Hydraulic fracturing rare in Kentucky, but, Appalachian Forum poses questions about regulation and pollution of gas drilling (click here)
By Ivy Brashear
Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues
Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues
Geologists, professors, activists and experts came together for the Appalachian Forum on Hydraulic Fracturing last night at the University of Kentucky to discuss fracking as a means of natural-gas extraction in the state.
Kentucky gas wells usually go about 5,000 feet below the surface, much shallower than the Marcellus and Utica shale formations in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, where there has been the most controversy about hydraulic fracturing, or hydrofracking....
...The shales in Kentucky have much more clay, and that discourages hydrofracking in the state because water makes clay formations swell, inhibiting the release of gas. Instead, Kentucky drillers frack with liquid nitrogen. “Every shale well in Kentucky is fracked,” said Rick Bender, vice president of BlackRidge Resource Partners, a Lexington firm with gas wells in Ohio. “Without fracking, we couldn’t get the gas out.”...

Close call, huh, Ryan?
Heat stroke, too. A human being can be very thirsty if they are suffering from heat stroke. That is according to The Mayo Clinic.
There is support on the web for Congressman Ryan if he cares to 'commune.'
Yes anxiety (click here) can make you thirsty. When my anxiety is really high I have the same problem.
Try and calm yourself down and try and focus on something positive. The goal is to reduce your anxiety and then you should notice that you aren't so thristy anymore. Don't obsess over the anxiety because as you know that only makes it worse.
Good Luck....
Poor man. How close does he get to pushing the button on the nation's nuclear weapons?