Evacuate !!!!!!!!!!
Animals being treated after Exxon's Mayflower oil spill (click here)
...HAWK posted the following list of needed items on its page: $$$, Rubbermaid bins, vinyl gloves, dish washing gloves, surgical gowns, long plastic aprons, surgical masks, safety glasses, hard kennel cabs - all sizes, clean towels, 55 gallon trash bags, paper towels, heating pads, bottled water for volunteers and liquid Pepto Bismol...
The lesson about oil pipelines running through the USA is that while it is COST SAVING and gives faux carbon dioxide statistics, they are the worse way of transporting oil and Canadian oil sands crud. The US Senate vote was nothing but politics to buy the conservative vote. It has nothing to do with GOOD POLICY.

It is a new stark reality for the people of this neighborhood. They are now faced with chronic oil problems on their property, property devaluation and cancer dangers.
When oil is transported via train or truck there is more carbon content to the Canadian oil sands crud or any oil for that matter as the fuel for the vehicles have to be accommodated when measuring the carbon footprint. The cost increases for the companies because they have to pay for MANNED transportation. Remember, Jeb Bush said the Drone Trucks still aren't complete. He never mentioned anything about Drone Trains yet.

But, trains and trucks don't cause this kind of problem. The ability of those modes of transportation LIMIT the amount of oil spilled when there is a crash or derailment. The pipelines carry far more oil than any single train or any single truck. So, when the pipelines RUPTURE there are huge problems, both short term and long term.
“We can see oil running down the road like a river,” (click here) explains a Mayflower resident. Crude oil has leaked and this is extremely unfortunate to Mayflower, Arkansas; damaging neighborhoods, and possibly endangering Lake Conrad. The size of the spill remains unclear. Faulkner County Judge Allen Dodson said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated the spill at 84,000 gallons. The EPA and the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management did not return calls for comment.
The reason it is running like a river is because there is no real way of stopping it until the pipeline valves are closed and the the oil already in the pipeline finishes running out. That is a lot of oil. That is a valid and measurable view throughout the conservation community. That opinion is scientifically sound. So don't try to say the US Senate took a vote based in facts and good policy. It was NOTHING but pure politics with complete disregard for the safety of citizens.
That reality is THE STANDARD for the Republican Party. They chronically disregard the citizen and good policy based in FACTS to defer to Wall Street. It is called corruption. Now because the Right Wing media irritated the populous over high gas prices linked to the XL Keystone Pipeline there are Democrats that joined the symbolic vote in the US Senate. Shame on them.
September 11, 2011
Nine distinguished recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize (click here) have written to President Obama, urging him to reject the proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, saying his decision offers “a critical moment” to make good on his pledge to create a clean energy economy....

...Crude oil pipelines (click here) have become the arteries of the U.S. and Canada energy infrastructure connecting key producing regions (or PADDs). The advent of increased crude production across Canada and onshore U.S. has exploded the need for using crude oil pipelines to transport crude from production site to refining center. The increased publicity of the distressed Cushing crude oil inventories and the new U.S. crude refining margin advatange has pushed crude pipelines to the front of everyone’s minds....
By the way when lands are destroyed due to the petroleum industry, including USA public lands, the habitat is destroyed and forces populations into the neighborhoods of urban sprawl.
Pipeline System Overview: "The Jay Pipeline System" - Alabama and Florida (click here)
When it comes to stopping carbon dioxide emissions, it is up to President Obama. The promises made in elections in the past have always been turned into lies afterward. President Obama cannot allow this project to proceed. The lands of the USA have had enough pollution and it has to stop somewhere. Citizen's lives and property and their dreams are not safe with this method of destroying the climate. He has to make the right decision based in sound and measurable policy.
But, trains and trucks don't cause this kind of problem. The ability of those modes of transportation LIMIT the amount of oil spilled when there is a crash or derailment. The pipelines carry far more oil than any single train or any single truck. So, when the pipelines RUPTURE there are huge problems, both short term and long term.
“We can see oil running down the road like a river,” (click here) explains a Mayflower resident. Crude oil has leaked and this is extremely unfortunate to Mayflower, Arkansas; damaging neighborhoods, and possibly endangering Lake Conrad. The size of the spill remains unclear. Faulkner County Judge Allen Dodson said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated the spill at 84,000 gallons. The EPA and the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management did not return calls for comment.
The reason it is running like a river is because there is no real way of stopping it until the pipeline valves are closed and the the oil already in the pipeline finishes running out. That is a lot of oil. That is a valid and measurable view throughout the conservation community. That opinion is scientifically sound. So don't try to say the US Senate took a vote based in facts and good policy. It was NOTHING but pure politics with complete disregard for the safety of citizens.
That reality is THE STANDARD for the Republican Party. They chronically disregard the citizen and good policy based in FACTS to defer to Wall Street. It is called corruption. Now because the Right Wing media irritated the populous over high gas prices linked to the XL Keystone Pipeline there are Democrats that joined the symbolic vote in the US Senate. Shame on them.
September 11, 2011
Nine distinguished recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize (click here) have written to President Obama, urging him to reject the proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, saying his decision offers “a critical moment” to make good on his pledge to create a clean energy economy....
...The night you were nominated for president, you told the world that under your leadership–and working together–the rise of the oceans will begin to slow and the planet will begin to heal. You spoke of creating a clean energy economy. This is a critical moment to make good on that pledge, and make a lasting contribution to the health and well being of everyone of this planet.
In asking you to make this decision, we recognize the more than 1200 Americans who risked arrest to protest in front of the White House between August 20th and September 3rd. These brave individuals have spoken movingly about experiencing the power of nonviolence in facing authority. They represent millions of people whose lives and livelihoods will be affected by construction and operation of the pipeline in Alberta, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas....
The petroleum industry on a global basis doesn't care about people. The Gulf States received attention because of the contract they had to sign about oil spills on American lands and in American waters. But, the global focus proves otherwise. So, in the states of Oklahoma and Texas there are politicians that embrace the petroleum industry to the detriment of their lands and climate. In Alberta the land is destroyed and wildlife sacrificed to achieve extraction and poison to the climate.

...Crude oil pipelines (click here) have become the arteries of the U.S. and Canada energy infrastructure connecting key producing regions (or PADDs). The advent of increased crude production across Canada and onshore U.S. has exploded the need for using crude oil pipelines to transport crude from production site to refining center. The increased publicity of the distressed Cushing crude oil inventories and the new U.S. crude refining margin advatange has pushed crude pipelines to the front of everyone’s minds....
Pipeline System Overview: "The Jay Pipeline System" - Alabama and Florida (click here)
When it comes to stopping carbon dioxide emissions, it is up to President Obama. The promises made in elections in the past have always been turned into lies afterward. President Obama cannot allow this project to proceed. The lands of the USA have had enough pollution and it has to stop somewhere. Citizen's lives and property and their dreams are not safe with this method of destroying the climate. He has to make the right decision based in sound and measurable policy.
Toxins in Crude Oil or Released from Burning Crude Oil
Benzene - exposure causes irritation to eyes, skin, and respiratory system; dizziness; rapid heart rate; headaches; tremors; confusion; unconsciousness; anemia; cancer
Benzoapyrene - exposure causes irritation to eyes and skin, cancer, possible effects
Carbon dioxide - exposure causes dizziness, headaches, elevated blood pressure, rapid heart rate, loss of consciousness asphyxiation, coma
Carbon monoxide - exposure causes irritation to eyes, skin, and respiratory system; dizziness, confusion, headaches, nausea, weakness, loss of consciousness, asphyxiation, coma
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - exposure causes irritation to eyes and skin, cancer, possible reproductive effects, immune system effects
Toluene - exposure causes irritation to eyes, skin, respiratory system; fatigue; confusion; dizziness; headaches; memory loss; nausea; nervous system, liver, and kidney effects
Xylene - exposure causes irritation to eyes, skin, respiratory system; dizziness; confusion; change in sense of balance; nervous system gastrointestinal system, liver, kidney, and blood effects
The Abstract below is a legitimate comparison to the exposure in the petroleum industry and due to oil spills. This is Australia. The difference between the Australia studies and those regarding the USA is funding. The Australian government spends more money to investigate health effects of the industry. Do you think that might be the reason why Australia likes wind power so much?
The residents of Mayflower, Alabama need to sue ExxonMobile and not return to a home with oil contamination. Toxins are toxins. They don't change in a decade. Petroleum is highly organic causing changes to cell behavior.
September 2003 - Volume 14 - Issue 5 - pp 569-577
doi: 10.1097/01.ede.0000082001.05563.e0
Original Article