This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Evidently, US Senator Rand Paul lives in a rough neighborhood. He feels embarrassed by the incident. I don't know why Senator Paul feels embarrassed he was the one that tackled a neighbor unexpectedly. His injuries are very serious. The only way he could have avoided his injuries was to equip himself with "Google Glasses (click here) and rear view vision." I don't know about Senator Paul, but, most Americans don't wear shoulder pads when walking the property. Maybe his neighborhood is different. November 6, 2017 By Aaron Blake ...Paul's office(click here) isn't clarifying exactly what happened either, for what it's worth, but a statement from Paul's chief of staff doesn't exactly downplay it. "It is a pending, serious criminal matter involving state and federal authorities," Doug Stafford said. "We won’t have any further comments at this time.".... Violence to injure others is just wrong.
HR 3582 (click here) To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish assistance for adaptations of residences of veterans in rehabilitation programs under chapter 31 of such title, and for other purposes.... Title 38, Chapter 31 (click here) This bill, HR 3582 is being passed in time for Veteran's Day. This bill does a wonderful thing for handicapped veterans in rehabilitation to obtain housing. There are only two things I can criticize at this time, there needs to be an open invitation to all handicapped, homeless veterans to obtain housing. AND, the time limit must be extended to an indefinite time and chanced from a September 30, 2018 expiration. Right now that is all I can see that causes problems for handicapped veterans.
November 6, 2016 By Jennifer Bendery Washington ― You may have seen(click here) this photo of President Donald Trump’s motorcade winding down a wooded road last week as a woman on a bicycle pedaled by ― giving the middle finger to Trump.
The picture, snapped by a White House photographer traveling with the president as he left his golf course in Sterling, Va., went viral almost immediately. News outlets picked up the storywhen it appeared in a White House pool report. Late-night talk show hosts told jokes about the encounter and people on social media began hailing the unidentified woman as a “she-ro,” using the hashtag #Her2020. The woman’s name is Juli Briskman. Her employer, government contractor Akima LLC, wasn’t so happy about the photo. They fired her over it.... Akima LLC needs to be reviewed for it's density of government contracts. There is no LLC that has enough employees to carry out all these services. Akima, LLC, (click here) through its subsidiaries, engages in construction, information technology, data communications, systems engineering, software development, cyber security, space operations, aviation, fabrication, facility management, hospitality, and logistics businesses. It provides general contracting services for new vertical construction, and renovation and tenant improvements; design/build and installation support services, as well as construction management services; and site repair and maintenance works in CONUS and OCONUS, including self-performing electrical and specialized general works.... Told you so. Why too much government contracting. Mr. Bill Monet serves as Chief Executive Officer of Akima, LLC (click here) and has been its President since 2016. Mr. Monet has been Federal Sector Leader at NANA Development Corporation, Inc. since 2016. He served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Qivliq, LLC. Mr. Monet served as the President of Qivliq Federal Services Group. He has more than 25 years of experience in providing services to federal, state, local and commercial clients. He is skilled in the expansion and maintenance of profitable enterprises. He has spearheaded numerous operational efficiency and process improvement programs across a wide variety of industries.... Jill Briskman has a lawsuit due to the violation of her First Amendment Rights. Sellf expression is a matter of civil rights. Her civil rights were violated.
On 5 November 2017, (click here) a gunman clad in black opened fire on parishioners at a Sunday service at a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, killing at least 26 people. Within hours of that massacre, fake news sites were shamelessly exploiting the tragedy for personal gain by disseminating fabricated information about the shooter. One common theme to such fake news stories was that the shooter was connected to the “Antifa” movement:... The right wing extremists will do anything to prevent the truth come to the surface. If everyone is screaming about an anti-fascist movement there is no more room for the fact this killer was a White Supremacist. Not every place in the USA is a Sutherland, Texas where their policing is left up to the people to defend their homes and lives. The only way to control this is to control the guns. This man had a huge background that would have prohibited him from purchasing guns, yet he had at least one. Why? November 6, 2017 ...Ann Stefanek, (click here) a spokeswoman for the Air Force, confirmed that Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 on two charges of assaulting his spouse and their child. He was confined for a year, given a bad conduct discharge and reduced in rank to E-1, or airman basic, Stefanek said. Records show that Kelley's first marriage ended in divorce in 2012. He remarried in 2014; the status of that relationship was unclear. Two ex-girlfriends told NBC News that Kelley's behavior became disturbing — even violent — after they broke up with him. "Years after dating me he would try to bribe me to hang out with him," former girlfriend Katy Landry told NBC News in a Facebook message. "He ended up assaulting me. He would stalk me by repeatedly calling me — even prank calling me saying really weird stuff. "That was another thing about him — he was very sick in the head...He would tell me very sick strange things," she said, without providing details.... This is yet another angry white man that got a gun when he should never have had one. Other such incidents occurred in the USA, this is not in isolation to the fact, when killers carry out their own agenda it is ENABLED by a relative or friend, ie: Sandy Hook, the shooter in New York State was given a gun by his girlfriend. There is also the shooter that should have never been able to buy the gun because of his background, but, with a clever agenda Dillan Roof beat the system. Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooting, never should have been able to obtain a gun, with some question as to his employment due to mental illness. Yet, he had access and a weapon. There is James Holmes and Seung-Hui Cho. The stories are many and they are often the same, including the identity issues with immigrants that kill; ie. Fort Hood, Pulse Club in Orlando, the San Bernardino killers. The Americans that kill as in Las Vegas don't really have a motive, simply they were allowed to obtain weapons and unleash there fury, ie: Stephen Paddock and George J. Hennard. All these men have one thing definitely in common, they had reached a depression over their purpose. They had reached a low spot in their lives and they chose to take it out on others. There is no way of knowing if a man depressed is going to kill. There is no way of controlling the guns they use. The only way to take control of these ever escalating mass killings is to take the guns off the shelf. We know it works and it did work during the years of "The Assault Weapons Ban," which was allowed to "Sundown" by George W. Bush. The Hennard Case is worth noting. His roommate blacks, Hispanics and Gays. He had a disdain for women. 14 of the 23 killed were women and stated, "bitch" before killing two of them. The day before the killings was Case's 35th birthday. The day after the killing in Killeen, Texas there was a crime bill to be voted on which included a gun control measure. The people dead in Killeen were the constituents of a US Representative who opposed the gun control measure. He changed his vote after the massacre, but, the measure did not pass anyway. The gun organizations wanted to pass a concealed carry law. Governor Richardson vetoed it, but, George W. Bush then passed it. A daughter of two of the victims, her mother and father, campaigned for the bill to conceal carry. More than likely Ms. Hupp would have been outgunned since the killer carried a Glock 17 (designed and used by police officers with a clip of 17 bullets/rounds) and Ruger P89 (a semi-automatic pistol with a maximum clip of 15 bullets, but, has a gun site) . Ms. Hupp believed she was the answer to mass killings, but, she was wrong. The deaths of innocent people have occurred time and again in Texas regardless of concealed carry. People that own guns feel better about their chances and there is the remote chance they could have ended the killing spree, but, to put it into perspective, these shooting happen fast. In the case of Sutherland Springs, the killer already did his killing before he was discovered and followed in high pursuit by two men immediately in the area of the church. That delay in reaction time is where the killer is able to disarm any chance of another gun against them. Killers, most of the time, in the USA believe they have a moral reason to carry out their killings But, in reality most of the time they are depressed over their lives, so they justify killing those perceived to cause their personal pain. Lower the number of guns on the street and deaths of Americans will slow. That is a fact. There is no disputing these facts. I think THE GUN EXPERIMENT of the political right wing should come to an end. Americans have died due to the "free and open access" to all kinds of weapons and accessories because of the Political Right Wing Gun Experiment.