The Rooster and his Chicks of the Month

This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Long before there was Katrina there was awareness. Today George Walker Bush stated, "I don't know what causes these storms." Lies and deceptions roll out of his mouth like water off a duck's back. He's president? It shows !
Global Warming Is Expected To Raise Hurricane Intensity
By ANDREW C. REVKIN (NYT) 651 words
Published: September 30, 2004
Global warming is likely to produce a significant increase in the intensity and rainfall of hurricanes in coming decades, according to the most comprehensive computer analysis done so far.
By the 2080's, seas warmed by rising atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases could cause a typical hurricane to intensify about an extra half step on the five-step scale of destructive power, says the study, done on supercomputers at the Commerce Department's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J. And rainfall up to 60 miles from the core would be nearly 20 percent more intense.
Other computer modeling efforts have also predicted that hurricanes will grow stronger and wetter as a result of global warming. But this study is particularly significant, independent experts said, because it used half a dozen computer simulations of global climate, devised by separate groups at institutions around the world. The long-term trends it identifies are independent of the normal lulls and surges in hurricane activity that have been on display in recent decades.
The study was published online on Tuesday by The Journal of Climate and can be found at
The new study of hurricanes and warming ''is by far and away the most comprehensive effort'' to assess the question using powerful computer simulations, said Dr. Kerry A. Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has seen the paper but did not work on it. About the link between the warming of tropical oceans and storm intensity, he said, ''This clinches the issue.''
Dr. Emanuel and the study's authors cautioned that it was too soon to know whether hurricanes would form more or less frequently in a warmer world. Even as seas warm, for example, accelerating high-level winds can shred the towering cloud formations of a tropical storm.
But the authors said that even if the number of storms simply stayed the same, the increased intensity would substantially increase their potential for destruction.
Experts also said that rising sea levels caused by global warming would lead to more flooding from hurricanes -- a point underlined at the United Nations this week by leaders of several small island nations, who pleaded for more attention to the potential for devastation from tidal surges.
The new study used four climate centers' mathematical approximations of the physics by which ocean heat fuels tropical storms.
With almost every combination of greenhouse-warmed oceans and atmosphere and formulas for storm dynamics, the results were the same: more powerful storms and more rainfall, said Robert Tuleya, one of the paper's two authors. He is a hurricane expert who recently retired after 31 years at the fluid dynamics laboratory and teaches at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. The other author was Dr. Thomas R. Knutson of the Princeton laboratory.
Altogether, the researchers spawned around 1,300 virtual hurricanes using a more powerful version of the same supercomputer simulations that generates Commerce Department forecasts of the tracks and behavior of real hurricanes.
Dr. James B. Elsner, a hurricane expert at Florida State University who was among the first to predict the recent surge in Atlantic storm activity, said the new study was a significant step in examining the impacts of a warmer future.
But like Dr. Emanuel, he also emphasized that the extraordinary complexity of the oceans and atmosphere made any scientific progress ''baby steps toward a final answer.''
Bush allies secure post-Katrina rebuilding contracts
Companies with ties to the White House and the former head of FEMA have clinched some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.
One is Shaw Group and the other is Halliburton-subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR). Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.
The wind at Hillary's back
William Rees-Mogg
After the chaos of Katrina, the Clinton advance on the White House is looking unstoppable
HAS KATRINA made Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States? No, because her campaign was already rolling ahead in the month before the hurricane. But Katrina, and the slow response, may have been the final blow to Republican prospects for the election of 2008.
First of all Hillary will have to win the Democratic nomination. Here one can only quote from the jingoist song: “She’s got the ships, she’s got the men, she’s got the money, too.” Hillary has the Clinton organisation behind her — the only powerful presidential machine the Democrats have created since Ted Kennedy folded his tent in 1982. As the Bush family has shown, it takes a presidential machine to win presidential elections. That is why political dynasties become so powerful in the United States.
Australia to deport anti-Halliburton peace activist
CANBERRA, Australia A Houston man who participated in a recent protest against Halliburton has been labeled a national security threat and is set to be deported from Australia.
Scott Parkin was interviewed on national television as one of the leaders of a street protest in Sydney. It was against Halliburton's commercial interests in war-torn Iraq.
Attorney General Philip Ruddock said today that Parkin's tourist visa was canceled because of security concerns.
Enterprise Management World: IT standards matter, says Bechtel exec
'We're looking for plug and play within our organization,' says Fred Wettling
News Story by Patrick Thibodeau
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SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 (COMPUTERWORLD) - BETHESDA, Md. -- IT vendors that don't meet technology standards have little chance of getting Bechtel Corp.'s business.
"We're looking for plug and play within our organization," Fred Wettling, technology strategy manager at San Francisco-based Bechtel, said at the Enterprise Management World conference here. And one that the company is particularly interested in is the Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) standard.
New Orleans contracts mired in cronyism claims
By Torcuil Crichton
Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration’s first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W Bush’s former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.
One is Shaw Group Inc and the other is Halliburton Co subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice president Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.
Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp, has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel’s CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Sharon Bush wins court battle
A judge dismisses a slander lawsuit against the president's former sister-in-law
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle
A Houston judge has dismissed a slander lawsuit accusing the ex-wife of one of President Bush's brothers of spreading rumors that he fathered a child by another woman while he was married.
The ruling by state District Judge Randy Wilson on Friday was a victory for Sharon Bush, former wife of Neil Bush. It ended a bitter, two-year battle over a lawsuit filed by the former husband of Bush's then-mistress.
"Mrs. Bush obviously feels vindicated and feels as though the entire matter was in bad faith," her attorney, David Berg, said Monday.
Protesters express anger, sadness
Viewers walk through a mock graveyard, an exhibit at Sunday's protest.
Staff Writer
September 13, 2005
Hundreds of people gathered on Flagstaff Hill Sunday to honor the victims of September 11, 2001, and to support a national campaign to bring the troops home from Iraq.
Nancy Lessin, co-founder of Military Families Speak Out, said that she mourned with all those who lost their loved ones four years ago.
"Mourn for the dead, but fight like hell for the living," Lessin said.
Almost two weeks after Cindy Sheehan gained national attention for camping outside President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, three buses left the state en route to Washington, D.C., to try to convince more people to speak out against the war.
Fallen soldier's mother makes tour
Cindy Sheehan addresses a crowd of anti-war protesters Sunday on Flagstaff Hill.
For The Pitt News
September 13, 2005
Cindy Sheehan, the mother of U.S. soldier Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq, and prominent leader of the "Bring Them Home Now" tour, visited Pittsburgh as part of the "Camp Neil" Memorial and Rally Sunday.
Sheehan continued her message of peace and her strong desire to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq, a message that she began sending last month while camped outside of President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Mr. Bush, How on Earth you Can Call Yourself a Problem-Solver
Last week, at a press conference, President Bush had the gall to say, “We’re problem-solvers.” Nonsense, No president has made and worsened problems than GW Bush. He has solved no problems, and has created problems that will dog our nation for decades.
What has GW Bush done?
1. He has destroyed some of the world’s most important environmental protections through his corrupt “clean air act.” What it did was to allow polluters more freedom and fewer penalties in order to allow them to pollute more in America.
2. He destroyed the progress that had been made on the Kyoto Treaty to help clean up the world’s pollution problems. He also bullied other nations not to sign the Kyoto Treaty; this helped kill it as a world-wide policy.
3. He antagonized the entire Arab and Muslim worlds through his rhetoric, his brutality in Iraq and his continued calling Muslims (without proof or evidence), “terrorists.” He also allowed the fundamentalist John Ashcroft to penalize Muslim charities in America and in the world—all without evidence or probative proof—merely by assertion. No lawyer in the world could get away with using allegation as proof!
Black college decline puts heat on Bush's policy
TALLAHASSEE -- New figures show fewer black students are attending Florida universities than in the past seven years -- ammunition for critics of Gov Jeb Bush's 5-year-old policy excluding race in admissions.
The decline comes despite continued growth in the overall student population -- a 3.1 percent increase to nearly 282,000 students, according to Friday's figures.
"We need to find out what's going on," said David Griffin, a trustee for the historically black Florida A&M University.
Bush has celebrated freshmen enrollment numbers to rebuff criticism of his One Florida plan, which barred universities from using race in admission decisions. In its place, the state installed the Talented 20 program, which guarantees a spot at a state university to those in the top 20 percent of their senior classes.
Bush Cronies Tapped For Katrina Reconstruction Contracts…
Reuters Posted September 12, 2005 11:55 AM
Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W. Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.
A Very, Very Good Idea___“Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney
Ben Marble, a Gulfport resident who says he’s a doctor, had the guts to wade int
“Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney,” Marble screamed just off camera as the event played out live on CNN. “Go fuck yourself you asshole!”
Secret Service agents subdued Marble and CNN yanked the video off its web site but copies of it float around the Internet and Marble, who’s homeless after Katrina destroyed his Gulfport home, is offering a copy for sale on EBay.
Republicans, of course, jumped in with carefully-crafted indignation over Marble’s “inappropriate remarks” to Cheney, forgetting the Vice President used the same words to tell off a Senator just last year.
Cheney fundraiser for Talent canceled
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A major St. Louis fundraiser for Missouri Sen. Jim Talent that was set for Sept. 19 has been postponed because of Hurricane Katrina.
The event, which was to feature Vice President Dick Cheney, will be rescheduled, Talent spokesman Rich Chrismer said Monday.
THE BUZZ: Cheney buying home?
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The Kansas City Star
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St. Michaels, Md., is abuzz that Vice President Dick Cheney might buy a $2.9 million waterfront home not far from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s home. The purchase couldn’t officially be confirmed, but Police Chief Ed Henry even referred to the property as “Cheney’s house.”
It’s a 9-acre estate with ornamental pools and extensive gardens. Real estate company owner Charles Mangold told The Washington Post: “It’s under contract, but he hasn’t settled yet.”
The home was built in about 1930, possibly by one of Thomas Edison’s daughters.
Nora Ephron: The Curious Incident of the Veep in the Summertime
Nora Ephron Mon Sep 12, 3:41 AM ET
For some time I've been wondering whether anyone is going to explain the true mystery of what happened after Hurricane Katrina struck. I read thousands of words on the subject in this morning’s New York Times, and I still don’t get it. Where was the President? And more to the point, where was the Vice President? And don’t tell me Crawford Texas and on a ranch in Wyoming. For days there was an absolute vacuum at the top. Why? What was going on?
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You’ll be happy to hear that I have a theory. Is it possible that the President and the Vice President have fallen out? I mean, I’m just asking. But if you remember September 11, 2001 -- and I’m sure you do -- the President had no idea what to do, but the Vice President did. The Vice President took over. He didn’t even consult with the President. He put the President on Air Force One and the President spent the day flying from one airport to another, which was something that even the President eventually understood made him look as if he wasn’t in charge.
Congress probes hurricane clean-up contracts
Oliver Morgan, industrial editor
Sunday September 11, 2005
The Observer
A powerful investigative agency of the US Congress is to investigate the award of contracts by the Bush administration for emergency and reconstruction work in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
The Government Accounting Office, which monitors public spending, is to audit the contracts won by the US firms. Already contracts have been given for repairing New Orleans' flood levees, rebuilding naval facilities, providing temporary housing and removing debris.
King George II and queen mum
Monday, Sep 12, 2005
By John Brummett
Hurricane Katrina advanced an apparent American political truism. It is that a president might be able to hide for a term, but will be revealed inevitably if he gets to a second.
Nixon's darkness met its fate in the second term. Reagan's simplistic superficiality was laid bare in his second go-round. Iran-contra happened and he was able to contend credibly that he lacked a clue what was going on in the White House basement. Clinton's radiator actually overheated in the first term, but we didn't find out until the second.
Now we see plainly in his fifth presidential year that George W. Bush is incompetent and insensitive.
This fortunate son of privilege didn't get it, never got it, probably doesn't even really get it now - that a Third World America washed up in New Orleans, and that poor people, mostly black, felt abandoned in their own bountiful land, because, in fact, they were, as they so often are.
Roberts' record shows business savvy
Nominee often argued for companies in court
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By Robert Schroeder, MarketWatch
Last Update: 11:00 AM ET Sept. 11, 2005
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- John Roberts' record as a corporate lawyer shows the nominee for chief justice of the United States to have substantial experience arguing for business interests, representing clients from a major automobile maker to an HMO.
With only two years' experience on the federal bench, legal observers contend that the appellate judge's sparse record makes it hard to know his personal judicial beliefs. But it's clear that Roberts is well-versed in business issues and has aligned himself with commercial concerns when representing clients.
Pelosi Supports Anti-Fraud Commission on Katrina
1 comment(s).
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For Immediate Release Sept. 11, 2005
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi announced today that she supports forming an anti-fraud commission to oversee government contracts issued in response to Hurricane Katrina:
"Congress is rightly spending billions of dollars to help the people and businesses of the Gulf Coast who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. To ensure taxpayers’ money goes to those in need, not to fraudulent contractors, we must establish an independent commission to oversee government contracts for hurricane relief.
"Already we have seen despicable stories of those trying to profit off desperate Gulf Coast residents. To ensure accountability and that taxpayer money is spent efficiently and effectively, this ’anti-fraud commission’ would investigate waste and fraud in government contracting, as soon as the contracts are awarded.
`Dabhol asset transfer shortly`
Crisil Marketwire / Mumbai September 12, 2005
The transfer of assets of Dabhol Power Company will be completed by the end of September, said J Balakrishnan, executive director, Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd (IDBI).
"The transfer of the assets into the Ratnagiri Gas and Power (Pvt) Ltd is the second phase of the revival of the project," Balakrishnan said.
Details of the transfer are being worked out with the sponsors of the special purpose vehicle (SPV), GAIL and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC).
The issues relating to GE, Bechtel and other foreign lenders have been settled recently. "We have taken over the loans of those banks (that financed the project) and GE, Bechtel have already been paid off," Balakrishnan said.
Hundreds join Sheehan in rally against Iraq war
Monday, September 12, 2005
By Nate Guidry, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Shielded from the sun by a large tarpaulin, Cindy Sheehan walked to the microphone dressed in blue denim shorts and no shoes, then blasted the policies of President Bush.
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Alyssa Cwanger, Post-Gazette
Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan prepares to speak to a crowd gathered on Flagstaff Hill in Oakland last evening as part of her "Bring Them Home Now" tour.
Click photo for larger image.
"Every time Bush talks he should be removed from office," Sheehan screamed into the microphone. "None of the chicken hawks have served our country the way our children have," she continued, referring to Bush and members of his administration who support the Iraq war but did not fight in previous conflicts.
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Here’s what South Carolina’s congressional delegation says about whether the state should be able to allow drilling for gas off its coastline:
States should have the option to allow drilling