Flynn is going to have to prove to the country his statements are indeed fact. There won't be anymore "Cheney Faux Campaigns" to raise the fear in the people of the USA to facilitate war.
The Democratic leadership should develop STANDARDS to measure the accuracy of intelligence in the agencies. The very disruption by Comey needs to be addressed in a way that is adhered by the USA intelligence community. The USA President has the capacity to protect the country for 90 days while the Congress receives facts to determine the status of war.
The Congress cannot be deer in the headlights when these events occur. The Congress should set STANDARDS for intelligence that leads the country into assumptions war can be carried out.
The Presidency has become too powerful and now through OCO funds can carry out war indefinitely without the benefit of the War Powers Act. The Executive Branch is out of control. The Republican Congress has stepped aside in deciding the status of war of the USA. It is precedent now. That is dangerous and should never be tolerated or allowed by looking the other way. The reason the US Congress has stepped aside by funding war with OCO is because they could become unpopular and risk the next election that it might run through their fingers.
The Democratic leadership with their caucuses should set the STANDARD for the quality of intelligence. "W" and Cheney intimidated the CIA in order for the intelligence community to come into compliance with their demand for reasons to enter war in the Middle East. The INTIMIDATION came in the way of September 11, 2001.
November 13, 2015
By Chris Whipple
...By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, (click here) then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.” “There were real plots being manifested,” Cofer’s former boss, George Tenet, told me in his first interview in eight years. “The world felt like it was on the edge of eruption. In this time period of June and July, the threat continues to rise. Terrorists were disappearing [as if in hiding, in preparation for an attack]. Camps were closing. Threat reportings on the rise.” The crisis came to a head on July 10. The critical meeting that took place that day was first reported by Bob Woodward in 2006. Tenet also wrote about it in general terms in his 2007 memoir At the Center of the Storm....
The damn bastards in the "W" administration stated, "Who would ever think terrorists would be flying jumbo jets?"
In May 2001. MAY. 2001. The CIA counterterrorism center reported, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.”
So the lies still live today that 'who would expect terrorists to fly jets?'
Iraq followed and was the enormous lie that the USA ever carried out. Iraq. The implosion of stability and the world is still paying for the USA lark into the country of Iraq. The void of power still exists today.
We now have another uncertain Executive Branch. An Executive Branch of extremists, questionable moral content and absolutely no sincere experience in protecting the USA.
Flynn is an extremist and panders to fear in his demeanor and character. He is incompetent to bring meaningful information to the intelligence community. The Democratic leadership needs to set STANDARDS of intelligence that can be respected. The STANDARDS have to be over and above the level it is now because the level that exists now can be exploited for faux threats, ie: Comey.
The Democratic leadership has to establish fool proof intelligence STANDARDS that can be a plank in the platform that will end faux threats that have previously instilled fear into the American people.
The War Powers Act have to be tightened up as well.
Rather than tolerating the side step of Congress, there should be a termination date on OCO funds when it is funding missions beyond 90 days. Those OCO funds should be terminated and absorbed into the Medicare program.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Thurgood Marshall was the first African American Justice to the Supreme Court. (click here)
This is his memorial in Annapolis, Maryland.
If Ted Cruz (click here) wants to lobby to put Clarence Thomas in the Africn American Museum he needs to seek to place Thurgood Marshal there as well.
The African American Museum is about their history in this country. There is one picture of Thurgood Marshall in the museum.
Placing any article in a museum is a costly project. if Ted Cruz wants to have an exclusive place in the museum for African American Supreme Court Justices, he should organize a non-profit and raise money for obtaining artifacts and then developing the space in the museum.
Print of Louis J. Redding and Thurgood Marshall.
Stop short changing the Justices by simply complaining; do something to make it happen that benefits the museum.
Ted Cruz should know the federal monies available to museums has been reduced over time.
This study was conducted in 2008, but, it is a good starting point for Senator Cruz.
Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice
I am proud (click here) to present Exhibiting Public Value: Government Funding for Museums in the United States, the first-ever comprehensive examination of the ways in which government at all levels support the museum sector....
This is his memorial in Annapolis, Maryland.
If Ted Cruz (click here) wants to lobby to put Clarence Thomas in the Africn American Museum he needs to seek to place Thurgood Marshal there as well.
The African American Museum is about their history in this country. There is one picture of Thurgood Marshall in the museum.
Placing any article in a museum is a costly project. if Ted Cruz wants to have an exclusive place in the museum for African American Supreme Court Justices, he should organize a non-profit and raise money for obtaining artifacts and then developing the space in the museum.
Print of Louis J. Redding and Thurgood Marshall.
Stop short changing the Justices by simply complaining; do something to make it happen that benefits the museum.
Ted Cruz should know the federal monies available to museums has been reduced over time.
This study was conducted in 2008, but, it is a good starting point for Senator Cruz.
Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice
I am proud (click here) to present Exhibiting Public Value: Government Funding for Museums in the United States, the first-ever comprehensive examination of the ways in which government at all levels support the museum sector....
Where is the lawsuit?
"Trump"s name is a known financial capacity. The name alone is marketable. Donald Trump sues everyone with a shadow of potential profit and/or defamation of the name Trump.
Where is the Trump lawsuit against "Opening Day 45?" Using persons names in any filing that has not joined the charity and/or consented to the use of their names is fraud. Where is the Justice Department?
Ohhhh, that's right, the charity removed the names so therefore it is not NECESSARY to prosecute. That is where we are in the USA. We do not litigate crimes, we accept retreating behavior as satisfactory to criminal activity. That is corruption itself. Why?
Because the scandal alone singles out this charity as one that had some kind of relationship with Trump's sons. So, if prosecution was carried out it would end this fraudulent practice.
The charity is receiving more members and donations today than a week ago. That is corruption. All a non-profit has to do is engage in a scandal and they attract people for support simply because it was receiving attention for the wrong reasons. "Opening Day 45" has violated the essence of charity by engaging in fraud. This is nonsense. An investigation and prosecution has to go forward to stop the practice of defrauding the public. There is no reason to stay within the boundaries of the law anymore.
December 21, 2016
By Allegra Kirkland
Facing scrutiny over questions of influence-peddling, (click here) Donald Trump’s eldest sons have distanced themselves from an inauguration weekend event hosted by a charity where they’re registered as directors.
Yet questions remain about how involved Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. were involved in organizing “Opening Day 45,” and whether they even still plan to attend.
An initial draft invitation obtained by TMZ highlighted some major perks for top-tier donors. Those who spent $250,000 or more would be able to meet with Trump, and those who donated $500,000 or more would receive a “multi-day hunting and/or fishing excursion” with Trump’s adult sons.
Those prizes, which offered remarkable access to the Trump family, have been stripped from a final version of the invitation released Tuesday and posted on a newly-created website for the event. Top donors will instead receive a private reception with “VIPs and celebrities associated with the event,” as well as a “multi-day outdoor excursion.”...
Where is the Trump lawsuit against "Opening Day 45?" Using persons names in any filing that has not joined the charity and/or consented to the use of their names is fraud. Where is the Justice Department?
Ohhhh, that's right, the charity removed the names so therefore it is not NECESSARY to prosecute. That is where we are in the USA. We do not litigate crimes, we accept retreating behavior as satisfactory to criminal activity. That is corruption itself. Why?
Because the scandal alone singles out this charity as one that had some kind of relationship with Trump's sons. So, if prosecution was carried out it would end this fraudulent practice.
The charity is receiving more members and donations today than a week ago. That is corruption. All a non-profit has to do is engage in a scandal and they attract people for support simply because it was receiving attention for the wrong reasons. "Opening Day 45" has violated the essence of charity by engaging in fraud. This is nonsense. An investigation and prosecution has to go forward to stop the practice of defrauding the public. There is no reason to stay within the boundaries of the law anymore.
December 21, 2016
By Allegra Kirkland
Facing scrutiny over questions of influence-peddling, (click here) Donald Trump’s eldest sons have distanced themselves from an inauguration weekend event hosted by a charity where they’re registered as directors.
Yet questions remain about how involved Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. were involved in organizing “Opening Day 45,” and whether they even still plan to attend.
An initial draft invitation obtained by TMZ highlighted some major perks for top-tier donors. Those who spent $250,000 or more would be able to meet with Trump, and those who donated $500,000 or more would receive a “multi-day hunting and/or fishing excursion” with Trump’s adult sons.
Those prizes, which offered remarkable access to the Trump family, have been stripped from a final version of the invitation released Tuesday and posted on a newly-created website for the event. Top donors will instead receive a private reception with “VIPs and celebrities associated with the event,” as well as a “multi-day outdoor excursion.”...
If there wasn't a truck into a holiday market in Europe, this story would never make the USA papers.
This is a fireworks factory. Terrorists? Are you kidding?
There is no report of a truck ramming the building. Where is the next major natural gas leak? Oh, silly me, the entire world of fracking is a major natural gas leak.
December 20, 2016
By the AP
A powerful chain-reaction explosion (click here) ripped through Mexico's best-known fireworks market on the northern outskirts of the capital Tuesday, killing at least 29 people, injuring scores more and sending a huge plume of charcoal-grey smoke billowing into the sky.
Video of the blast showed a dramatic staccato of rockets exploding in flashes of light, levelling the open-air San Pablito Market in Tultepec in Mexico State as it bustled with shoppers stocking up on fireworks to celebrate Christmas and New Year's.
Vendors' stands were reduced to piles of rubble, ash, and charred metal. It was the third devastating explosion and fire to ravage the market since 2005 and officials still have not said what caused this latest blast.
There is no report of a truck ramming the building. Where is the next major natural gas leak? Oh, silly me, the entire world of fracking is a major natural gas leak.
December 20, 2016
By the AP
A powerful chain-reaction explosion (click here) ripped through Mexico's best-known fireworks market on the northern outskirts of the capital Tuesday, killing at least 29 people, injuring scores more and sending a huge plume of charcoal-grey smoke billowing into the sky.
Video of the blast showed a dramatic staccato of rockets exploding in flashes of light, levelling the open-air San Pablito Market in Tultepec in Mexico State as it bustled with shoppers stocking up on fireworks to celebrate Christmas and New Year's.
Vendors' stands were reduced to piles of rubble, ash, and charred metal. It was the third devastating explosion and fire to ravage the market since 2005 and officials still have not said what caused this latest blast.
Crescencia Francisco Garcia said she was in the middle of the grid of stalls along with a few hundred others when the thunderous explosions began. She froze, reflexively looked up at the sky and then took off running through the smoke once she realized everyone was doing so. As she ran she saw people with burns and cuts, and lots of blood....
Who committed suicide?
Who committed suicide?
There is too much lassitude in the market to be confident about it.
Twenty five percent of the increase in the DOW after the election has to with the value of Goldman Sachs.
First explain what that is all about as it is directly related to the White House post election because it points to false confidence to INSIDER TRADING with all the Goldman Sachs appointees.
This is not the only article that speaks to this corruption. This fact Goldman Sachs is embedded into the Trump administration and the market reaction proves a very high level of corruption is expected. The markets don't care if people go to jail ultimately or that Goldman Sachs pays fines. The market only realizes the rise of stock and where in the bubble to exit for the maximum return on the money invested.
The increase in the market price for Goldman Sachs indicates two things;
- the market expects insider trading to increase value of Goldman Sachs
- the Goldman Sachs stock price is heavily dependent on government involvement
The Goldman Sachs stock is worthless without involvement in governments around the world. When looking at the structure of government anywhere there is a sure bet there is a Goldman Sachs employee, ? former employee ?, involved somewhere.
The wager is on the Goldman Sachs stock and not the stocks they invest in. Goldman Sachs model for investing is highly flawed. They make market predictions and stocks to buy and sell from day to day. The influence of Goldman Sachs is a faux confidence.
December 20, 2016
By Sam Sachs
Pesident-elect Donald Trump (click here) has yet to provide tangible assurances that he won’t use the presidency to boost his personal profits. Meanwhile, one major American bank, which doesn’t’ have to provide such assurances, is already cashing in “big league” on Trump’s win last month–an event followed by high-profile government appointments for executives of the firm.
Goldman Sachs over the past month.
The corruption is obvious and when Goldman Sach's stock is considered at the top of the bubble there will be just as many sales as purchases today. There goes the market again and there will be some lame excuse scapegoating the USA and it's citizens and the market needs a bailout.
Do you realize the numbers of morons involved in the Dow. This is gambling on inside information. It is pure speculation. Donald Trump's role in the Dow's profits is highly skeptical. The market sees Goldman Sachs inside the White House and invoking decisions, they don't see the highly turbulent "President Trump Stock." It is moronic and speaks to the lack of sincere insight in the markets. The markets have become dependent on free money and plenty of it.
The markets received an increase in Fed rates and now the markets are counting on corruption to turn profits. Do you realize how completely dysfunctional the markets are?
The Trump presidency is a parallel to the "W" presidency. "W"s presidency poured huge amounts of money into the construction sector. The national debt and deficit grew mercilessly during "W" in order create buoyancy and faux confidence.
There was a real reason for the crash of 2008. The investors of the markets these days are sheep to the corruption. The number of Goldman Sachs employees in the US government is inside influence and insider information. There is nothing else it can be called.
Trump is a fool for expertise. He reminds of the Chinese.
First explain what that is all about as it is directly related to the White House post election because it points to false confidence to INSIDER TRADING with all the Goldman Sachs appointees.
This is not the only article that speaks to this corruption. This fact Goldman Sachs is embedded into the Trump administration and the market reaction proves a very high level of corruption is expected. The markets don't care if people go to jail ultimately or that Goldman Sachs pays fines. The market only realizes the rise of stock and where in the bubble to exit for the maximum return on the money invested.
The increase in the market price for Goldman Sachs indicates two things;
- the market expects insider trading to increase value of Goldman Sachs
- the Goldman Sachs stock price is heavily dependent on government involvement
The Goldman Sachs stock is worthless without involvement in governments around the world. When looking at the structure of government anywhere there is a sure bet there is a Goldman Sachs employee, ? former employee ?, involved somewhere.
The wager is on the Goldman Sachs stock and not the stocks they invest in. Goldman Sachs model for investing is highly flawed. They make market predictions and stocks to buy and sell from day to day. The influence of Goldman Sachs is a faux confidence.
December 20, 2016
By Sam Sachs
Pesident-elect Donald Trump (click here) has yet to provide tangible assurances that he won’t use the presidency to boost his personal profits. Meanwhile, one major American bank, which doesn’t’ have to provide such assurances, is already cashing in “big league” on Trump’s win last month–an event followed by high-profile government appointments for executives of the firm.
Wall Street behemoth Goldman Sachs has seen its stock prices ascend by 33 percent since Election Day, and is responsible for the lion’s share of the gains on the Dow Jones Industrial Average over that time.
As The Hill noted on Tuesday, Goldman alone accounted for nearly a quarter of the 1,700 points the Dow has climbed since Trump’s election. The Dow is an index of stock prices from 30 major American companies.
Markets have reacted favorably to the ascendance of a billionaire real estate mogul and businessman to the White House. And Trump’s appointments of notable bankers, businessmen, and billionaires lent credence to the hopeful thinking coming from corporate America—particularly at Goldman....
Dow Jones over the past month.
Dow Jones over the past month.
Goldman Sachs over the past month.
The corruption is obvious and when Goldman Sach's stock is considered at the top of the bubble there will be just as many sales as purchases today. There goes the market again and there will be some lame excuse scapegoating the USA and it's citizens and the market needs a bailout.
Do you realize the numbers of morons involved in the Dow. This is gambling on inside information. It is pure speculation. Donald Trump's role in the Dow's profits is highly skeptical. The market sees Goldman Sachs inside the White House and invoking decisions, they don't see the highly turbulent "President Trump Stock." It is moronic and speaks to the lack of sincere insight in the markets. The markets have become dependent on free money and plenty of it.
The markets received an increase in Fed rates and now the markets are counting on corruption to turn profits. Do you realize how completely dysfunctional the markets are?
The Trump presidency is a parallel to the "W" presidency. "W"s presidency poured huge amounts of money into the construction sector. The national debt and deficit grew mercilessly during "W" in order create buoyancy and faux confidence.
There was a real reason for the crash of 2008. The investors of the markets these days are sheep to the corruption. The number of Goldman Sachs employees in the US government is inside influence and insider information. There is nothing else it can be called.
Trump is a fool for expertise. He reminds of the Chinese.
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