Nine (click title to entry - thank you) of the top ten warmest years in the modern
meteorological record have occurred since the year 2000. Last year was another one of them, coming in at 9th warmest since 1880....
1880 is an interesting choice. Ever hear of The Industrial Revolution?
1859: Edwin Drake drills first oil well (click here) in Titusville, Pennsylvania - start of commercial exploitation of petroleum.
Amazing, 1859 and the world is STILL using oil as a form of energy. I don't really call that an improvement.
1860: Road Locomotives Act restricts speed of road vehicles to 5mph.
5 mph. Hm.
Horses speed varies with their stride length,(click here) body build, and other factors, but here is a basic idea of how fast-- in miles per hour-- horses move at their various gaits:
Walk: Roughly 3-4 MPH. A pleasure show horse can go as slow as 2 mph. Gaited horses-- who do not trot-- can do a 'running walk' as fast as 15 mph.
Trot: The trot is roughly 8-10 MPH. Again, a shorter striding horse could trot slower, and a horse with a long stride could move faster.
Canter/Lope: 10-17 MPH.
Gallop: This depends on the horse's condition and athletic ability. Some horses are not built to run fast an may only do a fast canter at their best; however, the gallop is about 30 mph. Thoroughbreds, which are bred for running distance but not speed, have been clocked at over 40 MPH. Quarter horses, bred and raced for short distances at speed, can reach 50 MPH in short bursts according to the AQHA's website.
Why bother? An engine was that important and an improvement? Well, I guess it all had to start somewhere. Like Alternative Sources of Energy, huh?
1861: Start of the American Civil War, cutting off raw cotton imports from the Southern states of the US and bringing three years of short time and hunger for Lancashire cotton workers.
I think it was the hunger that really pissed them off. Capitalism is a bitch.
There ya go, carbon deposits in the air from sea to shining sea.
1876: Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) patents the telephone - and predicts that, one day, "every city in the United States will have one.".
Who knew it would set the world free via Twitter?
Nicholas August Otto's gas engine becomes prototype for the modern internal combustion engine.
The Internal Combustion Engine, what did they know and when did they know it?
1877: Jesse Boot opens chemist's shop in Nottingham, using mass-selling techniques to found the first chain stores.
Good ole' Jesse Boot, what would Wall Street do without him?
1879: Tay Bridge disaster in Scotland - 70 die as bridge collapses while train is crossing.
You mean to tell me there were no engineers that didn't see this coming? Wow. I guess that is when 'triangles' became a fascinating engineering miracle.
1880: Invention of electric light bulb.
1884: Charles Parsons patents the steam turbine.
1885: Karl Benz produces his first petrol-powered motor car. Welsbach invents the incandescent gas mantle.

1888: Nikola Tesla invents the alternating-current electric motor.
George Eastman designs the hand-held Kodak camera.
Digital is the trend today. I still have my 24 mm cameras. I use them all the time.
John Boyd Dunlop invents the pneumatic tire.
Amazing what they can do with rubber. What was old is new again. Bicycles is where it's at for many people in the year 2012. There are bicycle lanes all over the cities these days. Dunlop would be proud.
1892: Rudolf Diesel patents his heavy-oil engine.
There is those new diesel standards by then EPA Secretary Christi Whitman.
Hey, R-E-G-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S. Considering Nixon passed the Clean Air Act it would seem Obama is more Republican that anyone care to say. In the recent decades in the Republican camp it takes a woman to realize how important it is to actually breath clean air. Lungs are important. Unfortunately increased allowances in arsenic by Bush on the first day of office actually can be a cause of lung cancer. So, if a President wants to promote cigarette smoking and deter lawsuits for lung cancer, confusing the issue by increasing allowable arsenic levels in community water supplies was an interesting move on Bush's part. Just one of those things that happens when Republicans are in control He wasn't a smoker by the way, but, he was a recovered alcoholic.
May 24, 2003
WASHINGTON — In an administration committed to reducing regulations, (click here) Christie Whitman won approval of some of the toughest antipollution rules put forward in recent years.
During her nearly 2 1/2 years as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Whitman won approval of three sets of strict regulations governing harmful pollutants from diesel-powered vehicles....
1880, interesting time in the world. Best estimate of global population was in 1850 (the half decade) when it was 1,171,000. Imagine that? A million and three quarters was the population in 1850. In 1880, there were 50 million throughout North America. There were considerable tropical forests and jungles then, too.