Doesn't anyone, get it? I really believe there is this high level of DENIAL, even today, about the problem. It is huge. It is the most profound problem the USA faces. It is time to 'get over it.' No lobbiests on this one. Too late for negotiations about any plan to bring down CO2, the clock is running and the alarm has already sounded.
"...His (John Holdren) concern is that the United States and other nations won't slow global warming fast enough and that several "tipping points" could be fast approaching. Once such milestones are reached, such as complete loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic, it increases chances of "really intolerable consequences," he said...."
This isn't just about Polar Bears, boys and girls, this is about life on Earth. Pandering to those that moan and groan all the way to the bank is out of the question. They caused this problem, it is up to us to stop their influence and seek solutions.
I don't necessarily believe in an auction of carbon credits. Quite frankly, I don't believe in carbon CREDITS at all. It gives permission for polluters to pollute. I don't care if there are complaints that one polluter or another is going to have to raise consumer prices to counter balance their carbon emissions. That is NOT what I call 'Climate Responsiblity.'
There are NO credits for NOX or SOX. Why CO2? Regulation is what this is all about, it is what the Clean Air Act is all about and quite frankly Carbon Credits and a Carbon Tax is a horse and pony show to what really needs to happen here.
It is called REGULATING carbon dioxide emissions without a category called UNATTAINABLE.
No more coal fired plants. There is no such thing as Clean Coal Technology except on some highly paid engineer's dreamscape. There needs to be responsible energy policies and that does not necessarily mean tolerating carbon dioxide emissions for the 'sake' of some kind of ? economy ? when there are very viable alternatives otherwise.It is time to 'get real.' Life or death. That is what Climate Change is. Either we travel the path to living with Earth and its inherent dynamics or we die. Compromising and stating 'we have years to change' isn't reality, it's playing politics with life.
The USA needs to 'get over it.' Maybe the citizens of the country don't understand that real consequences are all around them. They don't link massive storms, Cat 4 and 5 hurricanes and frequent tornado outbreaks caused by Human Induction by Carbon Dioxide. Those conversations were labed TABOO by Republican Administrations. It doesn't matter through, government is supposed to take care of citizens when the facts are presented.
This legislation has to take place and it has to take place now. I can't believe those in the legislature are even playing with this issue. The infrastructure dollars are already there, it is time to 'get over it.'