February 12, 2005
By conti2005
The Revolt and the Revolting
In God I Trust, Everyone Else I Monitor Dirty Politics
February 15, 2005
By Steve Freeman and Josh Mitteldorf
Recall the Election Day (click here) exit polls that suggested John Kerry had won a convincing victory? The media readily dismissed those polls and little has been heard about them since.
Many Americans, however, were suspicious. Although President Bush prevailed by 3 million votes in the official, tallied vote count, exit polls had projected a margin of victory of 5 million votes for Kerry. This unexplained 8 million vote discrepancy between the election night exit polls and the official count should raise a Chinese May Day of red flags.
The U.S. voting system is more vulnerable to manipulation than most Americans realize. Technologies such as electronic voting machines provide no confirmation that votes are counted as cast, and highly partisan election officials have the power to suppress votes and otherwise distort the count....
...Grasping at explanations
Last November in the United States, as in Ukraine, the discrepancy between the presidential exit polls and the tallied count was far beyond the margin for error. At the time, Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International, the two companies hired to do the polling for the National Election Pool (a consortium of the nation’s five major broadcasters and the Associated Press), didn’t provide an explanation for how this happened. They promised, however, that a full explanation would be forthcoming.
On Jan. 19, on the eve of the inauguration, Edison and Mitofsky released their report, “Evaluation of Edison/Mitofsky Election System 2004,” which generated headlines such as MSNBC’s “Exit Polls Prove That Bush Won.” But, the report does nothing of the sort. It restates a thesis that the pollsters previously intimated—that the discrepancy was “most likely due to Kerry voters participating in the exit polls at a higher rate than Bush voters.” But the body of the report offers no data to substantiate this position. In fact, data presented in the report serve to rebut the thesis, and bolster suspicions that the official vote count was way, way off.
The report states that the difference between exit polls and official tallies was far too great to be explained by chance (“sampling error”), and that a systematic bias is implicated.
With that statement the pollsters confirm the discrepancy we initially documented. The exit polls were based on more than 70,000 confidential questionnaires completed by randomly selected voters as they exited the polling place. The overall margin of error should have been under 1 percent. But the official result deviated from the poll projections by more than 5 percent—a statistical impossibility....
Corollary evidence
The exit polls themselves are a strong indicator of a corrupted election. Moreover, the exit poll discrepancy must be interpreted in the context of more than 100,000 officially logged reports of irregularities during Election Day 2004. For many Americans, if not most, mass-scale fraud in a U.S. presidential election is an unthinkable possibility. But taken together, the allegations, the subsequently documented irregularities, systematic vulnerabilities, and implausible numbers suggest a coherent story of fraud and deceit....
...Apparently, the pollsters at Mitofsky and Edison have found it more expedient to provide an explanation unsupported by theory, data or precedent than to impugn the machinery of American democracy. Unfortunately, their patrons in the media find it correspondingly preferable to latch onto a non-confrontational thesis, however implausible, than to even suggest the possibility of foul play.
A comprehensive analysis of the Edison/Mitofsky report has been posted here.
Below is an opinion by an anonymous source on this day in an alternative news media:
When Elections Go Bad Elections were always laced here and there with tails of wrong doing of one kind or another, but, in the year 2000 the humor left and scandal ridden voter irregularities became the focus of people who had no control over the outcome of an election they knew was rigged in one way or another.
And let's face it, Florida 2000 is a scandalous outcome. Bigoted and controlled to enforce that bigotry. So here we are in the year 2005 still digesting the results of November while accepting that election will go down in history as 'The Time when America nearly dissolved it's Constitution or still might.'
I've pondered whether voter irregularities (which is something that sounds like one needs a laxative for) was actually worse or whether it just never showed up so dramatically. Statistically, there are more voters voting so the incidence is bound to go up. In addition, Bush's cronies got their fair amount of 'chronic change' winning money bids that brought atrocities like computer balloting.
So, all in all when one takes a look at the margin of error, especially in Ohio where a 'patch' was actually applied to the software in at least forty districts after the fact to seal it during a recount, it is safe to say 'THE ELECTIONS OF 2004 WERE THROWN.' In true statistical form, the smaller the populous studied when a polling irregularity is at play the greater the chaos and the less realistic the outcome. THAT, in opinion is what is being witnessed with these smaller elections where the 'error' or 'irregularity' in the method of polliing (which is a statistical process) is notably and outrageously lacking an understanding of common ground.
There is no clear path of resolution as the 'enormity' of the 'irregularity' has to play so much into a national voting pool that the smaller ones spun out hideous results. While Bush only won by 2.4% of the over all popular vote, he won by less than 100,000 votes in Ohio. I don't believe the results of this election was fair. I believe there was a lot of problems where they shouldn't have been.
I don't believe in the democratic process in the USA anymore, it just doesn't work out on paper for me. The to realize the democracy itself is under attack by the very people elected just cements my belief in disbelief. Explain it away if you like. The courts have ruled to make sense of nonsense. But in the bigger picture when one realizes all the issues at play including the corruptable ads and propaganda media of this election; "The United States of America no longer has a democracy." THE USA IS FOR SALE and the deficit proves it. Coalition anyone?