We need to start our own 'scandal rag page' on behalf of the Regressive National Party (RNC). I take it the DNC is not engaged in such activity to attempt to find traction through faux scandal and underhanded measures? I didn't think so. I'll see what I can find. Should be interesting. It would be good if the Regressives could find a candidate first, though.

Last week, in an attempt to tap into that genius, Crossroads began Wikicountability.org, a collaborative Web site intended to create a database of freedom of information requests that scrutinize the actions of the Obama administration....
By the way, has Rove remarried yet? We never hear anything about that. I mean has he taken up celibacy or something? Maybe the truth is he perfers boys.
Come Karl, time to put your manpants on.
By the way, has Rove remarried yet? We never hear anything about that. I mean has he taken up celibacy or something? Maybe the truth is he perfers boys.
Come Karl, time to put your manpants on.