Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Kamala Harris is spot on about economic growth.

What happens when people buy homes? With every monthly mortgage payment rather than rent that home builds equity. When a home builds equity it creates wealth. When wealth increases so does economic well being at the individual level.

What if every working American were able to have a down payment of $25,000? That is automatic equity. What else happens when a person or family buys a house? They become part of a community with real investment in this country.

Home ownership is vital to every American to build wealth and have a future worth working toward. 

When homeless, working Americans buy a home what happens? The obvious outcome is a better community, but, the stability created by the simple act of homeownership improves the very future of children.

There is a way forward that will make life better for everyone. Stable communities, more housing on the market will end inflation, provide a work force that is not transient that will lower the demand for immigration providing our courts a much needed breather.


Homeowners pay property taxes that increase the well being of communities. Imagine that. All Americans safe and sound at home with well maintained cities and towns that can handle reasonable debt.

Kamala is spot on to the viability of our people and country.  Why is it difficult for people to admit when the lady is right?

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and …

…all those in search and rescue along Helene’s path must remember, even as president Trump did not care about the American people during COVID as he spread and propagated lies that caused greater numbers of illness and death he does not care now. He is not going to change. Sewing chaos is sport to him.

(Click here)

Every trauma and tragedy allows him to score another victory for his reelection. He wants people to believe the worse about Kamala Harris. He doesn’t care if people are isolated and confused or end up dead.

Putting lives in danger deliberately is illegal. Why is he getting away with it? Why isn’t he arrested?

Trump is still a defendant. There is such a thing as danger crime and a true threat. He is guilty of both. 

The real measure is how a person or people reacted to verbalized misinformation.  In the case of COVID many American people believed the lies and misdirection. It caused people to engage in dangerous behavior that lead to exposure and death. That is a fact.

Why allow Trump freedom of speech when in fact he is basically yelling FIRE in a crowded theater.

The incentive for broadcasting misinformation is alarming to think about and serves his personal agenda. His incentive and goals are alarming all by themselves. He wants to disrupt an election as he defames all opponents. He endangers their lives too as they seek protection while at the same reaching out to Americans along the campaign trail.

The DNC should run “An evening with Kamala” which is a town hall format. Let real Americans have their fears allaid while setting the facts straight and defeating any understanding of her lying to Americans.