Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The Senate Republicans need to be charged with ethics violations and/or impeachment.

If Americans want to know what is hurting the USA Economy, it is the Republicans hurting the USA economy. The strength of the USA is it's Middle Class and this is the image the Republicans want everyone to believe is true.

The NLRB promotes Middle Class values and the solvency of those that work for a living.

But, that won't solve the immediate problems. The unions need begin to bring lawsuits against the USA Government, the individual Senators seeking to obstruct any vote and then turn to the civil courts to find other remedies.

Majority Leader Reid can even be sued to allowing obstruction without filing ethics violations or filing impeachment complaints. 

But, the civil courts can be accessed to sue companies not willing to honor the will of the citizens of the USA that work for them. Today, there was a Wall Street firm determined to sue the federal government, NOT FOR MONEY, but to dissolve legislation legally passed and signed by the President of the USA. The reason they doing that is because the Robert's Court stated corporations are the same as living, breathing citizens. 

There is power to leverage and if nothing else when individual Senators are sued and require legal representation it will put a dent in their war chests for re-elections. There are creative ways to tackle this and I suggest the Unions use every avenue legally available to them.

Start to move pension funds into Credit Unions and divest from cronies to these Senators until the US Senate feels it !!!!!!!! 

Just do it. Do it with skill and protect the pension funds, but, do it. 

May 22, 2013
Mike Hall

...The nominees—three Democrats and two Republicans— (click here) must be confirmed before August, when the term of one of the current NLRB members ends and the board will be without a quorum and unable to function.

It has nothing to do with culture. I have never heard anything so hideous in my life.

Evidently the pilot didn't know what it meant to be without Auto Pilot. He may have understood the navigation controls were shut down, but, he never expected his ON BOARD auto-throttles to disengage as well.

It was the computers. The understanding the on board computers were in operation when in fact they were directly linked to the navigation controls as well. 

Who knew?

It has absolutely nothing to do with culture. It has a lot to do with flying experience without computer direction and what exactly that means. 

South Korea is a magnificent country, a high quality democracy with a high quality of life for it's citizens. There is no oppression, cultural or otherwise. The people traveling that lost their daughters came to learn more about Americans, that is not oppression or inhibition. There are many wonderful Asian American that live in the USA and I honestly am embarrassed for them knowing the ugly remarks of the media regarding an ethnicity they know nothing about. 

July 9, 2013
By Aaron Karp

The pilot in command of Asiana Airlines Flight 214, (click here) the Boeing 777-200ER that crashed on landing at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) July 6, told investigators that he assumed the aircraft’s auto-throttles were engaged and maintaining a speed of 137 knots as the 777 came in for a landing. The aircraft’s speed dropped to just 103 knots at the time of impact....

Student Loan rate 6.8%. The USA Senate passed a stability rate of 3.4% by majority once before, but, obstructed by Senator McConnell.


July 9, 2013
by Ailsa Chang 

The Senate is planning to vote Wednesday (click here) on a plan to bring interest rates on subsidized federal student loans back down to 3.4 percent for one more year. The rate doubled on July 1 when the chamber failed to agree on a plan.

While the Senate prepares to take the issue back up, college students are left staring at several competing proposals.

This fight has been all about what's best for those students. To make that point, House Republicans recently gathered more than 100 of them to sweat and squint under the summer sun for a press conference on the Capitol steps. The guys were wrapped in wool suits and ties — most of them congressional interns plucked from offices just that afternoon....

Last year USA students paid over $50 billion US to it's government. That was more profit than any other American company in the USA.

There is a bill in Senate Appropriations regarding a longer term fix for students called, "The Higher Education Act."

July 9, 2013
by Kelly Field
Federal spending on the National Institutes of Health (click here) would increase by $307-million and the maximum Pell Grant would rise by $140, to $5,785, under an appropriations bill for the 2014 fiscal year that was approved by a Senate panel on Tuesday.

The measure, which will be taken up by the full Appropriations Committee on Thursday, would increase spending on Federal Work-Study by $50-million and on the TRIO and Gear Up college-preparatory programs by $11.7-million and $5-million, respectively. Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants would receive the same level of funds as in the 2013 budget, under a calculation that, like others in the bill, was based on pre-sequester amounts—before across-the-board spending cuts took effect in March....

I was sorry to hear about the violence and death. It would be wrong to destroy the progress being made by one time extremists.

Supporters of Morsy pray next to the headquarters of the Republican Guards in Cairo on Saturday, July 6, during the funeral of seven people killed during clashes.
There are 60 independent judicial investigations regarding the clash between members of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian military.

One of the strengths of the democratic movement in Egypt is the strength of the people expressed in peaceful demonstrations along with the Egyptian military being the backbone of the nation to move it forward. 

While the religious extremists have very violent histories in the region it is important to realize some maybe citizens of Egypt. While so many extremist organizations in the region are considered to be affiliated, that is not the case. There are citizens of Egypt with tragic pasts affiliated with extremism, but, if they are not allowed to become a part of the democracy they will be pushed to the periphery and once again be trapped in their own dilemmas. That is not the method of democracy.

Democracy has to carry the mantle of all the citizens. The democracy has to carry the mantle of the majority, but, must also pay attention to the minority as well. It is the willingness to carry the burdens of the minority that creates a productive, inclusive and peaceful nation. The Egyptian military has to consider the methods of the past of the extremists and provide a peaceful path forward in a democracy to uphold the dignity of all it's citizens. That path has to be sensitive to the potential for excluding their voices and in doing so creating victims of the new democracy. A new democracy cannot produce victims so much as engaged citizens.

If there was a profound mistake by former President Morsi it was allowing the victory to be unilateral. While he stated he was the President of all the people his administration did not reflect that. Winning an election is not about overpowering other diversities within a society, it is about leading a nation with unity and respect. 

Egypt has a proud heritage of forging peace in the region. That cannot be sacrificed to extremist demands regardless of whom holds office in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood has to go forward with political solutions to be included in the representative government of Egypt. They have to be part of the nation and not forever the angry. Former President Morsi tried to bring about that reality, however unsuccessful. The Egyptian military cannot marginalize the Muslim Brotherhood, but, assure them a part of the nation's priorities along side of peace and prosperity.

I believe the current leadership, including the new Prime Minister, is a wonderful development for Egypt. They have to reach out to all the people as well and bring about elections that will provide a productive Parliament as well as a newly elected President capable of stabilizing the nation to return an economy and begin again a peaceful nation.

The depersonalizing abortion laws seeking to replace a woman's health with the unborn fetus...

Thanks to our colleagues, (click here)who in turn have gotten the feed from , there's in the Texas House. The lawmakers are taking up legislation that would give Texas some of the toughest abortion restrictions in the country.

...forgets 'sex' has a definition beyond that of procreation. Sex can be a synonym for gender when speaking. But, most importantly sex is a healthy expression of passion, lust, affection and in marriage exclusive pleasure. Pregnancy is sometimes wanted and more often than not unwanted. Pregnancy should never be an imposition by the government on any relationship causal or carrying depth. 

Sex is healthy. The idea a pregnancy can be terminated because it is unwanted is also healthy. Women need options, not oppression.

...If you're married or thinking about getting married, at some point or another you've wondered what better sex in marriage would be like or how sex in marriage could be improved.
Keeping the sexual spark alive in a marriage or in a long-term relationship is easier said than done. However, couples who take time to cultivate and maintain healthy and satisfying sexual relations tend to be more connected with each other and do not suffer from depression, heart problems and other health maladies, experts say.
The daily routines of life — whether careers, children or financial responsibilities — challenge couples to keep alive that flame that initially brought them together. From a practical standpoint, there's less time for sex and intimacy as relationships develop and individual partners take on more responsibilities.
Furthermore, aging brings on a host of physical conditions that can affect life in the bedroom. These include sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular conditions, arthritis and rheumatism, and a host of other problems....

He wasn't wearing body armor.

He was shot point blank range and the bullet entry threw him away from Zimmerman. That is why the blood or DNA weren't on the gun.

The net is not secure for health care searches.

Wall Street has created a predatory environment on the internet

July 9, 2013

Patients searching for health-related information (click here) on the internet may find their privacy threatened, says a research letter published in a major medical journal.
Marco Huesch, a researcher at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, searched for "depression," "herpes" and "cancer" on various health-related websites and observed that the data was being tracked.
"Confidentiality is threatened by the leakage of information to third parties" through trackers on the websites themselves or on consumers' computers, he wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Should someone living with depression, herpes or cancer research his or her condition online, as an increasing number of patients are doing, these search terms might not remain private, Huesch said...

Former Governor Spitzer needs to speak to what he will do in his new job as Comptroller of New York City.

He needs to complete his petition for signatures and get on the ballot. What the media doesn't understand is that while forgiveness by voters seem important, that is not his greatest asset. His wife forgave him a long time ago and his personal journey included reflection on his shortcomings. He is qualified for the job. He needs to get on the ballot so voters have a reasonable choice.

"...I don't want to be consumed by hatred..."

July 9, 2013
...Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight broke their public silence in the 3-minute, 30-second video posted tonight. They said the support and prayers of family, friends and the public is allowing them to rebuild their lives after what Berry called "this entire ordeal.''...

Parents were on the airliner.

The parents of Wang Linjia are comforted by relatives of other students who were on Asiana Airlines Flight 214. Photo: AP

July 9, 2013
The two teenage girls (click here) came from China to visit Stanford and Google, and to spend three weeks learning American quirks and English slang at a Christian day camp in the San Fernando Valley near Los Angeles....

...Both girls were sitting near the back during Asiana Airlines' Flight 214. One - authorities won't say which - died after the tail snapped off and she apparently fell onto the tarmac. The other also ended up outside the plane, although it's unclear how, and she might have died after being run over by an airport fire truck rushing to put out the flaming jetliner. The girls' bodies were found 1.5 kilometres apart on the runway....