Ever since the House Health Care Bill went to the Senate Floor the Republicans have done NOTHING to insure the outcome of passage, they are compromising the health and lives of Americans with one priority and that is to kill ANY attempt to reform Health Care Insurance AND destroy the competitive Public Option that will hold down costs.
The House of Representatives stand proudly as the sole governing body that can get the job done and save lives. Today, the Senate is suppose to pander to ONE Senator that cannot even see his own Political Capital to direly needed legislation and vote for the Senate Bill that include the House Bill as an Amendment to SAVE the health, well being and lives of Americans. If this Democrat cannot move to stand with his collegues and support their brave initiative he should be brought up on ethic charges based in prioritizing HIS personal agenda for Americans.
The only vote standing in the way of passage of the Senate Bill is one vote. He is holding the people of the USA hostage to the sincere reform they need and it needs to be seen for what it is.
Additionally, the Republicans are obstructing this legislation while Right Wing Media AGAIN dominates their priorities as acting as Senators elected to act for the people. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln never had this problem. They never had ignorant and controlling media services attempt a Coupe against the USA Constitution and its processes.
Additionally, there are incumbent Democrats that are suffering losses in affiliations with their electorate because they have sacrificed their time in canceling events that brings them to the table with their constituents. Last night the very Democrats devoted to passing this legislation were cited on a Murdock Entertainment News Hour as the very people the Republicans are targeting for defeat next November.
How is any legislator to bring understanding of their initiatives to their constituencies if they are not allowed to attend events and speak directly to them? The legislators are the ones that can explain it best and with sincerity only they can deliver.
The FCC needs to continue their evaluation of the vicious attacks on Republicans as well as Democrats by the Right Wing Media for revocation of license and possible censoring their media services as their are already in control of one party of the USA and attempting to control a second through intimidation tactics aimed at Republicans that OBVIOUSLY create 'PAVLOV BEHAVIOR.' These media services are attempting a coup of the Constitution of the United States of American and it needs to be adequately addressed.
I have absolutely nothing else better to do for the next weeks until Christmas and through Chanukah, which begins tomorrow (Lieberman should be ashamed for his ideation that is killing Americans) but watch C-Span from morning until night and quite possibly 24/7 with help if necessary.
The Senate Bill requires only one vote and that needs to be put forward for lives of Americans. That is all Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid need to remember. Otherwise, their actions are just as manipulated as Michael Steele and the Senate and House Republicans by the Right Wing media. We are tired of this mess and they need to keep that in mind as well.
SoCal councilman wears a Stalin-ized Pelosi (click title to entry - thank you)
That protesters on both sides of the political spectrum equate America's leaders with dictators like Hitler isn't new. But critics were shocked when such a comparison was made by an elected official.
Last Friday, a group rented a room at the Irvine Hilton to protest the Democratic Party of Orange County's 15th Annual Harry Truman Awards and headliner House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Joining the demonstration was Irvine Councilman and Assembly candidate Steven Choi.
An OC Register photographer caught Choi roaming the Hilton lobby before Pelosi's address. Choi is seen in a suit, tie and a depiction of Pelosi as Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator who killed millions under his Great Terror campaign. Another photo shows Choi posing with a woman who is wearing a Pelosi-SS guard illustration.