One reporting stated:
Minneapolis police said Floyd resisted arrest after officers responded to a forgery call Monday involving a suspect who "appeared to be under the influence."
Another reporting stated:
Floyd was arrested around 8 p.m. Monday for forgery, a non-violent crime that implies he tried to used forged documents at a nearby deli. Officers say he resisted arrest before Frazier started filming.
George Floyd had a job. He had an apartment he rented from his employer. He obviously had a low income. He may or may not have had a problem with alcoholism. He is a prime example of the racism we have to face in this country. African Americans die disproportionately from disease and during police arrests.
This reoccurrence resembles the death of Eric Garner and brings to mind questions such as, "Are these police taking the law into their own hands because they don't want to continue to respond to repeated offenses of minor crimes?"
In this case, Mr. Floyd fell to the ground while handcuffed. Mr. Floyd is a very big man. Eric Garner was a very big man. Four officers showed up. This was a method noticed in the death of Eric Garner. There were four officers involved in the Mr. Garner's death. Both Mr. Floyd and Mr. Garner are victims of racist economic oppression. That is a fact. I don't want to hear anything otherwise because COVID-19 has opened that well-kept secret. Both these men and their families live in poverty. They have no wealth to speak of and live from paycheck to paycheck. Those paychecks often don't make ends meet and the men have taken to minor crimes that never really put them in jail except at arrest.
In the case of Mr. Floyd, a Caucasian police officer not only put a knee on his neck to suffocate him but, another Caucasian police officer continually stated over and over, "Get in the car." The response by Mr. Floyd was, "I cannot move." The officer repeatedly said to get in the car while standing over Mr. Floyd while his fellow officers was postured to kill him through suffocation. Mr. Floyd was unarmed and never at any time was a threat to the officers. The officers in the case of Mr. Garner and Mr. Floyd were afraid of a big black man.
These cops are the same as the cops that took down Rodney King. They are afraid of big black men and they seek to end their lives through manipulated understandings of the law. With Mr. Floyd, he wouldn't get in the car no matter how many times he was told to do so. It didn't matter that he was dying, the cops make up a scenario to justify their murder. The cops get the idea they are above the law and justice is at their mercy.
There needs to be a moratorium on such actions by GROUPS of police officers answering to NON-VIOLENT minor ECONOMIC crimes. These men are not going to stop committing minor crimes. They don't have a choice to stop committing minor crimes. They don't have enough money to live their lives. Mr. Eric Garner is a prime example of a man trying not to make himself wealthy, but, sold single cigarettes to raise money to educate his children.
Kindly take into consider the hideous nature of the crimes Mr. Garner and Mr. Floyd committed. These are stupid laws. Elected officials need to assess the economic dynamics that are CAUSING THESE CRIMES and why these men are committing them over and over regardless of the reality they have a job and a place to live and possibly a family to support in that home. City mayors are not getting it right. Too many African American citizens are being needlessly killed by the cops. From busting down doors in civilian clothing to kneeling on a man's neck to kill him. There is no doubt in my mind George Floyd was murdered. I don't care if he was a repeat offender. An arrest of an unarmed man should NEVER end in the murder of the person being arrested. These instances are racism. It is all too obvious.
The way elected officials value their constituents has to reflect the economic suppression that is real. The elected officials need to have a plan to raise the communities up out of economic suppression. The elected officials have to demand the cops respect human life and carry no grudge of the citizens they are supposed to work to protect. The police MUST STEP BACK FROM THAT LINE THEY HAVE DRAWN ON THE STREET that provides them the right to take justice in their own hands. This is a police culture that MUST be purged from policing practice. There can be no more ambivalence to the proper behavior of the police.
This is racism and a self-righteous culture of murder.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
I don't care what kind of document manifested the Trump investigation with it's contacts with Russia, it was correct.
The author of the article is a former FBI agent. (click here) To begin, Strzok was dismissed from the Special Counsel investigation. The Special Counsel found exactly what was proposed in the Strzok memo. This mess looks more like a technicality that defense attorneys use to destroy prosecution. The content of the Special Counsel investigation is based in measurable evidence. Durham's investigation is acting as a defense attorney to unwind the charges brought by the investigation, including the Russians whose charges have already been dismissed by Barr.
May 27, 2020
By Kevin R. Brock
...Second, (click here) the Crossfire Hurricane case was opened as a Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) investigation. A FARA investigation involves a criminal violation of law — in this case, a negligent or intentional failure to register with the U.S. government after being engaged by a foreign country to perform services on its behalf — that is punishable by fines and imprisonment. It is rarely investigated....
...This, however, was no normal EC. Try as we might to spot them, those reasons are not found anywhere in the document. Despite redactions, it has been fairly well established that an Australian diplomat, Andrew Downer, met a low-level Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, in a London bar for drinks; Downer then reported the conversation, which eventually made its way to U.S. officials in London.
The Strzok EC quotes verbatim an email authored by Downer. In it, Downer claims Papadopoulos “suggested” to him that the Trump team had received “some kind of suggestion” of assistance from Russia regarding information damaging to Hillary Clinton and President Obama. In other words, a suggestion of a suggestion....
There is no hearsay in Downer's contact with Peter Strzok.
...This, despite Downer also offering two exculpatory statements in the same email: 1) It was “unclear” how the Trump campaign might have reacted to the Russian claims and 2) the Russians likely were going to do what they were going to do with the information whether anyone in the Trump campaign cooperated with them or not....
Strzok is correct, there was much that was unknown about the relationship between the Trump campaign and Russia. Just because the Trump campaign was disappointed in the focus of the Russians they met with at the Trump Tower Meeting doesn't mean there wasn't a sincere interest on the Trump Campaign to "get dirt on Clinton" from the Russians.

This is more nonsense from the Trump White House. It is an opinion paper and if this is all the evidence Durham has, then he doesn't have anything except technicalities.
I am not interested in technicalities. I am interested in protecting the USA democracy and a current administration unwilling to protect our democracy.
The meeting in the Oval Office to celebrate the firing of Former Director Comey was not reported by the Special Counsel, it was first reported by a gate camera at the White House by CNN. The arrest of Butina was a separate investigation that provided a highly corrupt universe enforced by Russian money. The threat by Trump to the USA was completely obvious when finally unearthed.
Butina and the Comey firing is only a small part of the evidence against him. As a matter in fact there was so much evidence he is impeached! He was impeached by independent investigations by the US House.
May 27, 2020
By Kevin R. Brock
...Second, (click here) the Crossfire Hurricane case was opened as a Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) investigation. A FARA investigation involves a criminal violation of law — in this case, a negligent or intentional failure to register with the U.S. government after being engaged by a foreign country to perform services on its behalf — that is punishable by fines and imprisonment. It is rarely investigated....
...This, however, was no normal EC. Try as we might to spot them, those reasons are not found anywhere in the document. Despite redactions, it has been fairly well established that an Australian diplomat, Andrew Downer, met a low-level Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, in a London bar for drinks; Downer then reported the conversation, which eventually made its way to U.S. officials in London.
The Strzok EC quotes verbatim an email authored by Downer. In it, Downer claims Papadopoulos “suggested” to him that the Trump team had received “some kind of suggestion” of assistance from Russia regarding information damaging to Hillary Clinton and President Obama. In other words, a suggestion of a suggestion....
There is no hearsay in Downer's contact with Peter Strzok.
...This, despite Downer also offering two exculpatory statements in the same email: 1) It was “unclear” how the Trump campaign might have reacted to the Russian claims and 2) the Russians likely were going to do what they were going to do with the information whether anyone in the Trump campaign cooperated with them or not....
Strzok is correct, there was much that was unknown about the relationship between the Trump campaign and Russia. Just because the Trump campaign was disappointed in the focus of the Russians they met with at the Trump Tower Meeting doesn't mean there wasn't a sincere interest on the Trump Campaign to "get dirt on Clinton" from the Russians.

This is more nonsense from the Trump White House. It is an opinion paper and if this is all the evidence Durham has, then he doesn't have anything except technicalities.
I am not interested in technicalities. I am interested in protecting the USA democracy and a current administration unwilling to protect our democracy.
The meeting in the Oval Office to celebrate the firing of Former Director Comey was not reported by the Special Counsel, it was first reported by a gate camera at the White House by CNN. The arrest of Butina was a separate investigation that provided a highly corrupt universe enforced by Russian money. The threat by Trump to the USA was completely obvious when finally unearthed.
Butina and the Comey firing is only a small part of the evidence against him. As a matter in fact there was so much evidence he is impeached! He was impeached by independent investigations by the US House.
Bertha is now downgraded to a Tropical Storm.
It is still a factor in postponing the astronaut launch by Space S. There is turbulence right offshore from the Kennedy Space Center. It is not a free-standing system. The storm offshore from Kennedy Space Center is drawing moisture from the Gulf of Mexico across Florida. That water vapor system in the Gulf of Mexico and the storm offshore off Cape Kennedy is connected to Bertha just north of the space center. That means there is oscillation in the system and it enters uncertainty with the space launch.
Left is NOAA/NESDIS/STAR GOES East Band 9 (water vapor)
27 May 2020
1826 UTC
May 27, 2020
Charlestown - Tropical Storm Bertha, (click here) which formed Wednesday morning off the South Carolina coast, becoming the second named storm before the official start of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season, made landfall near Charleston about two hours later.
Bertha surprised the South Carolina coast, forming and making landfall within two hours, bringing a poor beach day of rain and gusty winds, but no major problems....
Left is NOAA/NESDIS/STAR GOES East Band 9 (water vapor)
27 May 2020
1826 UTC
May 27, 2020
Charlestown - Tropical Storm Bertha, (click here) which formed Wednesday morning off the South Carolina coast, becoming the second named storm before the official start of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season, made landfall near Charleston about two hours later.
Bertha surprised the South Carolina coast, forming and making landfall within two hours, bringing a poor beach day of rain and gusty winds, but no major problems....
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