It cannot be allowed to stand! It panders to 'special interest groups' with big bank rolls, such as Halliburton and the oil companies that have never concerned themselves with the best interest of any species and have impinged upon Human Rights in places like Nigeria.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is slated to receive $15.8 million in federal stimulus money for 54 projects in Arizona, with a large portion dedicated to renewable energy projects....
The 2009 Organic Initiative is a nationwide special initiative to provide financial assistance to National Organic Program (NOP) certified organic producers as well as producers in the process of transitioning to organic production. Organic producers may also apply for assistance under general EQIP.South Dakota received over $1.1 million in funding, said NRCS State Conservationist Janet Oertly of Huron....
Thursday, May 7, 2009
BANGOR — Juan Hernandez, state conservationist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Maine, has announced that the agency has up to $1.4 million available through the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)."This program helps ensure that valuable, productive land is protected," said Hernandez. "The funds will be used to purchase conservation easements to limit conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses." NRCS will accept FRPP proposals from interested state, tribal, and local governments and non-governmental organizations until June 5. For those proposals selected for funding, NRCS will enter into an agreement to support efforts to protect soils and historical and archaeological sites. NRCS provides up to 50 percent of the appraised fair market value of the conservation easement. All funds will be awarded to the highest ranked eligible parcels through a statewide, competitive process. Additional information may be obtained online at or by contacting Programs Manager Bill Yamartino at 207-990-9553.