"Dick and Barak Obama are eighth cousins."
Cheney: Rev. Wright's remarks 'absolutely appalling' (click here).
The man in the Executive Branch that should be impeached insists on 'attempts' to raise question with Reverand Wright as appalling. Really? There is no American more appauling than Dick Cheney. It is highly questionable as to whether Dick Cheney actually has room to talk.
Cheney is the most Anti-American entity in government. He has used the Executive Branch to his own purpose to exonerate his liability with Halliburton after he cooked the books as CEO, lied to the American public in the lead up to the illegal and immoral and currently genocidal was in Iraq, conducted a secret Energy Committee, outed a CIA agent and has 'enjoyed' the First Amendment using language as "Fuck You" and "So" in reference to other members of our society that was intended to intimidate and denigrate.
The comments made by Cheney started at the FOX News stage with characters such as Hannity. All one has to realize about that is, "Consider the source." It would be far better to leave the 'mouth' of any Cheney where it belongs and that is on the stage of the Fox Propaganda Network. The comments by Cheney were to 'prompt' the Neocons into a rant that ? might work ? in an attempt to defame a Democratic Presidential hopeful. Does this childlessness ever stop? Do 'REAL' issues like the genocidial tendancies of Bush and Cheney ever make it to the social rhelm? It would seem not and speaks to the lack of sincere interest Americans exhibit regarding the 'best interests' of their country.