The more I learn about this the more I want answers. I sincerely believe there was gross misrepresentation by Romney over his role at either Bain or the Olympics or both.
If I am to believe as Romney's peers state, he was too busy with the Olympics to participate at Bain, then the SEC filings are fraud. That is a felony or worse. It is not only fraud on federal documents, it was done to misrepresent the leadership of Bain in fear of loss of investor confidence in the firm. All that is serious. If Bain worried about losing investor confidence it should have sought marketing help, not lies to the SEC.
Romney was obviously involved in the Olympics, that is why it is very difficult to set this aside. He has claimed for years, there was ONLY interest in the Olympics from 1999. Lying to the pubic for political purposes is not prosecuted, but, on a rare occasion. It is up to the other candidate to speak the truth and hopefully be heard. This is different.
This also requires an investigation, which can take time, cost and can be set aside of Romney were to be elected as in the Massachusetts Governor race. Romney relies on what the electorate 'believes' rather than truth. This is not about being believable, this is about the sincere credibility of his activities beginning in 1999. He has filed to run for very high political office including the Massachusetts Governorship. If Romney has been living a lie since 1999, there is a lot wrong, not just a little wrong.
Romney has a problem, he is a liar. Proven. It may be he has no credibility as a candidate at all. That reality cannot wait for an SEC investigation.
Presidential rivals trade charges of lying, Romeny calls for apology over 'felony' remark
Published July 13, 2012
...Obama official Stephanie Cutter (click title to entry - thank you) made the claim a Boston Globe article that said documents show Romney was in charge at Bain for three years longer than he had claimed. Cutter said Romney was either misrepresenting his position at Bain to the Securities and Exchange Commission, "which is a felony," or misrepresenting to the American people.
Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades issued a blistering statement in response.
"President Obama's campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign," Rhoades said. "President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds. Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works." ...
If the Obama Campaign doesn't carry these inconsistencies to the electorate who then will bring the truth forward? No one. The Obama Campaign knows there are people in the electorate that base their votes on the truth and the ability of a candidate to live up to the truth. It matters. They are doing their job, not making frivolous 'mind speak' rants to win votes. They know better than that. The people voting for President Obama rely on the truth as a basis of morality. This is not frivolous. Not at all. Where would the people voting based on that value system be without accurate facts coming from the Obama Campaign? I trust them. They know that. There are no apologies here. They have not inflated any aspect of this.
I don't want another Richard Cheney. I don't want another Halliburton. This is not a distraction.
The Washington Post article is not accurate, if anything it implicates him further and raises more questions.
...The SEC documents, (click here) especially the ones Romney signed, do raise some questions. One can certainly argue that because Romney did not fully extricate himself from Bain till after his Olympic sojourn ended, he should bear some responsibility for what happened in that period. But that is an entirely different matter than suggesting that he is a potential criminal. It is more of a PR problem, which the Obama campaign is trying to exploit to build a larger case that Romney is secretive....
To begin with Romney ended his activities with the Olympics before the job was done. It is written in another article Romney left the Olympic clean up to others. So, let's get that much straight. He left for more political ambitions on the coattails of the Olympics.
Then the Washington Post states there is no possibility of felony because Romney signed some kind of statement about his former employment. He was 100% stockholder. He was making decisions for the company. He had to be. Just because he stated he was a former employee doesn't absolve him from lying to the electorate he was then interested in and further more he stated HE stated; he himself stated; he left Utah to participate at Board Meetings at Bain.
He misrepresented himself to the SEC on documents he signed.
A state commission ten years ago stated he left Bain in 1999. Based on what? The document he submitted to the SEC? That is inaccurate, by his own statements that is inaccurate.
Bain then used that statement to provide a disclosure to clients as to his interest in the management of the company. You've got to be joking and here we go again!
He was 100% stockholder and he held absolutely no power or interest in the operations at Bain. "W"rong. I don't care what statement he made to the SEC, he is lying and his peers are culpable. What everyone wants the electorate to believe is that Romney is above it all. He picked up his Regatta Boat, his blonde wife and went to Utah to be noble.
They overlook the fact, he took his Regatta Boat and his Blonde wife to Utah to be CEO of the Olympics, to make a political footprint, while being 100% stockholder in a firm in Boston in case none of it worked out for his political aspirations. He was listed on the SEC forms as CEO of Bain. That is not being employed? Right.
This is not about understanding the private sector. This is the fact Romney wore the glass slipper until midnight. He was worried about everything political turning into a pumpkin and he would not have all the money he needed to tow his Regatta Boat and all the trampings for the rest of his life.
THREE YEARS. That isn't enough for a Board of Trustees to change ownership of Bain Capital?
They sure the heck did a job on every other company they bought and it sure didn't take three years.