Beck has recently stated, the DEMOCRATS are using the Stimulus Plan to buy votes and are channeling monies ONLY into sensitive areas of the USA that might not put Democrats into office in 2010.
North Carolina's legislature has only recently passed plans by Democratic Governor Bev Purdue to allocate the Stimulus funds into use in the state. This is happening across the country in many, many states. It is not channeling any monies to win vote in 2010, it is a matter of logistics and when the state legislators actually convene.
Beck's 'so called' insight is nothing but POLITICAL ENGINEERING. They are lies and nothing more.
North Carolina has Democratic and Republican legislators representing the state. It is expected, long before this legislation passed these bills, that the Republican Senator will be re-elected.
"The Beck Effect" is engineered and not anywhere close to 'the truth.' The Beck Effect is 'age old politics' that was discarded as corrupt a long time ago. Revitalizing corruption by The Tea Baggers isn't good for the country.

Governor Bev Purdue of North Carolina.
Friday, February 12, 2010
North Carolina gets $26.5M in stimulus funds for health-care IT (click title to entry - thank you)
North Carolina has received two federal recovery infusions, totaling $26.5 million, to help bring health care information online, Gov. Bev Perdue announced Friday.
The North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund, or HWTF, which Perdue earlier designated as ther lead agency coordinating the state’s health IT recovery efforts, will receive $12.9 million to facilitate information-exchange efforts at the state level. Perdue has also created the North Carolina Health Information Technology Collaborative within HWTF to develop the state’s strategic plan.
The other $13.6 million in recovery money will go to the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program, or AHEC, based in Chapel Hill, to set up a regional extension center to provide training and technical support for primary care providers using electronic health records....