Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Milky Way. The hole has 10 solar masses and is viewed from a distance of 600 km.[10]
This entry is about the 'bottomless pit' now casually called The Global Economy and the need for a brevity that brings productive dialogue to a public still struggling to grasp their governments radical approach to failing markets.
I called on media organization to bring brevity to their 'business' sections in having commentary that is meaningful and constructive while being conducted with processes that are 'outside of the box.' I didn't intend for that entry to be considered a potential 'trap' for lesser opinion to be ridiculed by what might be considered 'expert' opinion. I meant that entry to be a call to arms, of sorts.
I'll begin this by stating I am firmly committed to the opinion that any government intervention in a private market place, as Wall Street is, is simply wrong. I do not favor a bailout of Wall Street and in that comes the reality that banks needed to be more insightful when they went like sheep over the cliff with Countrywide Financial. Before doing so. Taking that leap of faith. They should have taken a step back from the brink and insured such radical decisions with Lloyds of London. I could not be more serious.
In a world as interconnected as we live in there is a clear reality that when a pin drops in London is is heard in Brisbane. Realizing all that is 'us' and how little is simply 'me' there needs to be a reality of a dangerous 'idea' that resolve to a negative outcome will simply destroy what civilization is all about and therefore 'knee jerk' reactions to jump to hyperspace and 'allow' government to actually 'bailout' a private entity for the sake of preventing further damage is a hideous game of 'fiscal rolette.' It is simply stupid to 'allow' government 'the foothold' to rule the financial markets. It is a never ending cycle and one laced with enormous pit falls that takes control away from those best to make decisions placing 'instead' that outcome in the hands pressured by politics.
Money is not politics regardless of its demand to pay for campaigns. Money is a country's tender. It is a 'landmark' of a country's wealth and well being. Nothing to be toyed with and CERTAINLY nothing to be used in experimentation as has occurred with Western governments in recent events.
The bailout undertaken by the USA government is nothing short of incompetent and the continued dictatorship by the USA Secretary of the Treasury to the banking sector is simply outrageous. If banks feel the need to 'fill their coffers' with liquidity rather than more lending then they should proceed and seek actions against the USA Treasury Secretary in the courts of law of the USA.
There is a danger to the continued debt allowed to take shape with the bailout and it is the 'slippery slope' of that decision compounded by the decision of other governments of The West to 'throw' a nation's legal tender at 'the problem.' It is NOT the right of a democracy's leadership to simply bring about such a policy of 'infusing' banks with simply more money when that money is doomed to be worthless.
The 'idea' that the USA government is continuing to compromise the financial markets is something to be taken with brevity by all institutions, even the ones that 'faired well' in this past emergency. Why? Because there is one thing in common that can disaffect EVERYONE and that is the value of the currencies of current democracies.
Japan's Yen Posts Weekly Drop Versus Euro as U.S. Stocks Rally
By Ye Xie and Kim-Mai Cutler
Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The yen posted its first weekly decline against the euro in a month as a rally in U.S. stocks encouraged investors to buy higher-yielding assets funded by low-cost loans in Japan.
The Associated Press
Published: October 17, 2008
Frankfurt, Germany : The euro gained on the dollar Friday after Wall Street rebounded strongly overnight and Japan's market recovered from its historic fall in the previous session.
The 15-nation euro bought US$1.3490 in European morning trading, up from the US$1.3428 the night before in New York.
http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/10/17/business/EU-Euro-Dollar.phpThere comes a time when the populous of a country has to state, 'we've had enough' of reckless fiscal policy and stop this idiocy.
There are basic 'flaws' in the USA Treasury Secretary's methodology.
His 'history' of success is mediocre at best.
The 'institutions' that are still on the outside of the 'failure chain' while involved in the dynamics of 'THE PLAN' deal in liquidity. Those same firms are entering the market place to 'deal with banks' in 'handling' their 'required' debt load.
What does that mean?
There is a preference by those that are managing this enormous debt in the Executive Branch of the USA to fashion 'banks' to serve as a clearinghouse to 'preferred' Liquidity Firms. I might add that those liquidity firms exist to service the military industrial complex of the USA.
This 'bailout' isn't allowing banks to re-establish their fiscal base, they are simply diving further into debt as required in accepting funds. Albeit, the 'new debt' is supposed to be 'better debt' and therefore in the 'long run' it is supposed to have a return, but, that return is so far out on 'the curve' that the recovery won't occur for decades and not simply a short run in the marketplace.
What will occur is the 'chronic' bailout of banks until the monetary structure of any country of The West is literally worthless. All the financial markets are more than willing to 'play the game' and see how it all turns out simply because they can and literally have to because governments are simply taking over their venues of freedom of transaction. To wait and see without profound insight and damn good math realizing margins and exponential failure on those margins is to realize the longevity of this failure and the complete and abject failure of THE PLAN.
There is something to be said about The Stock Market Crash as it played out so long ago. It was decisive, harsh and OVER with little intervention except for a President to give American Labor jobs to reinfuse NOT BANKS but the 'demand side' of the market place while the infrastructure of the USA improved and its 'fiscal' worth increased at the labor of its people. The 'old' Crash provided impetus for infrastructure rebuilding and placed 'the dollar' back on its feet when the country became more valuable to its currency.
The current 'bailout' is complete stupidity. It saps the value of the dollar without a return in a short course. As a result the 'confidence' so much talked about can't possibly occur unless it is among fools without hope and willing to travel a path as it is the only one available.
The debt load by all countries of The West needs to stop escalating, currency allowed to equilibrate for this episode of 'do something.'
Any further failure of the markets will occur without intervention, while the people of The West realize their choices in government just weren't what SHOULD have occurred when illegal wars and exorbitant expenditures result as 'bandaids' to incompetency in government. People have to realize politics is not a game and sometimes requires backbone of their representation when those incompetencies becomes common place and overlooked to the resolve of which brings impeachment.
The peoples of The West, which is something that can and should be addressed by the UN Security Council, have to realize there are 'instruments' within their constitutions and 'rules of law' that are SUPPOSED to be accessed to prevent gross incompetency and there are very real reasons why. They have to realize there is good leadership and bad leadership and I can't believe I have to consider my fellow citizen to be a person to educate to the ethics and morality of government where it departs from that of religion and faith.
Fiscal policy is NOT of God. It is of competency and morality that is grossly different than simply living by the Ten Commandments and when that 'integrity' is breached there are real consequences to the outcome of the well being of fiscal infrastructure to a country.
The common Editorial to the policies of the Bush Executive Branch would simply 'brush off' as a means of identity as 'hubris.' It was far more than that and this is the result. The legislations of McCain's economic advisors were a direct 'cause' of the current attack on the monetary systems of The West. That cannot be overlooked and to allow more of the same is to allow continued compromise to the fiscal infrastructure of the USA.
There are established entities in the USA, of which Credit Unions are just one, that have come away unscathed by the incompetencies of the Bush Executive Branch and Republican policy changes. That is an extremely valuable aspect to returning 'credit' to consumers and allowing confidence in home ownership. If the recklessness with the value of the currency continues, it can be stated there is no 'safe haven' to the people of a country and the worse of this mess is still to be realized.