Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Reality orientation will never happen with Trump

Trump has created his own world. “Truth Social” is the new normal, except, it isn’t normal.

I remember hearing the words “new normal”
after the attacks of 911 and my gut reaction was one of nausea realizing there were rights of privacy being surrendered and in a way the terrorists had scored a victory. With each new discovery of terrorist activity, the shoes were put in the conveyor belt along with every carry on to prevent attacks on jets. Then the magnetometer was replaced by body scanners that allowed visualization of the body under clothing. 

That “new normal,” while injurious to privacy rights, was based in reality. Society and business still lived in the real world, but, a bit compromised. Compare that to today and the new normal Trump is chasing is based in lies. 

Elon Musk’s cars have been the focus of anger. I don’t know if any of the perpetrators have been caught, but, Teslas have been graffitied and even set on fire with Molotov cocktails. I am not going to voice an opinion here about it, except to say, “…it is a violation of law.” If I am going to stand up for the rule of law based in the truth then there are no exceptions.

But, since there is no cessation to these random acts of civil disobedience Trump and Elon put their heads together and decided everything would get better if Trump owned a Tesla. So, as a PR stunt, the two went on Truth Social and Musk gifted Trump a Tesla. Trump didn’t purchase one, it was gifted to him. If that wasn’t laughable enough, what were they thinking? Or the better question is, are they thinking?

I guess when issues are presented on Truth Social everything is magically transformed or something. It is a new normal, but, for who?

It seems as though Truth Social is “grievance media.” When Trump wants to complain he does so on Truth Social. Supposedly by Musk gifting a Tesla to Trump the value of the cars would be higher and all nasty attributes due to Musk’s wrong headed DoGE would vaporize. I don’t think that ideology is well founded. That magic isn’t real and the only ones walking through it believes it is real. 

The “new normal” Trump lives in is his alone to live in. A growing number of Americans are injured and/or disillusioned by Trump’s actions since taking office. As Trump World snowballs the less and less people will remain loyal to him. His ideology is one he created. It is not based in reality.


Putin and Trump may see an ideological way forward, but, simply believing power brokering alone can create their perfect world is foolish. Trump’s new normal isn’t possible, but, he doesn’t know that because the media he uses is his own.

Putin isn’t encouraging Trump to go for the gusto because it will be good for the world, so much it is good for communists. Putin doesn’t care if the USA is destroyed along the ideological spectrum. I really think that is his goal. Basically, blowing smoke up Trump’s skirt is exactly the plan. The problem is that Trump is hugely vested in a strategy approved by Putin thinking it is the best outcome the world could hope for. Trump drank Kool-aid prepared by Putin and loves it. 

There is no waking Trump up and instilling patriotic norms. He has sold the farm and along with it the country he was elected to lead.

The longer Congress is patiently waiting for Trump’s methods to bloom into something ingeniously wonderful, the more damage to relationships with allies will be realized and a delicately balanced global economy will sink into disrepair it cannot recover from.

“Wait and see” will become, “what the heck happened here?”

The anger with Musk is not going to vaporize because Trump says do, and Trump’s extremism won’t make magic because Elon keeps throwing money and gifts at it.

There are far more serious problems in the world other than burning Tesla’s; like; arresting a Palestinian man legally in the USA and practicing freedom of speech in protest of a war where tens of thousands of Palestinians have died. The legally Green Card Palestinian man was carrying out a demonstration for real life reasons. He wasn’t in a fantasy. However, I am certain he is beginning to hope he wakes from his new nightmare soon.

We are headed down a black hole named Trump and Congress needs to wake up now and not wait until the next election. It will be too late.

The USA is in real trouble.

This aggression by Trump is ridiculousness. The government is moving in opposing directions. This nonsense is unsustainable. Congress is seeing very real reasons to fund this government, yet, Trump is attacking the USA economy to destroy it. In destroying the USA economy he destroys its tax base. We have real problems with the White House.

These tariffs will destroy the USA economy. It will make automobiles too costly for people to buy except for the very wealthy. This makes no sense.

Canada is our ally since the USA declared independence in 1776. Our allies are strong because of trade agreements. We don’t turn on our allies like this. Congress has to end the hatred oozing out of Trump’s White House.

There is no sustainable future for the USA currently on this path. 

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