Friday, September 09, 2016

Missile tests are always a bad feeling. The problem this time is it wasn't announced or was it?

September 9, 2016
By David E. Sanger, Choe Sang-Hun and Jane Perlez

Geneva — North Korea’s(click here) latest test of an atomic weapon leaves the United States with an uncomfortable choice: Stick with a policy of incremental sanctions that has clearly failed to stop the country’s nuclear advances, or pick among alternatives that range from the highly risky to the repugnant.
A hard embargo, in which Washington and its allies block all shipping into and out of North Korea and seek to paralyze its finances, risks confrontations that allies in Asia fear could quickly escalate into war. But restarting talks on the North’s terms would reward the defiance of its young leader, Kim Jong-un, with no guarantee that he will dismantle the nuclear program irrevocably.
For more than seven years, President Obama has sought to find a middle ground, adopting a policy of gradually escalating sanctions that the White House once called “strategic patience.” But the test on Friday — the North’s fifth and most powerful blast yet, perhaps with nearly twice the strength of its last one — eliminates any doubt that that approach has failed and that the North has mastered the basics of detonating a nuclear weapon... 


September 9, 2016
By Jonathan D. Pollack  

North Korea's fifth nuclear test (click here)) this morning was not a surprise. On multiple occasions over the past six months, senior officials (including Kim Jong-un, the North's impetuous young leader) have openly disclosed plans for additional testing. In March - while on a visit to a nuclear research and development facility - Kim said the next test would occur "in a short time...and it would be a nuclear warhead explosion test. "Despite near-universal opposition and warnings of additional pressure and sanction, Pyongyang has made good on its threat....

I have to laugh when men believe there is a way to 'handle' North Korea. There never was and there never will be. North Korea has existed decades after the Korean conflict. It is not going anywhere. Sooner or later the global powers are going to have to recognize the new leader of North Korea that resembles his father only by their gene pool.

When Kim, Jr. came into power he was not about to settle for the status quo of his father nor would he retreat from his father's re-engagement of advancing nuclear power and nuclear weapons. We can thank Bush/Cheney for that reality.

The issue here is that the only person on Earth that knows anything about Kim Jong-un and how he sees his leadership and plans for the future of his people is Dennis Rodman. It is clearly the fact that diplomacy with North Korea's young leader has completely failed. 


When is there going to be meaningful dialogue with North Korea and Kim Jong-un?

The only way to effectively deal with North Korea's resurgent leadership is to defend from nuclear engagement. That is the trial of the non-proliferation treaty. The five permanent nations still have to enforce the non-proliferation treaty. If that is not the first choice of the five nations than be prepared for lots of money being spent on missile defense RATHER than the economic growth of impoverished people.

I certainly hope no country is entertaining nuclear confrontation. That confrontation would not end with North Korea, it would unleash fear of nuclear powers of each other and they will all be using North Korea as a poker chip to successful strikes against each other. 

The five permanent nations to the UN Security Council need to re-engage the non-proliferation treaty and end the wishes of hatred between countries. If only they had the chance with North Korea as an excuse, would it be at all moral and where would it stop?

There is much in the balance with North Korea's current leadership, but, second guessing intentions and preparing for a nuclear exchange is not an answer, it is retreat from morality. 
The Flint River Water Project. 

It is taking on nice dimensions. This is a project that will probably take a year to complete by the time I have read all the information, complied a consensus from FACT and publish it here for everyone. 

I am receiving a good welcome and a great deal of cooperation. I hope to begin my reading of files within a month or two, but, I have to admit the information I am seeking may take some time to find and make it available to me.

I am not allowed to look through the files in the file room. Evidently, the information is to be sent to a central location for my convenience. 

Best regards and I will continue to post here weekly. This is definitely a project with a specific focus and outcome. I am hopeful it will be something that will interest the country and bring an understanding to where the future lies in activism at the very least.

Thank you for your continued interest.