Sunday, February 16, 2025

Judges need to permit immigrants…

…the right to a Green Card hearing remotely with the only designation of location bring “within the USA borders.” These required hearings are being raided by ICE. That is entrapment and wrongful arrests of legal immigrants.

Project 2025 is rolling out on schedule.

(Click here)

Trump has been lying about his participation with Project 2025. 

It is on schedule. All 900 pages of it. The Handmaids are coming soon. Russel Vought is funding 2025, but, not the USA government.

I received verbal reports that Veteran health facilities are reducing treatment and may be forced to close because of frozen funds. The veterans wanted modernized health clinics and under Trump they probably will lose them.

What does the old man white supremacist in the White House think about teen shooter?

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The murderer’s gun had a swastika engraved in the magazine. The murderer is in prison without parole. He openly admits he is racist. It may be that schools may become more dangerous with Trump in office.

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Musk is typical of his generation.

Musk trusts AI before he trusts people. Ask him to calculate Space X’s trajectory on a slide rule and then you’ll know how much of an expect he is. 

The reality that “The Marian” was based on is accurate. Frontier exploration requires mastery of science without any computers or AI. 

The complete reliance on technology into the future only creates Hal and failure.

CEO’s are frequently considered experts of their products as long as the profits to stockholders are exorbitant. That doesn’t mean anything when lives are on the line.

Capitalism and space don’t match. Never will.

Humans have to mutate to the climate of other planets before survival safeguards are in place to allow worry free living on interstellar space. Mutations for humans don’t really happen as opposed to moths. The more complex the organism is, there tends to be genetic specialization which opposes mutations and adaptation.

Look, Musk ain’t all that.

I ran across some videos spouting his so called wisdom and basically he rides technology by the seat of his pants. He is more of a businessman than engineer and he will never be a scientist or scholar. He is a populist icon that has hired talent to put together technology no one else wanted.

He is doing to Trump what he has done to all his other projects. Yes, Trump is an Elon project and why Elon’s son hates Trump. 

Elon has convinced himself he is god. Technology can do that. He believes the best thing that can happen to the USA is to replace  government workers with algorithms. No way in hell will that be an improvement. Ask yourself how many times in a day are you waiting for computers to do THEIR job. Algorithms can be controlled and by a handful of people. Musk’s attack on NASA is a direct assault on the country’s national security. 

DOGE can be replaced with people that can evaluate the practical application of technology and roll it out incrementally to be certain it works well.

NASA can have private contractors to assist with it’s work, but, this is proof of the idiocy of a Trumpland ambition.

Musk hasn’t been involved with the important meetings with NASA that include the national security of the USA AND allies. This entire mess is an outrage!

Imagine Starlink replacing every defense satellite the military owns. Musk lost an entire shipment of Starlink to a solar storm because HE and HIS TEAM never got the launch date right to avoid the folly. NASA knew better than to fight a solar storm and the scientists at the Goddard Space Space Flight Center (click here) were the first to state the solar wind makes living in space life threatening and will cause death.

Musk likes to ignore his huge, expensive, and COMPROMISING mistakes and simply move on to the next folly. The USA can’t afford Musk flying by the seat of his CEO pants. His mistakes will destroy this county and add to the deficit.

When President Kennedy launched the space program it was in reaction to Sputnik. The USA space program continued with manned missions because of Yuri Gagarin. The purpose of NASA’s number 1 mission has always been national defense. Musk has too much conflict of interest and doesn’t have “the chops” to know what is vital to national defense and what isn’t. 

Example: Musk and Space X doesn’t have a clue about national defense and can be done away with as partners to any space program. How grand it must have been to hire novice engineers while OCCUPYING NASA’s paid for infrastructure.

Oh, I don’t think so.

Ban private space companies from all NASA meetings and properties. Congress needs to act.

Musk has to be brought up in charges. NASA is VITAL to our national defense.

NASA is a hell of a lot more important than some damn Mars rovers.

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Transgender need a sanctuary

This murder is a direct result of hate bred by Trump’s agenda.

It was one thing to hate under the umbrella of a political campaign, but, then the monster was elected and promising pardons to criminals that commit violence so the carnage started. After all torturing a transgender is appropriate to bring about their real gender. Their natural gender. The gender that God gave them.

Transgender ALLOWANCE is what threatens a child’s identity to later they be eaten by Democrats. No schooling transgender children as their parents and doctors are all misguided WOKE jerks.

So when torturing Sam Nordquist wasn’t working killing him off seemed appropriate to cull the population.

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