Men and women like McAllister have to be replaced with a Health Care Insurance system that TAKES CARE of Americans and doesn't demonize them and victimize them !
End of Discussion.
NO SYMPATHY ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Michael B. McCallister, Humana president, said, “Our industry has not done a great job of improving clarity and transparency.”
Let me make this completely clear and transparent. "...clarity and transparency...' is NOT the issue although it sounds like a good strategy to hide the truth now that the end of the corruption is near. The problem that Mr. McCallister 'doesn't get' is that his company and all those like them DENY services and puts affordable insurance out of the reach of those who find it vital to the well being of Americans.
Real simple.
The New York Times is attempting to 'soften' the image of the villans. Why? Because the New York Times IS Wall Street.
They represent THE SLIME BALLS !!!!!!