This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
McCain's Iraq after the Surge - Two more American Soldiers Dead
US military: 2 American soldiers die in Iraq
By Associated Press
The US military says an American soldier has been killed in a rocket or mortar attack north of Baghdad.
A statement says the soldier was killed Thursday in an indirect fire attack in Diyala province but provides no other details. Indirect fire is the military term for a rocket or mortar attack.
The US military said earlier that an American soldier died of noncombat causes late Wednesday in Baghdad.
At least 4,185 members of the US military have died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003. That's according to an Associated Press count.
Bush always 'comes up with something' at the last minute when it comes to the occupation of Iraq. If I remember right, Senator Clinton asked how long it would take to rapidly deploy the troops out of Iraq, and I think the answer was three months. Given this is mid-October, I think Bush needs to start is redeployment. This is the type of leadership the Republicans offer the people of the USA.
Any agreement about the prolonged stay of the USA in Iraq should have been signed, sealed and delivered to the Congress and the Joint Chiefs a year ago. A year ago, the Iraqi government told Bush he would be required to leave that country. Did he listen? No. Is he listening now? No. Why? Because there is always some kind of bargaining chip he can find to 'put a deal' together. The problem this time, is that there is NO money in the piggy bank anymore.
How many more soldiers will die? How many more Iraqi citizens will die? How many more refugees will there be? And how much more poverty will be achieved?
By 2012, Afghanistan will once again belong to the Taliban !
Iraq doesn't need anymore USA monies. They have plenty of their own. I suggest Bush act in a responsible fashion and prepare his Commanders on the ground for deployment back home.
Bush team pushes hard for Iraq security deal (click here)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration has launched a top-level lobbying campaign to persuade skeptical U.S. lawmakers and disapproving Iraqi politicians to support a security agreement governing the continued presence of American troops in Iraq.
Although congressional approval is not legally required, U.S. lawmakers' support is considered crucial for an agreement to go forward. In Iraq, where the deal must pass through several complex layers of approval, the going is considered even tougher.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Bush's national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, are reaching out to key members of the House and Senate. Rice also is pressing senior Iraqi leaders to accept the deal.
The agreement includes a timeline for U.S. withdrawal by 2012 and a crucial but unpopular compromise that gives Iraq limited ability to try U.S. contractors or soldiers for major crimes committed off-duty and off-base, officials said Thursday....
McCain actually did this on the debate platform? That isn't doctored?
Another Right Wing Propaganda Stunt
Posted by Jason Cherkis on Oct. 16, 2008, at 3:14 pm
There is no one out there paying taxes on a quarter of a million US that doesn't understand their necessity to do so. Sorry, they just don't win my sympathy.
McCain just isn't big on securing the best interest of his campaign. First he doesn't care about vetting a Veep Candidate and now this. When does McCain actually become real, if he is capable of it. Next thing you know, Bin Laden will be Homeland Security Secretary after he's had a face lift.
What is even more interesting, is the media thinks the 'stunt' Joe pulled is a good idea and is rewarding his spirit to innovate an arguement as if its real. That is amazing. The media is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Right Wing. It just is.
And those expenses that come off the income a small business, is actually feeding more small businesses or even big businesses such as UPS or FedEx. To 'score' a tax burden on a Quarter of a Million US is a significant business and to add to the dynamics of that business such as insuring HUMAN BEINGS that produce product to enhance the business' bottom line will not cause greater damage to the USA economy. It will enhance it.
For every check a small business has to write while achieving a profitable bottom line is more economic growth. Obama knows what he is doing and its about time the USA rewarded THE RIGHT GUY and elected him into the White House.
Many times in describing the dynamics of Antarctica I referred to wind that 'fell off' the higher altitudes to the coastal area. Please see below.
October 4, 2008
Cedar Hill, Texas
Photographer states :: The weather is still warm, crickets singing, even some mosquitoes tonight. We got some rain today- not a lot, but a couple of good downpours. From the looks of this we have a chance at a bit more- hope so.
SEATTLE TACOMA INTL AP (457473) (click here)
Monthly Totals/Averages
Average Temperature (degrees F)
Years: 1971-2000
Annual Average
Official data and data for additional locations and years are available from the Regional Climate Centers and the National Climatic Data Center.
Seattle Mayor Nickels - US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement
...On February 16, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to address climate disruption, became law for the 141 countries that have ratified it to date. On that day, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels launched the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement to advance the goals of the Kyoto Protocol through leadership and action. Two years later, The U.S.Conference of Mayors launched the Mayors Climate Protection Center to administer and track the agreement, among its other activities. By November 1, 2007, there were more than 710 signatories to the Agreement....
The dense cold air from the high frigid areas of the ice continent have such dramatic impacts that there are areas of the continent laid bare of any snow. Quite a feat for a quality of Earth called 'air.'
...Known as the Dry Valleys, they are swept free of snow by nearly relentless katabatic winds—cold, dry air that rolls downhill toward the sea from the high altitudes of the ice sheet....
Where have we seen this before? Where huge amounts of money are dumped into the economy to buoy some sort of positive return to the markets?
Only a week or so ago, the USA was seeking to stop the foreclosures of banks and huge amounts of monies were stated to 'fix' it all.
It didn't.
What occurred was the same 'phenomena' that has been recurring over and over and over, no different than the recent attempts by Europe to stabilize their markets.
It won't work.
Because the monies that are being 'created' to satisfy a public outcry to 'do something' are backed by empty worth. How can a country, which relies on banks and even other nations for loans into their debt load, turn around, print more money and expect that such nonsense would actually work to convert a slippery slope into a stable market.
The 'bailouts' only create more and more of a slippery slope because there is no clear path to this mess. The ONLY clear path is to let the lousy debt ridden market tank. Wall Street did this to themselves.
I stated clearly, "What difference does it make if the collapse happens today or a month from now?" I stated clearly that allies needed to stop assisting these markets. As a result of interventionists attempting to 'play god,' are compromising any resolve.