Friday, January 03, 2025

Has it actually taken this long?

Thank you, Joe.

(Click here

The Biden administration has been remarkable in catching up on the moral issues.

In 1986, at the age of 29, my sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was an astrocytoma (click here). She had seen several doctors that mostly told her she had six months to live. Ultimately, she ended up in the care of Dr. Janet Bay who was with the Cleveland Clinic at the time. My sister is now 67 years old and takes care of herself everyday. She can’t drive anymore. She tends to be impulsive so she has a family member that is her guardian. She has a high quality of life. She was independent for a long time with a driver’s license.

But, her miracle from Cleveland isn’t the story. My sister was one of a cluster of brain tumors. The other eight young women had some success in longevity, but, they were more affected by their tumors.

A research chemist that was a friend of the family tracked it down to a common element for each of the girls that were now women. They all attended the same middle school in the first year it was in use in the public school system. He stated they were exposed to formaldehyde in a closed ventilation system. It was a new building with sealed windows to the outside and a sophisticated air circulation system. He stated the closed system trapped the formaldehyde and it was available in the air for many months. 

The formaldehyde’s source? Wall board and desk top adhesive. Over time it outgassed from these articles into the air, breathed into their young lungs, and settled in the brain tissue. The tumors didn’t show up immediately. It was approximately fifteen years before any of the nine women were diagnosed. Each was tragedy in its own right.

For as mischievous as formaldehyde was and is, its industrial use was how it remained in Americans’ lives. I never thought it would take this long to finally put the last nail in it’s coffin.

So little of the Biden Administration was praised for their work. But, it was good work with the highest moral standards applied. President Biden’s legacy is more than interesting. There will never be any doubt he loved this country and it’s people.

Russia is destabilizing the Ukraine nuclear plant.

It is necessary to maintain an off site source of electricity to ensure the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine has enough power to maintain nuclear safety. Russia’s missile attacks are causing disruption to the smooth operation of the plant, but, damage to the off site electrical source.

(Click here)

Russia has always been reckless with nuclear power as well as the nuclear military program. I doubt there is a clear understanding of the number of deaths by nuclear accidents and disasters. I am fairly sure Russia holds the number place of causing death through peaceful use of nuclear technology.