Friday, May 03, 2013

Israel has every right to defend itself from potential of chemical warfare.

It has been known previous to any of the Israeli strikes Assad has asked Hezbollah to take part in retribution against the people of Syria from it's current positions in Lebanon. This is not about the sovereign nation of Lebanon, this is about the strong history and continuing relationship between Assad and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is not new. Quite the contrary, Assad has a long established history of carrying out violence in Lebanon through acts by Hezbollah, including the death of a Prime Minister.

Published time: May 04, 2013 01:26 
Edited time: May 04, 2013 01:59
Israel has reportedly conducted (click here) an airstrike into Syrian territory this evening in a bid to halt the flow of arms out of that country, according to American officials who confirmed with both CNN and NBC News.
According to initial reports, Israeli warplanes were observed over Lebanese airspace, but there is no confirmation that any entered Syria’s.
According to CNN, US and Western intelligence agencies are reviewing classified data showing that Israel most likely conducted a strike in the Thursday-Friday time frame. Lebanon’s army website had  listed an unusual 16 flights by Israeli warplanes penetrating Lebanon's airspace from Thursday evening through Friday afternoon local time.
Anonymous US officials who spoke with NBC said they believed that the target struck by Israeli forces was a weapons shipment meant for Lebanon's Hezbollah, and was "related to" chemical weapons technology.

In Washington, an Israeli spokesman would not comment on the reports, but stated that the transfer of weapons to the Lebanese political party would not be tolerated.... 

S.649 mow has 29 Amendment. S.Amd.711 is the first one by Senator Feinstein.

So, while we read this the Senators are writing more and more amendments. I don't believe this bill is defeated yet.

Amendments (click here)

The first six amendments were written by Democrats. The next seven are written by Republicans. Of the remaining 16 amendments nine are written by Democrats and seven by Republicans.

So, let me mark this. Currently there are 29 amendments of which 15 are written by Democrats and 14 are written by Republicans. This should be interesting.

S.Amd.711 now has 23 Co-sponsors, so there is at least 24 votes guaranteed for the Amendment.


(a) In General.--Section 922 of title 18, (click here) United States Code, as amended by section 123(a) of this Act, is amended--

(1) by inserting after subsection (u) the following:

(u) is existing text that will stand as written.

(u) It shall be unlawful for a person to steal or unlawfully take or carry away from the person or the premises of a person who is licensed to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in firearms, any firearm in the licensee’s business inventory that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.

There is a new section (v). Section (w) is missing from the current law. So this new section is inserted where there is a void of text in the law.


[(v) , (w) Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XI, § 110105(2),Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2000.]

(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.

``(2) is the Grandfather Clause

``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the possession, sale, or transfer of any semiautomatic assault weapon otherwise lawfully possessed under Federal law on the date of enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

``(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any firearm that--

``(A) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action;

``(B) has been rendered permanently inoperable; or

``(C) is an antique firearm, as defined in section 921 of this title.

This is an additional definition from section 921 (click here)

(16) The term “antique firearm” means—

(A) any firearm (including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system) manufactured in or before 1898; or

(B) any replica of any firearm described in subparagraph (A) if such replica

(i) is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition, or

(ii) uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade; or

``(4) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to--

Below is the part the extremists claim gives law enforcement a greater capacity over the public. This is the provision where 'THE STATE' is going to run your life and cast you into slavery. This is the section where THE STATE is supposed to be compromised in protecting the public by being less well armed than the average citizen. This is where the citizens of the USA lose their liberties. This is the section where President Obama becomes an Islamic radical seeking to disarm the country so he can take over in the spirit of Osama bin Laden and instill SHARIA LAW.

This is where the extremists ARE 'anti-government.' Now, are they correct because the way I read this section it is to arm a benevolent government with arms to protect law abiding citizens from harm or a group of self-righteous criminals that turn South Central LA into a No Go Zone.

``(A) the importation for, manufacture for, sale to, transfer to, or possession by the United States or a department or agency of the United States or a State or a department, agency, or political subdivision of a State, or a sale or transfer to or possession by a qualified law enforcement officer employed by the United States or a department or agency of the United States or a State or a department, agency, or political subdivision of a State, for purposes of law enforcement (whether on or off duty), or a sale or transfer to or possession by a campus law enforcement officer for purposes of law enforcement (whether on or off duty);

The Right Wing extremists believe the law enforcement officers are actually NOT law abiding citizens in order to carry out the assault against the citizens when President Obama realizes his FINAL FANTASY in creating Islamic Heaven. This of course will provide him with innumerable virgins before he gets to God's Holy Grace.

I'll tell you what, the extremists need to stop creating this dream scape and change it to reveal a secret Wall Street Dreamscape whereby law enforcement officers remove a generation of Americans from the streets when protesting a lack of jobs for them and their children. Now, I think that might be a better strategy for creating a weak law enforcement officer (s) or agencies.

Honestly, there is no strategy to create law enforcement to rule the lives of citizens. There is no secret society. There may be danger for protesters and that is why we remain vigilant, but this Right Wing Rhetoric about Islamic outcomes after 911 as if Nikta Khrushchev was having a melt down at the UN while holding his finger on the nuclear button is complete nonsense.

If the USA is going to have law enforcement, then it has to mean something. It has to provide ITS PURPOSE over and above the capacity of criminals, terrorists or any reasonable threat known to the sovereign nature of the USA. So, TO OBSTRUCT that directive within our country causes huge problems. It causes children to end up dead among other problems. The Right Wing extremists are not acting to strengthen the will of the people, they are weakening it.

``(B) the importation for, or sale or transfer to a licensee under title I of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954...

THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954 Public Law 83–703 68 Stat. 919 August 30, 1954 TITLE I– ATOMIC ENERGY (click here) CHAPTER 1– DECLARATION, FINDINGS, AND PURPOSE

...for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical protection system and security organization required by Federal law, or possession by an employee or contractor of such licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials;

Did she leave any stone unturned. That is an amazing provision in this law.

``(C) the possession, by an individual who is retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise

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prohibited from receiving a firearm, of a semiautomatic assault weapon--

``(i) sold or transferred to the individual by the agency upon such retirement; or

``(ii) that the individual purchased, or otherwise obtained, for official use before such retirement;

There must be a cultural understanding about danger when individuals of an agency retires. They could be targets even after retirement. That's my take.

``(D) the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon by a licensed manufacturer or licensed importer for the purposes of testing or experimentation authorized by the Attorney General; or

``(E) the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a firearm specified in Appendix A (section follows this section and will be reviewed here later) to this section, as such firearm was manufactured on the date of introduction of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013.

``(5) For purposes of paragraph (4)(A), the term `campus law enforcement officer' means an individual who is--

``(A) employed by a private institution of higher education that is eligible for funding under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.); (click here)

``(B) responsible for the prevention or investigation of crime involving injury to persons or property, including apprehension or detention of persons for such crimes;

``(C) authorized by Federal, State, or local law to carry a firearm, execute search warrants, and make arrests; and

``(D) recognized, commissioned, or certified by a government entity as a law enforcement officer.

``(6) The Attorney General shall establish and maintain, in a timely manner, a record of the make, model, and, if available, date of manufacture of any semiautomatic assault weapon which the Attorney General is made aware has been used in relation to a crime under Federal or State law, and the nature and circumstances of the crime involved, including the outcome of relevant criminal investigations and proceedings. The Attorney General shall annually submit a copy of the record established under this paragraph to the Congress and make the record available to the general public.

``(6) is a recording keeping permission by the US Attorney General should NEW dangers face the American people. It is correct and appropriate and is not a registry. This is record keeping. That is all it is.

Remember I noted above there was a void of (w) in this existing law. Below is the proposal to fill in that void.

``(w)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the possession of any large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed on or before the date of enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013.

``(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to--

``(A) the importation for, manufacture for, sale to, transfer to, or possession by the United States or a department or agency of the United States or a State or a department, agency, or political subdivision of a State, or a sale or transfer to or possession by a qualified law enforcement officer employed by the United States or a department or agency of the United States or a State or a department, agency, or political subdivision of a State for purposes of law enforcement (whether on or off duty), or a sale or transfer to or possession by a campus law enforcement officer for purposes of law enforcement (whether on or off duty);

``(A) is repeated from above.

``(B) the importation for, or sale or transfer to a licensee under title I of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical protection system and security organization required by Federal law, or possession by an employee or contractor of such licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials;

``(B) is repeated from above. There is redundancy in the law that is both obvious and implied. Senator Feinstein didn't have to do that, but, it MAKES PLAIN the application in every section to ERASE DOUBT.

``(C) the possession, by an individual who is retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving ammunition, of a large capacity ammunition feeding device--

``(i) sold or transferred to the individual by the agency upon such retirement; or

``(ii) that the individual purchased, or otherwise obtained, for official use before such retirement; or

``(C) is repeated above. Maybe she did have to do it. I really should not say it is capricious. Repetition in law is common to make it clear to those carrying out the implications of the law to understand clearly what was intended. When the regulations are written, in this case by The Attorney General, there will be a clear understanding of what is meant.

Repetition takes away wiggle room.

``(D) the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of any large capacity ammunition feeding device by a licensed manufacturer or licensed importer for the purposes of testing or experimentation authorized by the Attorney General.

``(4) For purposes of paragraph (3)(A), the term `campus law enforcement officer' means an individual who is--

``(A) employed by a private institution of higher education that is eligible for funding under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.);

``(B) responsible for the prevention or investigation of crime involving injury to persons or property, including apprehension or detention of persons for such crimes;

``(C) authorized by Federal, State, or local law to carry a firearm, execute search warrants, and make arrests; and

``(D) recognized, commissioned, or certified by a government entity as a law enforcement officer.''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

``(bb) Secure Storage or Safety Device Requirement for Grandfathered Semiautomatic Assault Weapons.--It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, to store or keep under the dominion or control of that person any grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon that the person knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, will be accessible to an individual prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm under subsection (g), (n), or (x), or any provision of State law, unless the grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon is--

``(bb) is interesting. What this paragraph provides is a reality check. It states grandfathering exists HOWEVER not when prohibited by other aspects of the law to people that should not have them in the first place. This paragraph takes the law back to the background check of the original legislation. This amendment is sincerely an amendment and not simply a tacked on issue for the convenience of tacking it on.

``(1) carried on the person, or within such close proximity that the person can readily retrieve and use the grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon as if the grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon were carried on the person; or

``(2) locked by a secure gun storage or safety device that the prohibited individual has no ability to access.''.

(b) Identification Markings for Semiautomatic Assault Weapons.--Section 923(i) of title 18, United States Code, (click here) 

(i) Licensed importers and licensed manufacturers shall identify by means of a serial number engraved or cast on the receiver or frame of the weapon, in such manner as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, each firearm imported or manufactured by such importer or manufacturer.

is amended by adding at the end the following: 

``The serial number of any semiautomatic assault weapon manufactured after the date of enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 shall clearly show the date on which the weapon was manufactured or made, legibly and conspicuously engraved or cast on the weapon, and such other identification as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe.''.

(c) Identification Markings for Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices.--Section 923(i) of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsection (b) of this section, is amended by adding at the end the following: 

``A large capacity ammunition feeding device manufactured after the date of enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 shall be identified by a serial number and the date on which the device was manufactured or made, legibly and conspicuously engraved or cast on the device, and such other identification as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe.''.

(d) Seizure and Forfeiture of Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices.-- 

Section 924 (click here)

Section 924(d) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1)--

(d)(1) Any firearm or ammunition involved in or used in any knowing violation of subsection (a)(4), (a)(6), (f), (g), (h), (i),

(A) by inserting 

``or large capacity ammunition feeding device'' after ``firearm or ammunition'' each time it appears;

each time it appears means for each subsection (a)(4), (a)(6), (f), (g), (h), (i)

(B) by inserting 

``or large capacity ammunition feeding device'' after ``firearms or ammunition'' each time it appears; and 

(C) by striking ``or (k)'' 

 (k) of section 922, or knowing importation or bringing into the United States or any possession thereof any firearm or ammunition in violation of section 922

and inserting ``(k), (r), (v), or (w)'';

(2) in paragraph (2)(C), by inserting ``or large capacity ammunition feeding devices'' after ``firearms or quantities of ammunition''; and

(3) in paragraph (3)(E), by inserting...

922 (click here)

...``922(r), 922(v), 922(w),'' after ``922(n),''.

(e) Appendix A.--Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsection (a) of this section, is amended by adding at the end the following:

Thank you for your interest. This is a beginning for tomorrow.

"Stand and Fight?"

That is their bumper sticker.


That means there is something they need to fight for, like unconstitutional content of the gun culture. That isn't about the member, it is about the manufacturer.

I suppose it is no surprise I agree with Captain Mark Kelly, but, he is eminently qualified to speak for the interests of those seeking a safer USA. His stand is balanced and does not insult the US Constitution. 

Perhaps a better name for the NRA convention should be "Aim High." It would provide a real foundation for examination of ethics, morals and the place for hunting and sport in the organization.

NRA leadership should refocus its priorities (click here)

Background checks and gun safety need to be part of platform

By Mark Kelly | May 1, 2013 | Updated: May 1, 2013 6:55pm

As a former Houstonian, I'm glad to see the National Rifle Association is holding its annual convention in Space City. I lived and worked not far from the George R. Brown Convention Center and I am confident that the thousands of NRA members who attend this year's meeting will find a friendly and welcoming city. I am certain you will have a fabulous time.

I have often considered joining the NRA myself, and if I had, maybe I would be there with all of you this weekend. Unfortunately, today there are many important issues that your leadership and I no longer agree upon.
But first, let's try to find some common ground. Here's something we can agree on: We should thank the majority of the NRA's 4 million members who are law-abiding citizens who use their guns responsibly. Now, I want to speak to the 74 percent of those people - more than 3 million - who supported expanded background checks. Some of those people probably joined the NRA before 1999 - you know, the year that Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre testified in favor of background checks.
Let me set the record straight: Gun rights and gun safety go hand in hand. Gabby and I respect the right of Americans to own guns; we own guns ourselves and we use them. NRA members know this about gun rights and gun safety. That's why so many of you support expanding background checks.
I grew up around guns. My mom and dad were cops and then I joined the military, where I saw combat in Iraq and Kuwait. Gabby owns a gun that we would often shoot. She has even used the range at the NRA's headquarters in Virginia. So have I. Gabby supported a lot of "pro gun" federal legislation, such as upholding Second Amendment rights for citizens who live in our nation's capital.
Like so many of you, we know that preventing dangerous people from getting guns doesn't affect our ability to buy or use our guns responsibly. And that's why the NRA leadership throws out a lot of doomsday scenarios, fear-mongering and yelling in order to distract people from a critical distinction: What most members of the NRA want from the organization and what the leadership is actually doing are not the same....
The Visa Thing really isn't where intelligence belongs actually. See, when traveling abroad a Passport is often all anyone needs. So, if the gentlemen in question presented his Passport as reason to enter the USA it might not have been questioned. I don't know the exact State Department requirements for folks traveling from that part of the world, but, a Student Visa gives people permission to be in the USA for an extended period of time. A Passport usually gets a person a short period of time, up to three months or so, to travel in the USA.

Customs would have to know they needed to look at a Student Visa and if the Passport was still valid I am not sure that student could be stopped anyway. Again, that is specific to any travel restrictions on that part of the world.

FOX News is harassing U Mass Campus with helicopters.

Investigators in the Boston Bombing case are looking throughout the ground on campus to pick up any evidence or clues. I am sure there are reasons to do this, like information from the young men arrested in regard to the fireworks, etc. But, FOX's propaganda is intense with absolutely no real reason for their SURVEILLANCE.

It is not like there is an entire nation getting on with life or anything. 

But, the spouse by the name of Katherine was told not to speak to authorities. She is a CITIZEN of the USA. Sounds like good advice, but, the  question FOX has is this: "Is Katherine going to be radicalized since she now refuses to cooperate with authorities?"

When is FOX going to realize they lose their credibility when they seek to promote propaganda rather than facts.

Below is the existing policy of the Student Visa Program.

Students cannot travel on the Visa Waiver Program or with Visitor Visas (click here)
Citizens of Visa Waiver Program (VWP) participating countries who intend to study cannot travel on the VWP or on visitor (B) visas, except to undertake recreational study as part of a tourist visit. Students must travel to the United States with student (F-1 or M-1) visas. For more information on the VWP, see Visa Waiver Program....

...A visa allows a foreign citizen coming from abroad, to travel to the United States port-of entry and request permission to enter the U.S. Applicants should be aware that a visa does not guarantee entry into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States. If you are allowed to enter the U.S., the CBP official will determine the length of your visit.

Notice: New Electronic I-94 Process - From April 30 through May 25, 2013, CBP will roll out a new electronic I-94 process at air and sea ports of entry. Under the new CBP process, a CBP officer will provide each admitted nonimmigrant traveler with an admission stamp on their passport. CBP will no longer issue a paper Form I-94 upon entry to the U.S., with some exceptions. Learn more on the CBP website.

The Alert issued by Homeland Security was in response to the fact one of the student arrested in relation to abetting was here without a visa. The border officials were always suppose to check. For some reason this student wasn't examined for his valid Visa. So, the Homeland Security is concerned about any lax potential and reminded everyone of their responsibilities. Gee, what a shame Secretary Napolitano isn't at every entry point of anyone entering the country, isn't it? I think we need to change the job description of the Secretary to Homeland Security. She needs to micromanage, don't you think?

May 3, 2013 
Updated May 03, 12:35 pm

...The order from a senior official (click here) at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, David J. Murphy, was circulated Thursday and came one day after the Obama administration acknowledged that a student from Kazakhstan accused of hiding evidence for one of the Boston bombing suspects was allowed to return to the U.S. in January without a valid student visa....

Ya know, if cable news has to promote propaganda to ensure ratings that will favor the profits of the boss, they really should not be on the air.

I suppose I should be grateful the cable networks are not screaming about duct tape. 

Not. I am not grateful for that, I am annoyed they are sensationalizing a national tragedy as if it is the only problem the country has. FOX News is seeking to distract from political realities of those that don't care about the country.

The fires in California are due to the Climate Crisis. The danger to a continued fire season is evident.

Everyone told you so! The immoral content is that California has been the bastion of protecting the climate through conservation and environmental stewardship. It is the Political Right Wing of the USA that has imposed their lack of will to protect the lives of people and property across the nation.

My grandmother once said to one of her five sons, "You made your bed, now lie in it."

I would expect the Governor and the people of California taking on the federal government for financial support to their burgeoning and continuing tragedy as did Governor Christi with Superstorm Sandy. It is the same Climate Crisis after all. Governor Christi demanded a federal grant to relieve a "Donor State" of a tragedy that would lead to a greater hardship to the USA. I would expect California to follow suit. California has done absolutely nothing to propagate this new reality for them.

William M. Welch, USA Today
14:47 a.m. EDT May 3, 2013

LOS ANGELES — A fast-growing wildfire (click here) along the Pacific Coast Highway northwest of Los Angeles that has already forced thousands of residents to flee the area jumped the roadway Friday morning, threatening parts of a premier U.S. naval installation.

Firefighters on the scene radioed that Naval Base Ventura County, which is backed up to the Pacific Ocean, should be advised that flames had leapt the iconic coastal highway that was the only barrier beween the fire and the facility....

Dr. Fields have been dearly correct about all he has estimated as the dangers to ignoring a warming planet. A planet exposed to anthropogenic pollution. I read Dr. Fields material, he has been exceptionally correct about everything. He sent out the warning in 2009 and now it is here to visit reality. No one listens. Same dynamics as with gun control, it doesn't serve the purpose of politicians to protect the country.

Ian Sample
Sunday 15 February 2009

Tropical forests may dry out (click here) and become vulnerable to devastating wildfires as global warming accelerates over the coming decades, a senior scientist has warned.
Soaring greenhouse gas emissions, driven by a surge in coal use in countries such as China and India, are threatening temperature rises that will turn damp and humid forests into parched tinderboxes, said Dr Chris Field, co-chair of the UN's Nobel prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Higher temperatures could see wildfires raging through the tropics and a large scale melting of the Arctic tundra, releasing billions of tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere that will accelerate warming even further, he said.
Field, director of global ecology at the Carnegie Institute, told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago at the weekend that the IPCC's last report on climate change in 2007 had substantially underestimated the severity of global warming over the rest of the century.
The report concluded that the Earth's temperature is likely to rise between 1.1C and 6.4C by 2100, depending on future global carbon emissions. "We now have data showing that from 2000 to 2007, greenhouse gas emissions increased far more rapidly than we expected, primarily because developing countries, like China and India, saw a huge upsurge in electric power generation, almost all of it based on coal," Field said. The next report, which Field will oversee, is due in 2014 and will now include future scenarios where global warming is far more serious than previous reports have suggested, he said....

IPCC Expert Meeting onDetection and Attribution Related toAnthropogenic Climate Change
The World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
14–16 September 2009
Meeting Report (click here)

The guns the NRA states are legal, are not constitutional.

On May 5, 1789, the Senate passed its first bill -- the Oath Act. That first oath, for members and civil servants, was very simple: "I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States."...

There can be a difference between Constitutional guns and legal guns. When Senators take office they are suppose to know what the difference is and act to protect the USA Constitution.

Currently, there is a wide variety of legal guns in the USA. The only reason they are legal while being unconstitutional is lack of criminal code and regulation.

There can be many things about life that are legal and not necessary to 'codify.' Dogs as pets can be dangerous, but, it isn't necessary to codify them because the reality within society is arranged differently. The federal government isn't going to regulate dogs as pets because it is left to the local governments and dog catchers to carry out safety for citizens. Dogs as pets are codified at the local level of government and in some areas of the country they are not codified at all.

The reason to codify any danger to citizens is based upon the necessity to do so. It is necessary in the USA to legislate greater safety in relation to gun ownership. In 1787 when the Senate wrote their oath of office it was not necessary to regulate guns. The world was different.

But, the fact Senators such as Ayotte and Flake find it necessary to lie about the reality of the 'status' of guns in the USA as constitutional or not is a violation of their oath of office. The Senators are suppose to look the NRA in the eye and state, "...but, the NRA is stating these guns are constitutional and necessary to the sovereign state of the USA while we have a military to carry out our national security. That is not correct and it is completely within the constitutional authority of the Senate to pass laws to protect the lives of Americans." That is what the Senators should be stating to all their political financial backers, but, they aren't. The Senators that ignore their oath of office to benefit them financially know full well they are doing so. They are corrupted and corruptible. Should they be in office? I don't think so.

Florida Local Police do not believe they are empowered to protect their citizens.


An apparent misreading of state law (click here) by the Fort Lauderdale Police has kept officers from enforcing a Broward County ordinance that requires criminal background checks on gun buyers at gun shows.
Two legal experts have told that the Police Department is wrong to believe that a state statute enacted last year invalidates the county background checks ordinance. Similarly, the Hillsborough County Attorney said in a memo this month that his county continues to have the “authority to require criminal background checks.”
The 1998 Broward County ordinance says criminal background checks must be done on gun buyers when sales occur “on property to which the public has a right of access.” A violation is a misdemeanor.
But Fort Lauderdale Police spokeswoman Det. DeAnna Greenlaw said the county ordinance no longer is in effect due to Florida Statute 790.33, enacted in 2012. That statute declares any city or county ordinance that regulates gun possession and sales “null and void.”
The Fort Lauderdale Police Department’s legal position is important. Broward’s two largest gun shows, sponsored by Ohio-based Suncoast Gun Shows and North Lauderdale’s Trader Ritch, are held in Fort Lauderdale.
Legal experts say the city’s legal interpretation is wrong. They say the law the city cites is trumped by an amendment to Florida’s Constitution, passed by voters in 1998, that gives counties the option to enact background check ordinances like Broward’s.
“Each county shall have the authority to require a criminal history records check…in connection with the sale of any firearm…when any part of the transaction is conducted on property to which the public has the right of access,” the amendment says....

Drugs. Florida is a jumping off point for drug cartels outside of the borders of the USA. The gun traffic into northern states begins here.

Trader Ritch Gun & Knife Show (click here)
DatesSun, May 5th, 2013
Sun, Jun 2nd, 2013
Sun, Jul 7th, 2013
Sun, Aug 4th, 2013
Sun, Sep 1st, 2013
Sun, Oct 6th, 2013
Sun, Nov 3rd, 2013
Sun, Dec 1st, 2013
DirectionsUniversal Palms Hotel
City/StateFt Lauderdale, FL
Sunday Only: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Admission is $5.00
The Trader Ritch Gun & Knife Show will be held on Sunday, May 5th, 2013. The Ft Lauderdale, FL Gun Show will be held at the Universal Palms Hotel and is hosted by the Trader Ritch of Florida. All Federal, State and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed.