The way she speaks to the American people is exactly who she is, genuine, forthright, and full of good ideas for taking care of this country. No bigotry or hatred. Elisabeth takes responsibility to the people seriously and very genuine. It is a pleasure to meet her.
Elissa mentioned health care. I know more now as to the strategy of CEOs illegally making profits by playing seniors for fools.
The CEOs aren’t just moving Tier One medications to Tier Four, they are removing generics completely from their formulary.
As an example, there is high demand for heart and blood pressure medications that have been around for decades. Such an example is Diltiazem CD.
This is a chart illustrating the use of Diltiazem. The average price a YEAR supply was very affordable at less than $5.00 per month. That isn’t the case anymore. Let’s say a company like Blue Cross and Blue Shield with its large numbers of subscribers pays $1.00 for every prescription filled. That isn’t not the actual cost, but, simplified to illustrate.
So, with maybe a million seniors taking Diltiazem if the CEO were to remove it from the formulary it would put at lease $1,000,000 back in the profit structure of the company. Now, if a subscriber needs their prescription refilled and it is not on the formulary they have to pay about $220.00 per month out of pocket. The company pays nothing. That isn’t probably not illegal. It is highly unethical, but, here is where it is illegal.
So the subscriber calls BCBS and is confused in why the prescription that last year had a $0.00 copay now is costing $220.00 to refill it. They are told the medication that last year was a Tier One is now a Tier Four and a 50 percent cost is shared by the company. Now, the cost is $110.00 per month.
But, the subscriber files a complaint and upon doing so is told the best that can happen is a change by one tier to Tier Three. That is illegal. The Affordable Care Act defines each tier if medication and how a cutting edge medication can be in Tier Four. But. This wasn’t on the formulary at all. That right, it wasn’t.
The complaint by the subscriber now has to be addressed by the company. So, in order to look at Diltiazem CD at all it goes into the Tier Four category as would any drug not on the formulary. That maneuver by the healthcare company removes a genetic successfully from a Tier One to a Tier Four and removes the subscribers right to a Tier One generic. It is unethical and illegal. A genetic medication as defined by the Affordable Care Act belongs in Tier One. The MANEUVER by the CEO is illegal.
What now does the subscriber do that had a 90 day supply costing $330.00 out of pocket? The subscriber turns away from BCBS and looks to online pharmacies that don’t necessary provide the same quality of medication as was the guarantees last year. So, needing the medication to stay alive the subscriber settles for an off-name generic and pays about $50.00 for a 3 month supply.
The CEO of BCBS now puts a $1,000,000 back in his pocket, cheats the subscribers out of quality generic medications, and is applauded by stockholders by an increase in return, and the CEO receives his bonus.
The maneuver is illegal and the stockholders will never know it us nor be held responsible for such a wholly violation of the subscribers human rights.
That is just one generic drug knowing there can be a potential for hundreds.
The online pharmacy is now increasing its customer list and realizing profits it normally would not receive due to corporate corruption. It could be called a cartel by common cause.
The subscriber is completely powerless to change the fact it is costing hundreds of dollars for generic medications that normally would cost nothing. “The Golden Years” are now syphoned off by health insurance companies and online pharmacies and in turn will hurt the USA economy when seniors can’t continue to the travel and recreation economy. Jobs will be lost and local economies as well as corporations will suffer. Multiply one senior traveler by a million or more and businesses will fail.
The question has to be asked, does BCBS own online pharmacies?