He stated tonight that ? we ? have to change the culture of the United States. Really?

John McCain is a zealot. He nor anyone he represents has the RIGHT to simply DECIDE to change the culture of the United States. Where does he get off?
He represents everything "W"rong with this country. He represents tax cuts that drives up deficits, he actually believes people and small businesses that earn a QUARTER of a MILLION dollars US annually should not carry their fair share of taxes, he advocates supposed health care reform that will destroy the minimalist benefit programs we have now, he represents more war at any cost, and more Bush policies.
There was a time in the USA when our State Department negotiated trade policy with any country requiring social supports that demanded insurance to the integrity of workers and citizens, namely environmental regulations and worker safety measures. It was standard. Today, the Repbulicans promote outsourcing while not seeking protections for workers or environmental regulations.
The Republicans demand China to stop polluting while trade with China is at record levels. YET. There are no environmental regulations demanded of China or India for that matter as a premise to trade with the USA. If the Republicans demanded environmental regulations with the intervention of the State Department when negotiating trade deals with China, they would no longer have a basis of complaint about China.
McCain rather point fingers, whine, cry and complain about China and India as the main culprits of Global Climate Change while outsourced jobs exploit the peoples of those countries and allow profits for stockholders. There are ways of engaging regulation from other countries to insure the best 'integrity' of a product which the USA imports and one of those ways is to insist on trade policies that require environmental and worker safety policies as a premise to trade.
Today, the Republicans have negotiated a nuclear deal with New Delhi, without regard for the safety of citizens or the potential pollution of the plant. What happened to a US government that makes sense rather than one that does nothing but faciliate wealth?
How India’s New Nuke Deal Might Set Off an Arms Race (click here)
By Adam B. Kushner NEWSWEEK
Published Oct 11, 2008
From the magazine issue dated Oct 20, 2008
When Congress finally approved the U.S -India nuclear deal this month, it sailed through the body with scarcely a peep. Most analysts in Washington and New Delhi hailed the move. But some observers worry the United States has just helped spark a new arms race.
People like McCain have eliminated the word decency from their vocabulary and replaced it with profit.