This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, September 07, 2019
If harassing a National Weather Service in Birmingham, Alabama was to prove his competency Trump hasn't accomplished the task of his paranoia.
This is troubling news. Alabama was never going to be damaged by a deadly severe hurricane. There were a few computer lines that showed Dorian going into Alabama. There is much more than a computer line that goes into weather prediction.
This website reasonably discusses weather (click here), including the place where direct solar rays fall.
l. Solar Distance
2. Laditudinal Location
3. Air Pressure
4. Water Presence
There is an entirely different language used by meteorologists to illustrate what the weather is doing. One particular word is "wind shear." That has an impact on hurricanes.
National Weather Service Glossary (click here)
This glossary contains information on more than 2000 terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the NWS. Many of these terms and abbreviations are used by NWS forecasters to communicate between each other and have been in use for many years and before many NWS products were directly available to the public. It is the purpose of this glossary to aid the general public in better understanding NWS products.
Each one of those terms carries a clear understanding to what impacts weather. Weather prediction is not simple and when it comes to the USA National Weather Service, there is another word in the glossary, POPULATION EFFECTED.
The women and men that work for the National Weather Service always have in mind that their predictions effect the population of the USA. They also realize when weather prediction is made it carries with it expenses in using USA assets to protect people and their property. That also means a deep respect for people like Mayors, Governors and the National Guard. The decisions about predictions of the National Weather Service carries a great deal of brevity and the CORRECTNESS is vital.
When Dorian first raised concerns for landfall of the USA it was still uncertain, hence, the computer models were mostly the same but in that sameness, there were models that were all over the place. It is the JOB of CLEAR THINKING EXPERTS to sift through ALL the information, including the direct rays of the sun, and make their best prediction. When those factors were brought together, regardless of some computer models, Alabama did not fall into the "Cone of Uncertainty."
I stop to reflect on the correctness of the prediction of the National Weather Service and it did a remarkable job ONCE AGAIN.
President Trump is wrong. Very wrong. His wild ideas of where the prediction should have fallen are typical of his shoot from the hip attitude. I sometimes write about my observations, but, I do have credentials and training. I do not have the lab information the National Weather Service has and will NEVER claim to know what they know. I raise questions, not statements. I raise questions because I am not absolutely sure about those observations and statements. I can only hope to match the prediction ability of the National Weather Service. I am also anxious to save as many lives as possible and I do not hold back in commenting when that comment is not being heard otherwise.
The map President Trump showed with a marker to include Alabama was irresponsible. It was in retrospect to reality and served absolutely no purpose. The National Weather Service was clearly correct in their assessments, even when some of the directions of Dorian were a surprise. They incorporated the new information and went forward PROTECTING AS MANY LIVES POSSIBLE AND PRUDENTLY ADVISING GOVERNMENT DECISIONS MAKERS THAT WOULD DEPLOY ASSETS AVAILABLE TO THEM.
The weather happens to every one of us every day. It can be fun to talk about the weather. But, the talk has to stop when it highly insults the process of the National Weather Service and their very, very WISE predictions.
The country needs to realize it has one of the best predictions centers in the world. There is no reason to doubt their predictions. It is important that status stay intact to the future of the country.
September 6, 2019
By Seth Borenstein and Kevin Freking
Washington — A federal agency (click here) reversed course Friday on the question of whether President Donald Trump tweeted stale information about Hurricane Dorian potentially hitting Alabama, upsetting meteorologists around the country.
On Sunday, Trump had warned that Alabama, along with the Carolinas and Georgia, was "most likely to be hit (much) harder than anticipated."
The National Weather Service in Birmingham, Alabama, tweeted in response: "Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east."
This website reasonably discusses weather (click here), including the place where direct solar rays fall.
l. Solar Distance
2. Laditudinal Location
3. Air Pressure
4. Water Presence
There is an entirely different language used by meteorologists to illustrate what the weather is doing. One particular word is "wind shear." That has an impact on hurricanes.
National Weather Service Glossary (click here)
This glossary contains information on more than 2000 terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the NWS. Many of these terms and abbreviations are used by NWS forecasters to communicate between each other and have been in use for many years and before many NWS products were directly available to the public. It is the purpose of this glossary to aid the general public in better understanding NWS products.
Each one of those terms carries a clear understanding to what impacts weather. Weather prediction is not simple and when it comes to the USA National Weather Service, there is another word in the glossary, POPULATION EFFECTED.
The women and men that work for the National Weather Service always have in mind that their predictions effect the population of the USA. They also realize when weather prediction is made it carries with it expenses in using USA assets to protect people and their property. That also means a deep respect for people like Mayors, Governors and the National Guard. The decisions about predictions of the National Weather Service carries a great deal of brevity and the CORRECTNESS is vital.
When Dorian first raised concerns for landfall of the USA it was still uncertain, hence, the computer models were mostly the same but in that sameness, there were models that were all over the place. It is the JOB of CLEAR THINKING EXPERTS to sift through ALL the information, including the direct rays of the sun, and make their best prediction. When those factors were brought together, regardless of some computer models, Alabama did not fall into the "Cone of Uncertainty."
I stop to reflect on the correctness of the prediction of the National Weather Service and it did a remarkable job ONCE AGAIN.
President Trump is wrong. Very wrong. His wild ideas of where the prediction should have fallen are typical of his shoot from the hip attitude. I sometimes write about my observations, but, I do have credentials and training. I do not have the lab information the National Weather Service has and will NEVER claim to know what they know. I raise questions, not statements. I raise questions because I am not absolutely sure about those observations and statements. I can only hope to match the prediction ability of the National Weather Service. I am also anxious to save as many lives as possible and I do not hold back in commenting when that comment is not being heard otherwise.
The map President Trump showed with a marker to include Alabama was irresponsible. It was in retrospect to reality and served absolutely no purpose. The National Weather Service was clearly correct in their assessments, even when some of the directions of Dorian were a surprise. They incorporated the new information and went forward PROTECTING AS MANY LIVES POSSIBLE AND PRUDENTLY ADVISING GOVERNMENT DECISIONS MAKERS THAT WOULD DEPLOY ASSETS AVAILABLE TO THEM.
The weather happens to every one of us every day. It can be fun to talk about the weather. But, the talk has to stop when it highly insults the process of the National Weather Service and their very, very WISE predictions.
The country needs to realize it has one of the best predictions centers in the world. There is no reason to doubt their predictions. It is important that status stay intact to the future of the country.
September 6, 2019
By Seth Borenstein and Kevin Freking
Washington — A federal agency (click here) reversed course Friday on the question of whether President Donald Trump tweeted stale information about Hurricane Dorian potentially hitting Alabama, upsetting meteorologists around the country.
On Sunday, Trump had warned that Alabama, along with the Carolinas and Georgia, was "most likely to be hit (much) harder than anticipated."
The National Weather Service in Birmingham, Alabama, tweeted in response: "Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east."
Trump's sanity is in question.
The 25th Amendment only takes a majority regardless of the "Acting" status of so many leading the Executive Branch offices. That means if there are only three confirmed members to the President's Cabinet, two will be a majority.
There must be some degree of intolerance in the Cabinet when leadership has been winnowed by Trump to only a few. That is not a competent administration.
Section 4.
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

President Donald Trump's aides and confidants (click here) are growing more and more worried about his mental state after days of erratic behavior, wild outbursts, and bizarre fixations.
"No one knows what to expect from him anymore," one former White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations about the president, told Insider.
They added: "His mood changes from one minute to the next based on some headline or tweet, and the next thing you know his entire schedule gets tossed out the window because he's losing his s---."
The president's advisers are particularly worried about his stubborn refusal to acknowledge that a tweet he sent over the weekend claiming that Alabama was going to be hit by Hurricane Dorian was false. They believe that his frustration is compounded by stress about the 2020 election and the economy's recent downturn.
"People are used to the president saying things that aren't true, but this Alabama stuff is another story," the former official said. "This was the president sending out patently false information about a national-emergency situation as it was unfolding."...
Americans are STILL waiting for an improved quality of life and the ABILITY to accumulate wealth.
August 21, 2019
By Danial Uria
Aug. 21 - The total amount of household debt in the United States (click here) has grown for the 20th consecutive quarter and student loans have become the most prevalent type of "severely derogatory" debt, new statistics show.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York said in its quarterly report household debt climbed by nearly $200 billion in the second quarter, to nearly $14 trillion.
Not only has rising student debt become the most defaulted, the New York Fed classified the spike over the last few years as "stunning."
"The outstanding severely derogatory balance is comprised of 35 percent defaulted student loans, which have grown stunningly since 2012," the report states.
The New York Fed defines "severely derogatory" as any kind of delinquent loan -- along with repossession, foreclosure or charge off -- meaning the lender has removed a debt from its books....
Since 2011, the cost of living has been 2.3 percent. This year it will be between 1.8 and 2.1 percent.
Starting in mid-2018, the long-awaited pick-up in wage growth seems to have arrived. In January 2019, wages grew by 3.2% year-over-year, up from the general 2.6-2.8% range wage growth had been hovering from mid-2016 to mid-2018.
Cost of living affects everyone, not just seniors. That means the wage increase in 2018-2019 is significantly lower when realizing the cost of living has been by 2.3 percent.
Therefore, 3.2 - 2.3 = 0.9 percent. The ACTUAL wage increase in the USA was LESS THAN ONE PERCENT. I don't see the poor and working poor at all improving their quality of life.
September 6, 2019
By Gina Heeb
American companies slashed thousands of jobs last month (click here) because of the yearlong trade dispute between the Trump administration and China, according to a new report.
Employers announced plans to cut 10,488 positions throughout August because of "trade difficulties," the staffing firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said in a monthly release on Thursday.
The report appeared to highlight lower confidence among investors and employers who expected a slowdown in demand for products and services, said Andrew Challenger, the vice president of Challenger, Gray & Christmas...
Is a month in prison and a fine of $20 thousand fine a deterrent?
September 6, 2019
By Raechal Shewfelt
By Danial Uria
Aug. 21 - The total amount of household debt in the United States (click here) has grown for the 20th consecutive quarter and student loans have become the most prevalent type of "severely derogatory" debt, new statistics show.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York said in its quarterly report household debt climbed by nearly $200 billion in the second quarter, to nearly $14 trillion.
Not only has rising student debt become the most defaulted, the New York Fed classified the spike over the last few years as "stunning."
"The outstanding severely derogatory balance is comprised of 35 percent defaulted student loans, which have grown stunningly since 2012," the report states.
The New York Fed defines "severely derogatory" as any kind of delinquent loan -- along with repossession, foreclosure or charge off -- meaning the lender has removed a debt from its books....
Since 2011, the cost of living has been 2.3 percent. This year it will be between 1.8 and 2.1 percent.
Starting in mid-2018, the long-awaited pick-up in wage growth seems to have arrived. In January 2019, wages grew by 3.2% year-over-year, up from the general 2.6-2.8% range wage growth had been hovering from mid-2016 to mid-2018.
Cost of living affects everyone, not just seniors. That means the wage increase in 2018-2019 is significantly lower when realizing the cost of living has been by 2.3 percent.
Therefore, 3.2 - 2.3 = 0.9 percent. The ACTUAL wage increase in the USA was LESS THAN ONE PERCENT. I don't see the poor and working poor at all improving their quality of life.
September 6, 2019
By Gina Heeb
American companies slashed thousands of jobs last month (click here) because of the yearlong trade dispute between the Trump administration and China, according to a new report.
Employers announced plans to cut 10,488 positions throughout August because of "trade difficulties," the staffing firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said in a monthly release on Thursday.
The report appeared to highlight lower confidence among investors and employers who expected a slowdown in demand for products and services, said Andrew Challenger, the vice president of Challenger, Gray & Christmas...
Is a month in prison and a fine of $20 thousand fine a deterrent?
September 6, 2019
By Raechal Shewfelt
Felicity Huffman will spend a month in prison (click here) for her part in the college admissions scandal, if federal prosecutors have their way.
They filed a court document Friday asking that Huffman also face a year of supervised release and pay a $20,000 fine.
“Her efforts weren’t driven by need or desperation, but by a sense of entitlement, or at least moral cluelessness, facilitated by wealth and insularity,” prosecutors argued in the filing, per NBC News....
Students of poor and working poor parents have the opportunity to be used by for profit higher education.
September 6, 2019
By Aarthi Swaminathan
Democrats are criticizing new rules (click here) by the Department of Education (DOE) that will tighten how students of defunct for-profit colleges can claim debt relief.
The rules — set to come into effect on July 1, 2020 — could cut off more students who have attended for-profit colleges shut down and would then be eligible to have their student loans cancelled.
“When shady for-profit colleges cheat students, those students are entitled to get their student loans cancelled,” U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tweeted on Wednesday. “That’s the law. I’m disgusted that [Education Secretary Betsy DeVos] is making it harder for defrauded students to have their loans discharged.”
Warren, who has called for a broad cancellation of student debt, previously called DeVos “the worst Secretary of Education we’ve seen.”
Experts in the field argued that the DOE’s latest move demonstrated how DeVos consistently pandered to the interests of for-profit colleges....
Students of poor and working poor parents have the opportunity to be used by for profit higher education.
September 6, 2019
By Aarthi Swaminathan
Democrats are criticizing new rules (click here) by the Department of Education (DOE) that will tighten how students of defunct for-profit colleges can claim debt relief.
The rules — set to come into effect on July 1, 2020 — could cut off more students who have attended for-profit colleges shut down and would then be eligible to have their student loans cancelled.
“When shady for-profit colleges cheat students, those students are entitled to get their student loans cancelled,” U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tweeted on Wednesday. “That’s the law. I’m disgusted that [Education Secretary Betsy DeVos] is making it harder for defrauded students to have their loans discharged.”
Warren, who has called for a broad cancellation of student debt, previously called DeVos “the worst Secretary of Education we’ve seen.”
Experts in the field argued that the DOE’s latest move demonstrated how DeVos consistently pandered to the interests of for-profit colleges....
The Bahamians are stating their government failed them. I think the failure of humanity is obvious when it comes to island nations facing down these storms. I want to know if the USA turned down the opportunity to save lives. Why weren't USA transports deployed to evacuate people from these islands? These islands are allies and it appears to me there was gross neglect of USA responsibility.
I am certain there has to be treaties that exist, including those of humanitarian doctrines that were violated. This is the second time for the USA. Puerto Rico was the first island territory completely neglected and the deaths were in the thousands. It is something that needs to be examined.
I do believe there are still missing persons. That will be the case in the islands hit by Dorian. People get washed away in these storms. The missing need to be included in the death count as well.
The land that is underwater now may not surface again. The erosion during the storm and sea level rise may have removed any land. Geography has changed.
I am certain there has to be treaties that exist, including those of humanitarian doctrines that were violated. This is the second time for the USA. Puerto Rico was the first island territory completely neglected and the deaths were in the thousands. It is something that needs to be examined.
I do believe there are still missing persons. That will be the case in the islands hit by Dorian. People get washed away in these storms. The missing need to be included in the death count as well.
The land that is underwater now may not surface again. The erosion during the storm and sea level rise may have removed any land. Geography has changed.
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