometime in April, but, April is also the slated time schedule to begin the destruction of the forest. Chancellor Rosemary already stated to the President of the campus environmental club, "The final plans have been approved and it will go forward."
Excuse me? But, then why hold public hearings?
The ambitions of this Chancellor was never to consider the best interest of the students of the University or the community it is an integral part. Her 'attitude' is one of self-righteousness, with short term goals. The reason she has driven the Board of Directors of UNCW in an expedient manner to 'old, dusty ideas' at one time shelved as 'bad ideas' is to enhance an ambition and resume to get her on the path of her own agenda. Chancellor Rosemary is the worst thing that ever happened to this campus regardless of the enormously warm and generous welcome and willingness of the University to serve her demands of comfort.
To address and thwart the draconian agenda for the UNCW Forest, information can be obtained and addressed to Ron Core: corer@uncw.edu, phone 910 962-3067.
I thank everyone sincerely interested in protecting the UNCW Forest. There needs to be a movement toward insuring the well being of the UNCW Forest, making a Preserve in perpetuity. Please get involved. "Again, thank you and good night."