If the jet was more closely scrutinized in October perhaps this would not have occurred today. These jets are at the most three years old. Boeing is a very important company to the USA and the focus can only help the company.
I find a three year old jet falling out of the sky twice in 8 months very upsetting. How could it happen?
There are, of course, the issues with the jet itself, but, also to be considered and reviewed are the preparations of the pilots. Jets are becoming more techi in nature and are the pilots properly trained with enough time with the jet to carry out successful flights.
There is also the flight plans and the weather the jet was facing. Recently, far below the sky, a cruise ship was struck by high winds. There were injuries because it is estimated the ship leaned up to 45 degrees from it's upright sailing position. So, the idea there could have been strong winds or turbulent weather is realistic.
The NTSB should have at least a preliminary report from the October jet crash.
So, we need to get this right and in respect of those lost both in October and today, I will defer these hours to honor their lives.
Good night.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, March 10, 2019
The Boeing 737 Max 8 needs to have their repair log checked immediately.
Two crashes of a new jet within 8 months is significant. Does this jet adapt to all forms of "fly by wire" or lack thereof? I think they need to be scrutinized by the airlines and Boeing to be sure there is little to no problem in their operations.
Are there common maintenance issues cropping up with these jets? Are the maintenance problems easily solved and prove to be reliable or are they solved only to occur again? Software vs. Hardware.
March 10, 2019
By Robert Picheta
For the second time in less than six months, (click here) a brand-new Boeing aircraft has crashed just minutes into a flight.
All 157 people on board the Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa that crashed on Sunday morning have died, the airline has confirmed.
The tragedy follows the Lion Air flight that went down over the Java Sea in late October, killing all 189 people on board....
I am so sorry to hear of this crash. So many lives lost and families are suffering. My sincerest sympathies to the families and friends. It is a terrible accident. I understand there were Americans and United Nations workers among those lost with this crash. So, very sorry.
Are there common maintenance issues cropping up with these jets? Are the maintenance problems easily solved and prove to be reliable or are they solved only to occur again? Software vs. Hardware.
March 10, 2019
By Robert Picheta
For the second time in less than six months, (click here) a brand-new Boeing aircraft has crashed just minutes into a flight.
All 157 people on board the Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa that crashed on Sunday morning have died, the airline has confirmed.
The tragedy follows the Lion Air flight that went down over the Java Sea in late October, killing all 189 people on board....
I am so sorry to hear of this crash. So many lives lost and families are suffering. My sincerest sympathies to the families and friends. It is a terrible accident. I understand there were Americans and United Nations workers among those lost with this crash. So, very sorry.
So, Don, did you NFL guys have orgies?
Don you have to be careful. STDs might be carried home to the wife. That would really blow your cover, huh? I bet this is cheaper than NDA, right? So, about the STDs, you can find information about that at any family planning office. That is good advise and it is free.
Any chance the Day Spa contribute to the campaign or inaugural? Any reason to believe prostitution will be decriminalized and legalized as a favor to a friend?
I betcha this photo will never be found in the "National Enquirer."
I could never understand how Roger Goodell keeps his job, especially, after the corruption was exposed. Does he have a lot on you guys?
March 8, 2019
The owner (click here) of the Asian day spa in Jupiter has been active in GOP donor circles, planting her in the orbits of President Donald Trump and other Republicans.
Seated at a round table littered with party favors and the paper-cutout footballs that have become tradition at his annual Super Bowl Watch Party, President Donald Trump cheered the New England Patriots and his longtime friend, team owner Robert Kraft, to victory over the Los Angeles Rams on Feb. 3.
Sometime during the party at Trump’s West Palm Beach country club, the president turned in his chair to look over his right shoulder, smiling for a photo with two women at a table behind him.
The woman who snapped the blurry Super Bowl selfie with the president was Li Yang, 45, a self-made entrepreneur from China who started a chain of Asian day spas in South Florida. Over the years, these establishments — many of which operate under the name Tokyo Day Spas — have gained a reputation for offering sexual services....
What should concern every American about Trump is his affiliation with so many tainted people and organizations he would call friends and donors. This affiliation with the Japan Day Spa is more of the same.
Trump does not live a noble life. Those folks from the Japan Day Spa are sitting with Trump as friends. This was no mistake, they are friends. He can't invite them to Mar A Lago for obvious reasons. So, he meets them where they are.
These are not just a personal issue or personal preference, it compromises him and the security of the USA. The behavior by Trump and his family creates national security concerns. Is it any wonder why Trump likes to much control within the federal government.
8 March 2019
By Jon Swaine
Donald Trump’s inauguration (click here) received tens of thousands of dollars from shell companies that masked the involvement of a foreign contributor or others with foreign ties.
The Guardian has identified the creators of three obscure firms that contributed money to Trump’s inaugural committee, which collected a record $107m as he entered the White House in 2017.
The three companies each gave $25,000 to Trump’s inaugural fund. At least one of the contributions was made for a foreign national who appears ineligible to make political donations in the US.
A spokesman for Thomas Barrack, the chairman of Trump’s inauguration committee, declined to comment. The contributors denied wrongdoing.
Federal prosecutors in New York and the attorney generals of New Jersey and Washington DC have in recent weeks issued subpoenas to the committee, demanding records and information on its contributors and spending.
US election law prohibits non-resident foreigners from contributing to political campaigns, including inaugurations. Donors or campaigns who “knowingly and willfully” breach this rule may be fined or prosecuted....
Any chance the Day Spa contribute to the campaign or inaugural? Any reason to believe prostitution will be decriminalized and legalized as a favor to a friend?
I betcha this photo will never be found in the "National Enquirer."

March 8, 2019
The owner (click here) of the Asian day spa in Jupiter has been active in GOP donor circles, planting her in the orbits of President Donald Trump and other Republicans.
Seated at a round table littered with party favors and the paper-cutout footballs that have become tradition at his annual Super Bowl Watch Party, President Donald Trump cheered the New England Patriots and his longtime friend, team owner Robert Kraft, to victory over the Los Angeles Rams on Feb. 3.
Sometime during the party at Trump’s West Palm Beach country club, the president turned in his chair to look over his right shoulder, smiling for a photo with two women at a table behind him.
The woman who snapped the blurry Super Bowl selfie with the president was Li Yang, 45, a self-made entrepreneur from China who started a chain of Asian day spas in South Florida. Over the years, these establishments — many of which operate under the name Tokyo Day Spas — have gained a reputation for offering sexual services....
What should concern every American about Trump is his affiliation with so many tainted people and organizations he would call friends and donors. This affiliation with the Japan Day Spa is more of the same.
Trump does not live a noble life. Those folks from the Japan Day Spa are sitting with Trump as friends. This was no mistake, they are friends. He can't invite them to Mar A Lago for obvious reasons. So, he meets them where they are.
These are not just a personal issue or personal preference, it compromises him and the security of the USA. The behavior by Trump and his family creates national security concerns. Is it any wonder why Trump likes to much control within the federal government.
8 March 2019
By Jon Swaine
Donald Trump’s inauguration (click here) received tens of thousands of dollars from shell companies that masked the involvement of a foreign contributor or others with foreign ties.
The Guardian has identified the creators of three obscure firms that contributed money to Trump’s inaugural committee, which collected a record $107m as he entered the White House in 2017.
The three companies each gave $25,000 to Trump’s inaugural fund. At least one of the contributions was made for a foreign national who appears ineligible to make political donations in the US.
A spokesman for Thomas Barrack, the chairman of Trump’s inauguration committee, declined to comment. The contributors denied wrongdoing.
Federal prosecutors in New York and the attorney generals of New Jersey and Washington DC have in recent weeks issued subpoenas to the committee, demanding records and information on its contributors and spending.
US election law prohibits non-resident foreigners from contributing to political campaigns, including inaugurations. Donors or campaigns who “knowingly and willfully” breach this rule may be fined or prosecuted....
Trump's draconian administration.
The Trump administration has been exceptionally draconian of the USA Treasury, including, his family. Before Ivanka sold her business she was scoffing up patents in China. We know the Kushner family sold USA visas that Eric lobbied for in Congress. We also know today Jarad obtained monies from Qatar. This is all highly unethical. It may be illegal.
It is absolutely detrimental to the esteem of the USA when leaders pander foreign countries for money.
We don't know how much of the USA budget is being siphoned by Trump's cabinet and/or Republican Congress because of past budgets. The tax cuts work in favor of his cabinet members and his cronies/friends.
During his State of the Union speech, Trump alluded to the fact he will seek private schools exclusively in the USA. He wants to send public school students home and maybe there will be a continuation of online classes. Trump will eliminate public education and will not replace it with schools the majority of Americans can afford.
One corrupt, maniacal conspiracy after another.
As a candidate for president Trump should not have entertained the idea a private militia would have a hand in any Iran policy or otherwise. It is all about having control of government money.
The Trump Tower Meeting in which campaign members were present was June 9, 2016. This meeting with Prince is August 3, 2016. They were busy in Trump Tower. Is it clear there were no Russians at this meeting? Because the Russians met at the Seychelles with Prince. THAT COMPROMISES HIM AS AN ENTITY THAT HAS TIES TO RUSSIA AND HE CANNOT ACT AS A PARTNER WITH THE USA MILITARY.
Prince and his militia is a security risk. If he has contact with USA military it needs to end.
From the same article below:
...Mueller's team has reportedly probed several 2017 meetings that occurred in Seychelles during the period Prince met with a Russian banker there.
Prince has acknowledged that he traveled to the Seychelles and that he met with a Russian government official while there, but has denied that he was acting on behalf of the Trump administration.
March 8, 2019
Erik Prince, (click here) the former head of Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, has acknowledged that he was present at a key 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
In an interview on Al Jazeera's "Head to Head" that aired Friday, Prince said he was present at an Aug. 3, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower to "talk about Iran policy."
The New York Times reported last year that Prince organized a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that included Donald Trump Jr. and Lebanese-American businessman George Nader. During that meeting, Nader reportedly said the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia wanted to aid Trump in his bid for the White House.
Prince previously testified under oath to the House Intelligence Committee on Nov. 30, 2017, saying at the time that he had "no official" or "really unofficial role" in the Trump campaign and his only involvement in helping was attending fundraisers and placing yard signs.
"Head to Head" host Mehdi Hasan pressed Prince on why his presence at the meeting was apparently not part of his testimony to lawmakers, to which Prince suggested, "they got the transcript wrong," prompting laughter from the audience....

Prince and his militia is a security risk. If he has contact with USA military it needs to end.
From the same article below:
...Mueller's team has reportedly probed several 2017 meetings that occurred in Seychelles during the period Prince met with a Russian banker there.
Prince has acknowledged that he traveled to the Seychelles and that he met with a Russian government official while there, but has denied that he was acting on behalf of the Trump administration.
March 8, 2019
Erik Prince, (click here) the former head of Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, has acknowledged that he was present at a key 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
In an interview on Al Jazeera's "Head to Head" that aired Friday, Prince said he was present at an Aug. 3, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower to "talk about Iran policy."
The New York Times reported last year that Prince organized a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that included Donald Trump Jr. and Lebanese-American businessman George Nader. During that meeting, Nader reportedly said the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia wanted to aid Trump in his bid for the White House.
Prince previously testified under oath to the House Intelligence Committee on Nov. 30, 2017, saying at the time that he had "no official" or "really unofficial role" in the Trump campaign and his only involvement in helping was attending fundraisers and placing yard signs.
"Head to Head" host Mehdi Hasan pressed Prince on why his presence at the meeting was apparently not part of his testimony to lawmakers, to which Prince suggested, "they got the transcript wrong," prompting laughter from the audience....
The Republican 2020 campaign agenda.
McConnell is not interested in anti-hate legislation, anti-corruption legislation (HR-1) or preventing foreign money from entering the elections in the USA. It has been two years since the Russians invaded the 2016 elections, elected Trump and the US Senate has done NOTHING to end the invasion into the USA by foreign powers.
It now can be easily stated, morality does not matter to the Republicans because their politics is based in big money donors, hate and a corrupt FOX News.
McConnell and Trump plan to continue their Islamophobia because it is an election strategy. They will continue to pander to White Supremacists that we witnessed in Trump's hate speech during the 2018 elections.
The facts are very plain. The Right Wing Supreme Court hacked away at the Voting Rights Act, they made money a citizen and sided with Citizens United. It is very plain the power structure in the Republican Party is more interested in CONVERTING the USA into a Plutocratic - Theocracy than anything else. They have to be stopped. The US Supreme Court AND the Judiciary are all part of that campaign agenda.
The elections of 2018 were obviously tampered with as well. Georgia. North Carolina. Hate speech in Texas that moved Ted Cruz far ahead of O'Rourke and Florida.
This needs to stop and it is now obvious the Republicans have absolutely no intentions of participating in moral issues regarding the security of our country.
Trump's strategy for 2020 is the same hate filled speech of 2018, so security issues are at work. Trump is highly motivated for 2020 because he wants the US House back as well as the US Senate because he wants to change our term limits to three terms like his friend Putin or removing term limits altogether. He can't carry out such initiatives with a Democratic House.
Our elections going forward must be about the needs of the country and it's national security including secure, safe and free elections. It is our mission now.
One other thing, I heard a brief news report that Barr stated the US Justice Department will practice God's morality. I am confident that does not mean they will be following Pope Francis declarations to fight the climate crisis. He stated that to intimidate and oppress the LGBT community. The Trump administration, including the cabinet officers, are corrupt to the bone and hate is part of their daily agenda.
That idea of "God's morality" also prevents genetic research in the USA. Bush started it and now Trump's administration wants to continue it.
It now can be easily stated, morality does not matter to the Republicans because their politics is based in big money donors, hate and a corrupt FOX News.
McConnell and Trump plan to continue their Islamophobia because it is an election strategy. They will continue to pander to White Supremacists that we witnessed in Trump's hate speech during the 2018 elections.
The facts are very plain. The Right Wing Supreme Court hacked away at the Voting Rights Act, they made money a citizen and sided with Citizens United. It is very plain the power structure in the Republican Party is more interested in CONVERTING the USA into a Plutocratic - Theocracy than anything else. They have to be stopped. The US Supreme Court AND the Judiciary are all part of that campaign agenda.
The elections of 2018 were obviously tampered with as well. Georgia. North Carolina. Hate speech in Texas that moved Ted Cruz far ahead of O'Rourke and Florida.
This needs to stop and it is now obvious the Republicans have absolutely no intentions of participating in moral issues regarding the security of our country.
Trump's strategy for 2020 is the same hate filled speech of 2018, so security issues are at work. Trump is highly motivated for 2020 because he wants the US House back as well as the US Senate because he wants to change our term limits to three terms like his friend Putin or removing term limits altogether. He can't carry out such initiatives with a Democratic House.
Our elections going forward must be about the needs of the country and it's national security including secure, safe and free elections. It is our mission now.
One other thing, I heard a brief news report that Barr stated the US Justice Department will practice God's morality. I am confident that does not mean they will be following Pope Francis declarations to fight the climate crisis. He stated that to intimidate and oppress the LGBT community. The Trump administration, including the cabinet officers, are corrupt to the bone and hate is part of their daily agenda.
That idea of "God's morality" also prevents genetic research in the USA. Bush started it and now Trump's administration wants to continue it.
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