Testing for Covid-19 does not create new cases, it finds the current ones and there are a lot of them.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, July 13, 2020
"Defunding the Police" isn't about anarchy. It is about demilitarizing the police.
July 11, 2020
By John Hammer
The Executive Committee of the Guilford County Democratic Party (click here) recently passed a resolution calling for defunding the Greensboro Police Department.
According to the Democratic Party newsletter, the resolution was done in conjunction with Greensboro Rising.
The resolution states, “Reduce funding to the police, so they cannot buy militarized weapons to harm us and redirect funding to Crisis Intervention and Recreation Centers.”
This wish list (not a radical list of demands) has been around a long time. It needs to take shape in promoting the police policy of the future which is a return to sanity. No unarmed, non-threatening person should be treated as if a terrorist and police actions that are deadly.
Under that heading, the resolution states:
“a. Invest in mental health workers to develop an in-house, adequately funded 311 number to give residents an alternative in crisis situations to calling the police. Residents should be able to access trained crisis workers – mental health providers and social workers to de-escalate and address a situation.”
“b. Invest in more funding for organizations that act as alternatives to the police for interventions in mental health, sexual harassment, and domestic violence situations.
“c. Invest in city recreation centers, to create safe, fun and well funded spaces and full-staffed programs for our youth.
“d. Fund these programs with money that is normally spent on weapons, new cars, new policing gadgets, ATVS, segways, trainings that tell police officers to attack the public and promote the ‘Warrior Mentality,’ teargas, and rubber bullets. Fund these programs with money spent setting up check-points to shake down vulnerable people with expired plates and insurance, and money spent “preemptively” profiling Black people.”
The resolution also calls for prohibiting the use of chemical agents, sound cannons “and bullets-rubber or otherwise on groups of civilians.”
How many times does it have to happen that someone with a mental illness is treated as a criminal and dies? This death occurred in 2018. There appears to have been a cover-up. That alone is immoral and most probably illegal. So, there is the crime of killing Marcus Deon Smith add to that the cover-up that followed. It isn't as though the cops don't know this stuff is illegal, immoral and flat out wrong, it is just that they operate above The Rule of Law.
September 8, 2019
By Flint Taylor
Marcus Deon Smith (click here for the videos)
One year ago at midnight, (click here) a 38-year-old Black man named Marcus Deon Smith was wandering in and out of downtown traffic in Greensboro as the North Carolina Folk Festival concluded for the night. Smith, a beloved member of the Greensboro homeless community, was high on drugs and experiencing a mental crisis when eight Greensboro police officers attempted to deal with his obvious psychological distress. Smith, who was known as a gentle, nonviolent man, frantically pleaded with the officers, repeatedly saying, “Please help me sir,” and asking to be taken to the hospital. The officers, including two sergeants, called an ambulance, and while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, they asked Smith to get in the back of one of the police cars and told him they would take him to the hospital. Smith voluntarily entered the car, but after a short period of time of being alone with no one driving him to the hospital, he began to panic and thrash around because he wanted to get out. He tried to open the door of the car, but it was locked, so he banged his hand against the window to get the officers’ attention. Smith was not under arrest and had not committed a crime....
By John Hammer
The Executive Committee of the Guilford County Democratic Party (click here) recently passed a resolution calling for defunding the Greensboro Police Department.
According to the Democratic Party newsletter, the resolution was done in conjunction with Greensboro Rising.
The resolution states, “Reduce funding to the police, so they cannot buy militarized weapons to harm us and redirect funding to Crisis Intervention and Recreation Centers.”
This wish list (not a radical list of demands) has been around a long time. It needs to take shape in promoting the police policy of the future which is a return to sanity. No unarmed, non-threatening person should be treated as if a terrorist and police actions that are deadly.
Under that heading, the resolution states:
“a. Invest in mental health workers to develop an in-house, adequately funded 311 number to give residents an alternative in crisis situations to calling the police. Residents should be able to access trained crisis workers – mental health providers and social workers to de-escalate and address a situation.”
“b. Invest in more funding for organizations that act as alternatives to the police for interventions in mental health, sexual harassment, and domestic violence situations.
“c. Invest in city recreation centers, to create safe, fun and well funded spaces and full-staffed programs for our youth.
“d. Fund these programs with money that is normally spent on weapons, new cars, new policing gadgets, ATVS, segways, trainings that tell police officers to attack the public and promote the ‘Warrior Mentality,’ teargas, and rubber bullets. Fund these programs with money spent setting up check-points to shake down vulnerable people with expired plates and insurance, and money spent “preemptively” profiling Black people.”
The resolution also calls for prohibiting the use of chemical agents, sound cannons “and bullets-rubber or otherwise on groups of civilians.”
How many times does it have to happen that someone with a mental illness is treated as a criminal and dies? This death occurred in 2018. There appears to have been a cover-up. That alone is immoral and most probably illegal. So, there is the crime of killing Marcus Deon Smith add to that the cover-up that followed. It isn't as though the cops don't know this stuff is illegal, immoral and flat out wrong, it is just that they operate above The Rule of Law.
September 8, 2019
By Flint Taylor
Marcus Deon Smith (click here for the videos)
One year ago at midnight, (click here) a 38-year-old Black man named Marcus Deon Smith was wandering in and out of downtown traffic in Greensboro as the North Carolina Folk Festival concluded for the night. Smith, a beloved member of the Greensboro homeless community, was high on drugs and experiencing a mental crisis when eight Greensboro police officers attempted to deal with his obvious psychological distress. Smith, who was known as a gentle, nonviolent man, frantically pleaded with the officers, repeatedly saying, “Please help me sir,” and asking to be taken to the hospital. The officers, including two sergeants, called an ambulance, and while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, they asked Smith to get in the back of one of the police cars and told him they would take him to the hospital. Smith voluntarily entered the car, but after a short period of time of being alone with no one driving him to the hospital, he began to panic and thrash around because he wanted to get out. He tried to open the door of the car, but it was locked, so he banged his hand against the window to get the officers’ attention. Smith was not under arrest and had not committed a crime....
Donald John Trump is a Fake Presidetn.
To begin with, Donald John Trump is a phony. He has absolutely no experience in governing and it shows. Boy, does it show.
The countries of Germany and Denmark have far lower rates of infection and have opened their borders to surrounding countries. Germany is currently requiring students to test themselves regularly AT SCHOOL where officials can witness the test and require masks to be worn.
Lea Hammermeister, (click here) a high school junior, conducting a coronavirus test.Credit...
None of this is cheap. It is not simply opening school doors and restarting classes. The Trump administration has no clue as to the best approach for American children who are sicker than European children. That fact needs to be understood. American children, because they live in a capitalist society without the benefits in many instances of health insurance and ACCESS to health care are far sicker. The minority neighborhoods are the sickest among America's children because of segregation, lower household incomes, and ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE.
July 13, 2020
By Will Feuer
President Donald Trump (click here) tweeted last week that schools in “Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, along with many other countries” were “open with no problems.”
But young people in the U.S. are generally sicker than young people in those countries, former FDA chief Dr. Scott Gottlieb said.
About 6 million U.S. children under the age of 18 have asthma, according to the CDC, and the agency notes that Black children suffer from asthma at more than double the rate of White children....
Sweden is singing the blues because they didn't follow the same path as their European neighbors. Sweden is not doing well.
...I think where Sweden really failed (click here) was in its strategy to protect the elderly, the most vulnerable. Fifty percent of deaths have taken place in care homes. And in terms of the herd immunity, it wasn't the overall goal, but it was something that scientists predicted would happen. And we aren't seeing very high levels of antibodies in the population here. And we're also seeing more science and research suggesting that it's unclear what will happen in the future with those who do have antibodies.
MARTIN: So are Swedish leaders acknowledging that they didn't get their strategy quite right?
SAVAGE: Swedish leaders have admitted that things went wrong in terms of the death toll, specifically in elderly care homes. But I think what's important to point out here is that it's the public authorities, the scientists employed by the state - they've really been the front - the forefront of this crisis. And there wasn't a huge amount of political debate at the beginning....
The death toll was far more than anyone expected and to have the elderly effected so deeply really caused Sweden to take another look at their strategy and decide differently.
Their children were never asked to shelter at home and teachers wonder if people will die because they are conducting school. The health departments don't have the funding to keep records of sick children or school participation. Parents feel they don't have a choice in the matter as they could be caught up in legal issues if their children were to school at home. They also don't have cooperating school systems that provide for virtual learning.
Denmark with a total population less than 6 million people, including children, did not find an increase in cases after the schools opened. But, they did close and they prepared for a return of students differently than they usually do.
European countries are different from the USA. They invest in their population's health. No child has a better opportunity to health than any other child. Or education for that matter. So to be completely honest, while Europe is looking good for the most part, they are different than the USA in many ways, but, primarily in the health of the nations.
In the very early stages of the invasion of COVID-19, I stated the hospitals will help people make it through the progression of the disease. The healthier the patient the better opportunity for a good outcome. Europe has healthier people than the USA because their lifestyles are not full of stress and ill-health.
The facts remain the same. Returning American children to schools places adults as well as children at risk. If a child has asthma they should not attend in-school classes because of the risk they face in complications.
This virus spawns blood clots. While it is right to send children back to school when there is virtually no risk of contracting the virus, there are many reasons to prevent exposure to school environments in populations of people that are not seeing an eradication of the virus in their countries.
The countries of Germany and Denmark have far lower rates of infection and have opened their borders to surrounding countries. Germany is currently requiring students to test themselves regularly AT SCHOOL where officials can witness the test and require masks to be worn.

None of this is cheap. It is not simply opening school doors and restarting classes. The Trump administration has no clue as to the best approach for American children who are sicker than European children. That fact needs to be understood. American children, because they live in a capitalist society without the benefits in many instances of health insurance and ACCESS to health care are far sicker. The minority neighborhoods are the sickest among America's children because of segregation, lower household incomes, and ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE.
July 13, 2020
By Will Feuer
President Donald Trump (click here) tweeted last week that schools in “Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, along with many other countries” were “open with no problems.”
But young people in the U.S. are generally sicker than young people in those countries, former FDA chief Dr. Scott Gottlieb said.
About 6 million U.S. children under the age of 18 have asthma, according to the CDC, and the agency notes that Black children suffer from asthma at more than double the rate of White children....
Sweden is singing the blues because they didn't follow the same path as their European neighbors. Sweden is not doing well.
...I think where Sweden really failed (click here) was in its strategy to protect the elderly, the most vulnerable. Fifty percent of deaths have taken place in care homes. And in terms of the herd immunity, it wasn't the overall goal, but it was something that scientists predicted would happen. And we aren't seeing very high levels of antibodies in the population here. And we're also seeing more science and research suggesting that it's unclear what will happen in the future with those who do have antibodies.
MARTIN: So are Swedish leaders acknowledging that they didn't get their strategy quite right?
SAVAGE: Swedish leaders have admitted that things went wrong in terms of the death toll, specifically in elderly care homes. But I think what's important to point out here is that it's the public authorities, the scientists employed by the state - they've really been the front - the forefront of this crisis. And there wasn't a huge amount of political debate at the beginning....
The death toll was far more than anyone expected and to have the elderly effected so deeply really caused Sweden to take another look at their strategy and decide differently.
Their children were never asked to shelter at home and teachers wonder if people will die because they are conducting school. The health departments don't have the funding to keep records of sick children or school participation. Parents feel they don't have a choice in the matter as they could be caught up in legal issues if their children were to school at home. They also don't have cooperating school systems that provide for virtual learning.
Denmark with a total population less than 6 million people, including children, did not find an increase in cases after the schools opened. But, they did close and they prepared for a return of students differently than they usually do.
European countries are different from the USA. They invest in their population's health. No child has a better opportunity to health than any other child. Or education for that matter. So to be completely honest, while Europe is looking good for the most part, they are different than the USA in many ways, but, primarily in the health of the nations.
In the very early stages of the invasion of COVID-19, I stated the hospitals will help people make it through the progression of the disease. The healthier the patient the better opportunity for a good outcome. Europe has healthier people than the USA because their lifestyles are not full of stress and ill-health.
The facts remain the same. Returning American children to schools places adults as well as children at risk. If a child has asthma they should not attend in-school classes because of the risk they face in complications.
This virus spawns blood clots. While it is right to send children back to school when there is virtually no risk of contracting the virus, there are many reasons to prevent exposure to school environments in populations of people that are not seeing an eradication of the virus in their countries.
"Morning Papers"
The Rooster
The ship has a proud name in American History if it is in honor of Benjamin Franklin.
...She sailed in private service until she was purchased by King Louis XVI of France in early 1779 and placed under the command of John Paul Jones on 4 February. The size and armament of Duc de Duras made her roughly equivalent to half of a 64-gun ship of the line.
Jones renamed her Bon Homme Richard (usually rendered in more correct French as Bonhomme Richard) in honor of Benjamin Franklin, the American Commissioner at Paris whose Poor Richard's Almanac was published in France under the title Les Maximes du Bonhomme Richard....
Deep V Section? Isn't that where the oil is stored? You know with few sailors on
board, I imagine sabotage needs to be ruled out. Security cameras show anything?
July 12, 2020
By Artemis Moshtaghian and Theresa Waldrop
Twenty-one people (click here) were injured after an explosion and fire on board a ship at the US Naval Base in San Diego, US Navy officials said.
"Seventeen Sailors and four civilians are being treated for non-life threatening injuries at a local hospital," the US Navy said in a statement.
The sailors on the USS Bonhomme Richard had "minor injuries" from the fire and were taken to a hospital, Lt. Cmdr. Patricia Kreuzberger told CNN earlier Sunday.
The sailors are in stable condition, Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck told journalists Sunday evening.
All of the crew is off the ship and accounted for, according to a tweet from the US Pacific Fleet Naval Surface Forces Sunday afternoon....
The Rooster
The ship has a proud name in American History if it is in honor of Benjamin Franklin.
...She sailed in private service until she was purchased by King Louis XVI of France in early 1779 and placed under the command of John Paul Jones on 4 February. The size and armament of Duc de Duras made her roughly equivalent to half of a 64-gun ship of the line.
Jones renamed her Bon Homme Richard (usually rendered in more correct French as Bonhomme Richard) in honor of Benjamin Franklin, the American Commissioner at Paris whose Poor Richard's Almanac was published in France under the title Les Maximes du Bonhomme Richard....
Deep V Section? Isn't that where the oil is stored? You know with few sailors on
board, I imagine sabotage needs to be ruled out. Security cameras show anything?
July 12, 2020
By Artemis Moshtaghian and Theresa Waldrop
Twenty-one people (click here) were injured after an explosion and fire on board a ship at the US Naval Base in San Diego, US Navy officials said.
"Seventeen Sailors and four civilians are being treated for non-life threatening injuries at a local hospital," the US Navy said in a statement.
The sailors on the USS Bonhomme Richard had "minor injuries" from the fire and were taken to a hospital, Lt. Cmdr. Patricia Kreuzberger told CNN earlier Sunday.
The sailors are in stable condition, Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck told journalists Sunday evening.
All of the crew is off the ship and accounted for, according to a tweet from the US Pacific Fleet Naval Surface Forces Sunday afternoon....
"Good Night, Moon"
The last quarter
22.3 day old moon
48.5% lit
July 11, 2020
By Sophie Lewis
A newly-discovered (click here) comet is giving skywatchers quite the show during the month of July. Early risers may have already caught a glimpse of the comet Neowise as it streaks across the sky, but don't worry — some of the best viewing moments have yet to come....
...Measuring about 3 miles across, Neowise is considered a fairly large comet — providing skywatchers with a spectacular view from Earth. It's made up of material dating back to the origin of our solar system, 4.6 billion years ago, scientists said.
22.3 day old moon
48.5% lit
July 11, 2020
By Sophie Lewis
A newly-discovered (click here) comet is giving skywatchers quite the show during the month of July. Early risers may have already caught a glimpse of the comet Neowise as it streaks across the sky, but don't worry — some of the best viewing moments have yet to come....
...Measuring about 3 miles across, Neowise is considered a fairly large comet — providing skywatchers with a spectacular view from Earth. It's made up of material dating back to the origin of our solar system, 4.6 billion years ago, scientists said.
The event is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience — the comet takes about 6,800 years to complete its path around the sun, according to NASA....
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