Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Greed's backlash.

The global pandemic is an excuse for greed. If any factor is an issue today it is Russia's instablity agenda.

Image to the left (click here).

Not really feeling the pandemic except for fuel costs I ventured into a convenience store. The costs were double as what I recalled from about six months ago. I looked for a reasonsably priced bottle of soda, it didn't exist. Every bottle of soda no matter the manufacturer or variety or flavor was at least double the cost from not long ago. It was not unusal to walk into a convenient store and see ads all over the place about items that were BOGO. The plastic bottle of sodas were usually selling for 2 or 3 of the soda for the price of one. Today, the BOGO is gone and the bottles are ridiculously expensive at $2.50 at the very least.

As I glanced across the shelves of beverage bottles there was one standard who's cost as not changed in the least, "Arizona Iced Tea." It was possible to still purchase the tea for 99 cents a can. I grabbed up four of the tall cans with a variety of flavor.

I mentioned Sunday Night the inflation rate was a dream come true for Wall Street. I stated or at least tried to state the consumer prices were artifically elevated and it was a strategy for profits. I still believe that today. I especially believe that more than ever when I discovered the sole survivor of inflation, "Arizona Iced Tea."

The stores carrying inflated prices for every commodity is sells are creating a huge consumer backlash that will cause hardship for manufacturers. The American consumer hasn't really changed, except, they might have more pocket change for such purchases in a convenient store since wage labor is receiving better pay. 

American consumers will move away from the expense and into coping with such hideous prices of their favorite items. Wall Street has every reason to be worried. Just because every soda bottle now sells for the same inflated price does not mean the consumer will surrender. Quite the contrary. There are a lot of alternative including "make at home soda." What is happening is a crime. It is price gouging and there is no doubt it is deliberately done by CEOs to reward stockholders.

Well. Guess what?

The numbers of items provided to consumers are going to need warehouses because the amount that is being produced is not being purchased. So, while the global pandemic caused a variety of factors that effect corporate profits, they as always are their own enemies. Wall Street should be ready to accept the judgement of consumers and take back their unsold and very expensive products. It isn't that the American consumer will surrender to high prices and be grateful when they drop just a bit of where they are now, they are finding alternatives. 

In that convenient store, "Arizona Iced Tea" shelf was the only one where every inch of the shelf wasn't packed with product. Consumers will look for the bargain today and in the future. The consumer prices have to come down otherwise Wall Street is headed for a huge crash because WE WON'T PAY IT!

Energy needs to be addressed. Get over it.

June 10, 2022

 The Consumer Price Index (click here) for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.0 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.6 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The increase was broad-based, with the indexes for shelter, gasoline, and food being the largest contributors. After declining in April, the energy index rose 3.9 percent over the month with the gasoline index rising 4.1 percent and the other major component indexes also increasing. The food index rose 1.2 percent in May as the food at home index increased 1.4 percent....

The journey to the truth is ongoing.

June 13, 2022
By April Rubin

A mountain in Yellowstone National Park, (click here)  named for an Army officer who led a massacre in which at least 173 Native Americans were slaughtered, has been renamed in honor of America’s Indigenous people, the National Park Service said.

The National Park Service said on Thursday that the U.S. Board on Geographic Names had voted unanimously to rename Mount Doane, a 10,551-foot peak in the southeastern part of Yellowstone. It will now be known as First Peoples Mountain, the Park Service said in a statement.

The mountain had honored Gustavus Doane, an Army officer and explorer who, in response to the alleged murder of a white fur trader, helped lead an attack in 1870 that became known as the Marias Massacre. He boasted about the attack in his accounts of the exploration of the land that would become Yellowstone National Park two years later....

The Vice Presidents

They were talking long before January 6th. 

Who knew? 

The late President George H. W. Bush chose a loyalist to protect the country. It would seem Former Vice President Dan Quayle needs to take up Republican endorsements along with Former Vice President Mike Pence.

Former Vice President Pence was verbally abused by Donald John Trump. That was the case the entire time Pence was in office. Pence was forced to mimic Trump's every movement in meetings where both were present. That is abuse. Verbal abuse is known to be toxic to those in the immediate vacinity of it. Pence needed a support person to make it through the Trump presidency.

September 12, 2021
By Jack Colwell

Former (click here) Vice President Dan Quayle with Vice President Mike Pence in 2018. 

The former vice president from Indiana (click here) comes across looking very good in the long-anticipated book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa on the final months of the Trump presidency.

I’m not surprised.

The former vice president looking so good is Dan Quayle, not Mike Pence.

Excerpts from the book “Peril” include revelations about Pence being less resolute than previously portrayed in refusing to overturn election certification and how Quayle helped to stiffen Pence’s backbone, telling him to do the right thing in a phone conversation prior to Jan. 6...

...Pence pleaded that Quayle didn’t know the position he was in, with pressure from Trump.

“I do know the position you’re in,” Quayle responded. “I also know what the law is.”

When Pence suggested there might be something to Trump’s claim of election fraud in Arizona, Quayle stomped on it, saying, “Mike, I live in Arizona. There’s nothing out here.”...